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User Commands						 pkg(1)

     pkg - image packaging retrieval client

     /usr/bin/pkg [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]

     /usr/bin/pkg install [-nvq] [--accept] [--licenses] [--no-index]
	 [--no-refresh] [--deny-new-be | --require-new-be] [--be-name name]
	 pkg_fmri_pattern ...
     /usr/bin/pkg uninstall [-nrvq] [--no-index]
	 [--deny-new-be | --require-new-be] [--be-name name]
	 pkg_fmri_pattern ...

     /usr/bin/pkg image-update [-fnvq] [--accept] [--be-name name]
	 [--deny-new-be | --require-new-be]
	 [--licenses] [--no-index] [--no-refresh]

     /usr/bin/pkg refresh [--full] [publisher ...]

     /usr/bin/pkg contents [-Hmr] [-a attribute=pattern ...]
	 [-o attribute ...] [-s sort_key] [-t action_type ...]
	 [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]
     /usr/bin/pkg info [-lr] [--license] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]
     /usr/bin/pkg list [-Hafnsuv] [--no-refresh] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]
     /usr/bin/pkg search [-HIaflpr] [-o attribute ...] [-s repo_uri]

     /usr/bin/pkg verify [-Hqv] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]
     /usr/bin/pkg fix [--accept] [--licenses] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]

     /usr/bin/pkg image-create [-FPUfz] [--force]
	 [--full|--partial|--user] [--zone] [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert]
	 [--no-refresh] [--variant <variant_spec>=<instance> ...]
	 [-g uri|--origin=uri ...] [-m uri|--mirror=uri ...]
	 [--facet <facet_spec>=[True|False] ...]
	 (-p|--publisher) [<name>=]<repo_uri> dir

     /usr/bin/pkg variant [-H] [<variant_spec>]
     /usr/bin/pkg change-variant [-nvq] [--accept]
	 [--deny-new-be | --require-new-be] [--be-name name]
	 [--licenses] <variant_spec>=<instance> ...

     /usr/bin/pkg facet [-H] [<facet_spec>]
     /usr/bin/pkg change-facet [-nvq] [--accept] [--be-name name]
	 [--deny-new-be | --require-new-be]
	 [--licenses] <facet_spec>=[True|False|None] ...

     /usr/bin/pkg set-property propname propvalue
     /usr/bin/pkg add-property-value propname propvalue
     /usr/bin/pkg remove-property-value propname propvalue
     /usr/bin/pkg unset-property propname ...
     /usr/bin/pkg property [-H] [propname ...]

     /usr/bin/pkg set-publisher [-Ped] [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert]
	 [-g origin_to_add|--add-origin=origin_to_add ...]
	 [-G origin_to_remove|--remove-origin=origin_to_remove ...]
	 [-m mirror_to_add|--add-mirror=mirror_to_add ...]
	 [-M mirror_to_remove|--remove-mirror=mirror_to_remove ...]
	 [-p repo_uri] [--enable] [--disable] [--no-refresh]
	 [--reset-uuid] [--non-sticky] [--sticky]
	 [--search-after=publisher] [--search-before=publisher]
	 [--set-property name_of_property=value]
	 [--add-property-value name_of_property=value_to_add]
	 [--remove-property-value name_of_property=value_to_remove]
	 [--unset-property name_of_property_to_delete]
     /usr/bin/pkg unset-publisher publisher ...
     /usr/bin/pkg publisher [-HPn] [publisher ...]

     /usr/bin/pkg history [-Hl] [-n number]
     /usr/bin/pkg purge-history

     /usr/bin/pkg rebuild-index

     /usr/bin/pkg version
     /usr/bin/pkg help

     pkg is the retrieval client for the image packaging system.  With
     a valid configuration, pkg can be invoked to create locations for
     packages to be installed, called 'images', and install packages
     into those images.	 Packages are published by publishers, who may
     make their packages available at one or more repositories.	 pkg,
     then, retrieves packages from a publisher's repository and
     installs them into an image.

     A publisher is a forward domain name that can be used to identify a
     person, group of persons, or an organization as the source of one or
     more packages.  The name of a publisher does not have to be contained
     within the URIs that identify the locations of publisher repositories.
     For example, the name of a publisher might be "", but its
     repositories may be hosted at "" or "".

     A repository is a location where clients can publish and retrieve
     package content (files contained within the package such as programs,
     documents, etc.) and metadata (information about the package such as
     its name, description, etc.).  As an example, a publisher named
     "" may have their repository located at the URI

     pkg can also uninstall packages, refresh publisher metadata (such as
     catalogs), validate package installation in an image, and query the
     image for various tokens.	These queries can also be made of pkg(5)

     Images can be of three types: full images, capable of providing a
     complete system; partial images, which are linked to a full image
     (parent image), but do not provide a complete system on their own;
     and user images, which contain only relocatable packages.	(See
     NOTES on user images.)

     pkg(1) attempts to determine, based on its working directory, in
     what image it has been invoked.  If no image metadata can be found
     in the parent directories, the invocation will fail.

     The following options are supported:

     -R dir
	  Operate on the image rooted at dir, rather than the one discovered

     --help or -?
	  Displays a usage message.

     The following subcommands are supported:

     image-create [-FPUfz] [--force] [--full|--partial|--user] [--zone]
       [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh]
       [--variant <variant_spec>=<instance> ...]
       [-g uri|--origin=uri ...] [-m uri|--mirror=uri ...]
       [--facet <facet_spec>=[True|False] ...]
       (-p|--publisher) [<name>=]<repo_uri> dir
	  Create, at location given by dir, an image suitable for package
	  operations.  The default image type is user, as given by the -U
	  (--user) option.  The image type may be set to a full image (-F
	  or --full) or to a partial image (-P or --partial) linked to the
	  full image enclosing the given dir path.  Additional origins can
	  be specified using -g or --origin, while additional mirrors can
	  be specified using -m or --mirror.

	  A package repository URI must be provided using the -p or
	  --publisher option.  If a publisher name is also provided, then
	  only that publisher will be added when the image is created.	If
	  a publisher name is not provided, then all publishers known by the
	  specified repository will be added to the image.  An attempt to
	  retrieve the catalog associated with this publisher will be made
	  following the initial creation operations.

	  For publishers using client SSL authentication, a client key and
	  client certificate may be registered via the -c and -k options,
	  and will be used for all publishers added during image creation.

	  If the image is to be run within nonglobal zone context, then
	  the -z (--zone) option can be used to set an appropriate filter.

	  With -f (--force), force the creation of an image over an existing
	  image.  This option should be used with care.

	  With --no-refresh, do not attempt to contact the repositories for
	  the image's publishers to retrieve publisher metadata (e.g.

	  With --variant, set the specified variant to the indicated value.

	  With --facet, set the specified facet to the indicated value.

     image-update [-fnvq] [--accept] [--be-name name] [--licenses]
       [--no-index] [--no-refresh] [--deny-new-be | --require-new-be]
	  Update all installed packages in the current image to the
	  latest available version.

	  With the -f option, skip safety checks.

	  With the -n option, execute the requested operation but make no
	  persistent changes to the image.

	  With the -v option, issue verbose progress messages during the
	  requested operation.	With the -q option, be completely silent.

	  With --accept, you indicate that you agree to and accept the
	  terms of the licenses of the packages that are updated or
	  installed.  If you do not provide this option, and any package
	  licenses require acceptance, the operation will fail.

	  With --be-name, rename the newly created boot environment to be the
	  argument given.  This option is only valid if a new boot environment
	  is created during image update. See also beadm(1m).

	  With --require-new-be, always create a new boot environment.

	  With --deny-new-be, disallow creation of a new boot environment;
	  the upgrade will not be performed if a new boot environment is

	  With --licenses, display all of the licenses for the packages that
	  will be installed or updated as part of this operation.

	  With --no-index, do not update the search indices after the operation
	  has completed successfully.

	  With --no-refresh, do not attempt to contact the repositories for
	  the image's publishers to retrieve publisher metadata (e.g.

     refresh [--full] [publisher ...]
	  Retrieve updates to the metadata (e.g. catalogs) for each publisher
	  specified.  When given no arguments, retrieves updates for each
	  publisher registered within the image.

	  With --full, retrieve all publisher metadata instead of attempting an
	  incremental update.

     install [-nvq] [--accept] [--licenses] [--no-index] [--no-refresh]
       [--deny-new-be | --require-new-be] [--be-name] pkg_fmri_pattern ...
     uninstall [-nrvq] [--no-index] [--deny-new-be | --require-new-be]
       [--be-name name ] be-name pkg_fmri_pattern ...
	  Install or remove the package specified by pkg_fmri_pattern or
	  matching it as a substring.  With the -n option, execute the
	  requested operation but make no persistent changes to the
	  image.  With the -v option, issue verbose progress messages
	  during the requested operation.  With the -q option, issue
	  no progress messages during the requested operation.

	  In the case of uninstall, the -r option will recursively
	  uninstall any packages that contain 'require' dependencies on
	  the initial package.	(Packages containing 'optional' or
	  'incorporate' dependencies are not included in the removal.)

	  With --accept, you indicate that you agree to and accept the
	  terms of the licenses of the packages that are updated or
	  installed.  If you do not provide this option, and any package
	  licenses require acceptance, the operation will fail.

	  With --licenses, display all of the licenses for the packages that
	  will be installed or updated as part of this operation.

	  With --no-index, do not update the search indices after the operation
	  has completed successfully.

	  With --no-refresh, do not attempt to contact the repositories for
	  the image's publishers to retrieve publisher metadata (e.g.

	  With --be-name, rename the newly created boot environment to be the
	  argument given.  This option is only valid if a new boot environment
	  is created during image update.  See also beadm(1m).

	  With --require-new-be, always create a new boot environment.	Without
	  this option, a boot environment is created automatically if needed.

	  With --deny-new-be, disallow creation of a new boot environment;
	  the operation will not be performed if a new boot environment is

     info [-lr] [--license] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]
	  Display information about packages in a human-readable form.
	  Multiple FMRI patterns may be specified; with no patterns,
	  display information on all installed packages in the image.

	  With -l, use the data available from locally installed packages.
	  This is the default.

	  With -r, retrieve the data from the repositories of the image's
	  configured publishers.  Note that you must specify one or more
	  package patterns in this case.

	  With --license, print out the license text(s) for the package.
	  This may be combined with -l or -r.

     contents [-Hmr] [-a attribute=pattern ...] [-o attribute ...]
	      [-s sort_key] [-t action_type ...] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]
	  Display the contents (action attributes) of packages in the
	  current image.  By default, only the path attribute is displayed,
	  but the attribute set may be determined with the -o option.  The
	  -o option may be specified multiple times, or multiple attributes
	  may be specified as the argument to one -o option by separating
	  the attribute names with commas.  Only actions which have the
	  requested attributes will be displayed.  The -m option may
	  also be used, as a shorthand for '-Ho action.raw'.

	  The -a option allows you to limit the output to those actions
	  which have an attribute named in the option argument the value of
	  which matches the (glob) pattern in the option argument
	  (following the attribute name with an equals sign).  If multiple
	  -a options are given, then actions matching any of them will be

	  The -s option specifies the attribute by which the listing should
	  be sorted.

	  The -t option limits the action types which will be displayed.

	  The -H option causes the headers to be omitted.

	  The -r option retrieves the requested data from the repositories
	  of the image's configured publishers.	 This option is intended
	  to be used when the named packages are not already installed.

	  With no arguments, the output includes all installed packages.
	  Alternatively, multiple FMRI patterns may be specified, which
	  restricts the display to the contents of the matching packages.
	  When using -r, one or more pkg_fmri_patterns must be specified.

	  Several special "pseudo" attribute names are available for

	  action.hash		Corresponds to the value of the action's
				hash, if the action carries a payload.

	  action.key		Corresponds to the value of the action's
				key attribute.	For example, for a file
				action, this is the path to the file.		Corresponds to the name of the action.
				For example, for a file action, this is

	  action.raw		Corresponds to the complete contents of
				the action as represented in the package
				manifest.  This corresponds to the
				lines of output of 'pkg contents -m'

	  pkg.fmri		Corresponds to the full form FMRI of the
				package containing the action, such as
				pkg://extra/virtualbox@3.0.0,5.11-0.101:20090702T175410Z		Corresponds to the name of the package
				containing the action, such as "SUNWcs"

	  pkg.publisher		Corresponds to the publisher of the
				the package containing the action, such
				as ""

	  pkg.shortfmri		Corresponds to the short form FMRI of the
				package containing the action, such as

	  The contents and search subcommands are related: both are used to
	  query the system for the contents of packages.  The contents
	  subcommand displays actions in one or more packages, filtering
	  the output based on the options chosen by the user.  The search
	  subcommand approaches the query from the other direction, looking
	  for packages which contain a user-supplied token.

	  Each subcommand is capable of formulating some queries of which
	  the other is capable.	 Care should be taken in choosing the
	  subcommand, as a given query may be more naturally formulated in
	  one than in the other.

     search [-HIaflpr] [-o attribute ...] [-s repo_uri] query
	  Search for matches to the query, and display the results.
	  Which tokens are indexed are action-dependent, but may
	  include content hashes and pathnames.	 By default, queries are
	  interpreted as a series of terms to be matched exactly.  The
	  '?' and '*' characters can be used as glob(3C)-style
	  wildcards, allowing more flexible query matches.

	  With -H, omit the headers.

	  With -I, use a case-sensitive search.

	  By default, and with -a, perform the search and display information
	  about the matching actions.

	  By default, search prunes results from packages older than the
	  currently installed version and from package versions excluded by
	  current incorporations.  Use -f to show all results, regardless of
	  package version.

	  With -l, search the image's installed packages.

	  With -o, the columns of the results may be controlled.  The
	  -o option may be specified multiple times, or multiple attributes
	  may be specified as the argument to one -o option by separating
	  the attribute names with commas.  In addition to the "pseudo"
	  attributes outlined above, more are defined for search results:

	  search.match		Corresponds to the string which matched the
				search query.

	  search.match_type	Corresponds to the attribute which contained
				the string that matched the search query.

	  With -p, display packages which have some actions that match each
	  query term.  Using this option is equivalent to putting '<>' around
	  each term  in the query.  (For a description of the '<>' operator,
	  please see below.)

	  By default, and with -r, search the repositories corresponding
	  to the image's publishers.

	  With -s, search the pkg(5) repository located at the given URI.
	  This may be specified multiple times.

	  Both -l and -r (or -s) may be specified together, in which case both
	  local and remote searches will be performed.

	  In addition to simple token matching and wildcard search, a more
	  complicated query language is supported.  Phrases may be searched for
	  by using ' or ".  Note: Please make sure to take your shell into
	  account so that pkg actually sees the ' or ".

	  Boolean search using AND and OR is supported.	 Field, or structured,
	  queries are supported. The syntax for these is
	  pkg_name:action_type:key:token.  Missing fields are implicitly
	  wildcarded.  A search for :basename:pkg would match all actions
	  types in all packages with a key of basename and which matched
	  the token 'pkg'.  Explicit wildcards are supported in the pkg_name
	  and token fields, action_type and key must match exactly.

	  To convert actions to the packages which contain those actions,
	  use '<>'.  With the -a option, Searching for 'token' results in
	  information about the actions matching token, while searching for
	  '<token>' results in a list of packages containing actions which
	  matched token.

     list [-Hafnsuv] [--no-refresh] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]
	  Display a list of packages in the current image, including
	  state and other information.	By default, package variants
	  for a different architecture or zone type are excluded.
	  The usual output is in four columns:

	    SUNWcs			      0.5.11-0.126     installed  -----
	    web/firefox/plugin/flash (extra) installed  -----

	  The first column contains the name of the package.  If the publisher
	  from which it is installed (or available, if not installed) is not
	  the preferred publisher, then the publisher name is listed in
	  parentheses after the package name.  The second column contains the
	  release and branch versions of the package (see pkg(5)).  The third
	  column contains the state of the package as it exists on the system.
	  Possible values are "installed" and "known".	The last column
	  contains a set of flags that show how the package relates to other

	      - a "u" in the "U" column shows that a newer version is
		available, although it may not be possible to install
		this newer version due to package dependencies or

	      - an "f" in the "F" column shows that this version has
		been frozen (not implemented);

	      - an "o" in the "O" column shows that it is obsolete,
		while an "r" shows that it has been renamed (a form of

	      - an "x" in the "X" column shows that it is prevented from
		being installed because some other package has excluded
		it (not implemented); and

	      - an "i" in the "I" column shows that it has been
		constrained by an incorporation (not implemented).

	  With -H, omit the headers from the listing.

	  With -a, list installed packages and the newest version of
	  packages that are available for installation.	 Packages are
	  considered to be available for installation if they are
	  allowed by the installed incorporations and by the image's
	  variants.  If one or more patterns are specified, then the
	  newest version matching the specified pattern and is also
	  allowed by any installed incorporations and the image's
	  variants will be listed.  Without -a, list only installed

	  With -f and -a, list all versions of all packages for all
	  variants regardless of incorporation constraints or installed

	  With -n, display the newest versions of all known packages,
	  regardless of installed state.

	  With -s, display a one-line short-form giving the package name
	  and description.  This option may be used with -a, -n, -u or

	  With -u, list only packages with newer versions available.

	  With -v, show full package FMRIs, including publisher and
	  complete version, all in the first column (the VERSION column
	  disappears).	This option may be used with -a, -n, or -u.

	  With --no-refresh, do not attempt to contact the repositories
	  for the image's publishers to retrieve publisher metadata (e.g.

     verify [-Hqv] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]
	  Validate the installation of packages in the current image.
	  Please note that verification of installed package content is
	  based on a custom content analysis that may return different
	  results than those of other programs.

	  With -H, omit the headers from the verification output.

	  With -q, print nothing, but return failure if there are any
	  fatal errors.

	  With -v, include informational messages regarding packages.

     variant [-H] [<variant_spec> ...]
	  Display the current values of all variants, or with arguments,
	  only the variants specified

	  With -H, omit the headers from the listing.

     change-variant [-nvq] [--accept] [--be-name name] [--licenses]
       <variant_spec>=<instance> ...
	  Change the specified variants in the current image.

	  With the -n option, plan the requested operation but make
	  no actual changes.

	  With the -v option, issue verbose progress messages during the
	  requested operation.	With the -q option, be completely silent.

	  With --accept, you indicate that you agree to and accept the
	  terms of the licenses of the packages that are updated or
	  installed.  If you do not provide this option, and any package
	  licenses require acceptance, the operation will fail.

	  With --licenses, display all of the licenses for the packages that
	  will be installed or updated as part of this operation.

	  With --be-name, rename the newly created boot environment to be the
	  argument given.  This option is only valid if a new boot environment
	  is created during image update. See also beadm(1m).

	  With --require-new-be, always create a new boot environment.	Without
	  this option, a new boot environment is only created if needed.

	  With --deny-new-be, disallow creation of a new boot environment;
	  the operation will not be performed if a new boot environment is

     facet [-H] [<facet_spec> ...]
	  Without arguments, displays the current values of all facets.	 With
	  argument(s), evaluate if each facet would be true or false and print
	  the result.

	  With -H, omit the headers from the listing.

     change-facet [-nvq] [--accept] [--be-name name] [--licenses]
       <facet_spec>=[True|False|None] ...

	  Change the specified facets in the current image.

	  With the -n option, plan the requested operation but make
	  no actual changes.

	  With the -v option, issue verbose progress messages during the
	  requested operation.	With the -q option, be completely silent.

	  With --accept, you indicate that you agree to and accept the
	  terms of the licenses of the packages that are updated or
	  installed.  If you do not provide this option, and any package
	  licenses require acceptance, the operation will fail.

	  With --licenses, display all of the licenses for the packages that
	  will be installed or updated as part of this operation.

	  With --be-name, rename the newly created boot environment to be the
	  argument given.  This option is only valid if a new boot environment
	  is created during the operation. See also beadm(1m).

	  With --require-new-be, always create a new boot environment.	Without
	  this option, a new boot environment is only created if needed.

	  With --deny-new-be, disallow creation of a new boot environment;
	  the operation will not be performed if a new boot environment is

	  Facets may be set to True or False.  Setting one to None removes
	  that facet specification from the current image.

     fix [--accept] [--licenses] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]
	  Fix any errors reported by pkg verify.  Please note that
	  verification of installed package content is based on a
	  custom content analysis that may return different results
	  than those of other programs.

	  With --accept, you indicate that you agree to and accept the
	  terms of the licenses of the packages that are updated or
	  installed.  If you do not provide this option, and any package
	  licenses require acceptance, the operation will fail.

	  With --licenses, display all of the licenses for the packages that
	  will be installed or updated as part of this operation.

     set-property propname propvalue
	  Update an existing image property or add a new image property;
	  except for preferred-publisher, which can only be changed using

     add-property-value propname propvalue
	  Add a value to an existing image property or add a new image property;
	  except for preferred-publisher, which can only be changed using

     remove-property-value propname propvalue
	  Remove a value from an existing image property; except for
	  preferred-publisher, which can only be changed using set-publisher.

     unset-property propname ...
	  Remove an existing image property or properties; except for
	  preferred-publisher, which can only be changed using

     property [-H] [propname ...]
	  Display image property information.  With no argument, display the
	  names and values for all image properties.  If a specific list of
	  property names is requested, display the names and values for those

	  With -H, omit the headers from the listing.

     set-publisher [-Ped] [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert]
       [-g origin_to_add|--add-origin=origin_to_add ...]
       [-G origin_to_remove|--remove-origin=origin_to_remove ...]
       [-m mirror_to_add|--add-mirror=mirror_to_add]
       [-M mirror_to_remove|--remove-mirror=mirror_to_remove]
       [-p repo_uri] [--enable] [--disable] [--no-refresh]
       [--reset-uuid] [--non-sticky] [--sticky]
       [--search-after=publisher] [--search-before=publisher]
       [--approve-ca-cert path_to_CA]
       [--revoke-ca-cert hash_of_CA_to_remove]
       [--unset-ca-cert hash_of_CA_to_remove]
       [--set-property name_of_property=value]
       [--add-property-value name_of_property=value_to_add]
       [--remove-property-value name_of_property=value_to_remove]
       [--unset-property name_of_property_to_delete]

	  Update an existing publisher or add an additional package
	  publisher.  If no options affecting search order are specified,
	  new publishers are appended to the search order and are thus
	  searched last.

	  With -P, set the specified publisher as the preferred
	  publisher, i.e.  first in the search order.  When installing
	  new packages, this publisher will be searched first.
	  Updates to already installed packages will come from the
	  same publisher that originally provided the package so long
	  as that publisher remains sticky.

	  With --non-sticky, specify that higher ranked publishers than
	  this one may provide updates to packages originally installed
	  from this publisher.

	  With --sticky, return to the default behavior of always sourcing
	  updates from the same publisher that provided the package originally.

	  With --search-before, alter the publisher search order so that
	  the publisher being modified is now searched before the specified

	  With --search-after, alter the publisher search order so that
	  the publisher being modified is now searched after the specified

	  With --approve-ca-cert, add the given certificate as a CA certificate
	  that is trusted.  The hashes of the user approved CA certificates are
	  listed in the output of the detailed pkg publisher view for a

	  With --revoked-ca-cert, treat the certificate with the given hash as
	  revoked.  The hashes of the user revoked CA certificates are
	  listed in the output of the detailed pkg publisher view for a

	  With --unset-ca-cert, remove the certificate with the given hash from
	  the list of approved and the list of revoked certificates.

	  With --set-property, update an existing publisher property or add a
	  new publisher property.

	  With --add-property-value, add a value to an existing publisher
	  property or add a new publisher property.

	  With --remove-property-value, remove a value from an existing
	  publisher property.

	  With --unset-property, remove an existing publisher property.

	  With -c and -k, specify client SSL certificate and key respectively.

	  With -g (--add-origin), add the URI as an origin for the given
	  publisher.  This should be the location of a package repository.

	  With -G (--remove-origin), remove the URI from the list of origins
	  for the given publisher.

	  With --no-refresh, do not attempt to contact the publisher
	  specified to retrieve its metadata (e.g. catalog).

	  With --reset-uuid, choose a new unique identifier that identifies
	  this image to its publisher.

	  With -m (--add-mirror), add the URI as a mirror for the given

	  With -M (--remove-mirror), remove the URI from the list of mirrors
	  for the given publisher.

	  With -p, retrieve publisher configuration information from the
	  specified repository URI.  If a publisher is specified, then only
	  the matching one will be added or updated.  If no publisher is
	  specified, all will be added or updated as appropriate.  This option
	  may not be combined with the -g, --add-origin, -G, --remove-origin,
	  -m, --add-mirror, -M, --remove--mirror, --disable, --enable,
	  --no-refresh, or --reset-uuid options.

	  With -e (--enable), enable the publisher; with -d (--disable), disable
	  the publisher.  A disabled publisher is not used when populating the
	  package list or in certain package operations (install, uninstall, and
	  image-update).  However, the properties for a disabled publisher can
	  still be set and viewed.  If only one publisher exists, it cannot be

     unset-publisher publisher ...
	  Remove the configuration associated with the given publisher
	  or publishers.

     publisher [-HPn] [publisher ...]
	  Display publisher information.  With no arguments, display
	  the list of all publishers, their origin URIs, and mirrors
	  in order of search preference.  If specific publishers are
	  requested, display the configuration values, including
	  mirrors, associated with those publishers.

	  With -H, omit the headers from the listing.

	  With -P, display only the preferred publisher.

	  With -n, display only enabled publishers.

     history [-Hl] [-n number]
	  Display the command history of the applicable image.

	  With -H, omit the headers from the listing.

	  With -l, display log records in long format, which, in addition to
	  the standard format, includes the outcome of the command, the time
	  the command completed, the version and name of the client used, the
	  name of the user who performed the operation, and any errors that
	  were encountered while executing the command.

	  With -n, display only the specified number of most recent entries.

	  Deletes all existing history information.

	  Rebuilds the index used by 'pkg search'. This is a recovery operation
	  not intended for general use.

	  Display a unique string identifying the version of pkg(1).  This
	  string is not guaranteed to be comparable in any fashion between

     The following properties are part of the image and may be set using
     the set-property subcommand.  The values of these properties are
     viewable with the property subcommand.

	  (string) A pathname that points to a directory where CA certs are
	  kept for SSL operations.  The format of this directory is specific
	  to the underlying SSL implementation.	 If the administrator
	  would like to use an alternate location for trusted CA
	  certificates, this value should be changed to point to a
	  different directory.	Please see the 'CApath' portions of
	  SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(3openssl) for requirements
	  about the CA directory.

	  Default value: /etc/openssl/certs

	  (boolean) If this is set to True, the package client will
	  remove the files in its content-cache when install or
	  image-update operations complete.  For image-update
	  operations, the content is removed only from the source BE.
	  When a packaging operation next occurs in the destination BE,
	  it will flush its content cache, provided this option has not
	  been changed.

	  This property may be used to keep the content-cache small on
	  systems with limited disk space, but it may cause operations
	  to take longer to complete.

	  Default value: False

	  (boolean)  Mirror-discovery tells the client to discover
	  link-local content mirrors using mDNS and DNS-SD.  If this is
	  set to True, the client will attempt to download package content
	  from mirrors it dynamically discovers.  To run a mirror that
	  advertises its content via mDNS, see pkg.mdnsd(1m).

	  Default value: False

	  (boolean)  Send the image's Universally Unique Identifier
	  (UUID) when performing network operations.  Although users may
	  disable this option, some network repositories may refuse to talk
	  to clients that do not supply a UUID.

	  Default value: True

	  (string)  Determine what checks will be performed on manifests
	  when installing a package into this image.  The final policy
	  applied to a	package depends on the combination of image policy
	  and publisher policy.	 The combination will be at least as strict
	  as the stricter of the two policies taken individually.  The
	  following are the valid values for this property.

	       Ignore signatures for all manifests.
	       Verify that all manifests with signatures are validly
	       signed, but do not require all installed packages to be
	       Require that all newly installed packages have at least
	       one valid signature.  'pkg fix' and 'pkg verify' will also
	       warn if an installed package does not have a valid
	       Follow the same requirements as 'require-signatures' but
	       also require that the strings listed in the
	       'signature-required-names' property appear as a common
	       name of the certificates used to verifiy the chains
	       of trust of the signatures.

	  (list of strings)  A list of names which must be seen as common
	  names of certificates while validating the signatures of a

	  (string)  The pathname of the directory that contains the trust
	  anchors for the image.

     The following properties are part of the image and may be set using
     the set-property option of the set-publisher subcommand.

	  (string)  This property functions identically to the image
	  property of the same name except it only applies to packages
	  from the particular publisher.

	  (list of strings)  This property functions identically to the
	  image property of the same name except it only applies to
	  packages from the particular publisher.

     Example 1:	 Create a new, full image, with publisher,
     stored at /aux0/example_root.

     $ pkg image-create -F -p \

     Example 2:	 Create a new, full image, with publisher,
     that also has an additional mirror, two additional origins and is
     stored at /aux0/example_root.

     $ pkg image-create -F -p \
	  -g \
	  -g \
	  -m \

     Example 3:	 Install the latest version of the widget package in the
     current image.

     $ pkg install application/widget

     Example 4:	 List the contents of the SUNWzfs package.  Display the
     action name, the mode of the file (if defined), the size (if defined),
     the path, and the target (if a link).  Limit the action to types dir,
     file, link, and hardlink, since specifying the attribute,
     which is available for all actions, will display a line for all
     actions, which is not desired here.

     $ pkg contents -t dir,file,link,hardlink \
	  -o,mode,pkg.size,path,target SUNWzfs
     dir   0755	       etc
     dir   0755	       etc/fs
     dir   0755	       etc/fs/zfs
     link	       etc/fs/zfs/mount			   ../../../sbin/zfs
     link	       etc/fs/zfs/umount		   ../../../sbin/zfs
     dir   0755	       etc/zfs
     dir   0755	       lib
     dir   0755	       lib/amd64
     link	       lib/amd64/
     file  0755 469616 lib/amd64/
     file  0644	 62057 lib/amd64/llib-lzfs.ln
     link	       lib/

     Example 5:	 List the contents of SUNWfirefox and SUNWthunderbird,
     limiting the display to just the package name and path attributes of
     actions whose "path" attribute ends in ".desktop" or ".png".

     $ pkg contents contents -o,path -a path=\*.desktop \
	 -a path=\*.png SUNWfirefox SUNWthunderbird
     PKG.NAME	     PATH
     SUNWfirefox     usr/lib/firefox/chrome/icons/default/default16.png
     SUNWfirefox     usr/lib/firefox/chrome/icons/default/default32.png
     SUNWfirefox     usr/lib/firefox/chrome/icons/default/default48.png
     SUNWfirefox     usr/lib/firefox/icons/document.png
     SUNWfirefox     usr/lib/firefox/icons/mozicon128.png
     SUNWfirefox     usr/lib/firefox/res/html/folder.png
     SUNWfirefox     usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop
     SUNWthunderbird usr/share/applications/thunderbird.desktop
     SUNWfirefox     usr/share/pixmaps/firefox-icon.png
     SUNWthunderbird usr/share/pixmaps/thunderbird-icon.png

     Example 6:	 Search the package database for the token "bge".

     $ pkg search bge
     basename	 file	kernel/drv/bge		pkg:/SUNWbge@0.5.11-0.79
     driver_name driver bge			pkg:/SUNWbge@0.5.11-0.79

     The token shows up in the package SUNWbge both as the basename for the
     file action representing /kernel/drv/bge and as a driver name.

     Example 7: Search for installed packages which depend on SUNWipkg.

     $ pkg search -l 'depend::SUNWipkg'
     incorporate depend SUNWipkg@0.5.11-0.111	pkg:/entire@0.5.11-0.111
     require	 depend SUNWipkg@0.5.11-0.111	pkg:/slim_install@0.1-0.111
     require	 depend SUNWipkg@0.5.11-0.111	pkg:/SUNWipkg-brand@0.5.11-0.111

     Example 8: Search for all incorporate dependencies in installed packages.

     $ pkg search -l 'depend:incorporate:'
     incorporate depend BRCMbnx@0.5.11-0.111	pkg:/entire@0.5.11-0.111
     incorporate depend BRCMbnx@0.5.11-0.111	pkg:/entire@0.5.11-0.111

     Example 9:	 Add new publisher, with a repository located at

     $ pkg set-publisher -g

     Example 10:  Add new publisher, with a secure repository
     located at, and a key and cert stored
     in the directory /root/creds:

     $ pkg set-publisher -k /root/creds/example.key \
	  -c /root/creds/example.cert -g \

     Example 11:  Add new publisher with a repository located at
     /export/repo using automatic configuration:

     $ pkg set-publisher -p file:/export/repo

     Example 12:  Add new publisher with a repository located
     at /export/repo/ using manual configuration:

     $ pkg set-publisher -g file:/export/repo

     Example 13:  Configure an image to verify all signed packages.

     $ pkg set-property signature-policy verify

     Example 14:  Configure an image to require all packages to be signed and
     the string "" has to be seen as a common name for one of
     the certificates in the chain of trust.

     $ pkg set-property signature-policy require-names

     Example 15:  Configure an image so that all packages installed from
     publisher foo must be signed.

     $ pkg set-publisher --set-property signature-policy=require-signatures

     Example 16:  Add the string "foo" to the image's list of common names that
     must be seen in a signature's chain of trust to be considered valid.

     $ pkg add-property-value signature-require-names foo

     Example 17:  Remove the string "foo" from publisher test's list of common
     names that must be seen to validate a signature.

     $ pkg set-publisher --remove-property-value signature-require-names=foo \

     Example 18:  Add the certificate stored in /tmp/example_file.pem as a
     trusted CA certificate for the publisher test.

     $ pkg set-publisher --approve-ca-cert /tmp/example_file.pem

     Example 19:  Revoke the certificate with the hash a12345 for publisher
     test, preventing it from validating any signatures for packages from test.

     $ pkg set-publisher --revoke-ca-cert a12345

     Example 20:  Make pkg forget that the certificate a12345 was ever added or
     revoked by the user.

     $ pkg set-publisher --unset-ca-cert a12345

     The following exit values are returned:

     0	   Command succeeded.

     1	   An error occurred.

     2	   Invalid command line options were specified.

     3	   Multiple operations were requested, but only some of them

     4	   No changes were made - nothing to do.

     5	   The requested operation cannot be performed on a live

     6	   The requested operation cannot be completed as the licenses
	   for the packages being installed or updated have not been

     7	   The image is currently in use by another process and cannot
	   be modified.

     A pkg(5) image can be located arbitrarily within a larger file
     system.  In the following, the token $IMAGE_ROOT is used to
     distinguish relative paths.  For a typical system installation,
     $IMAGE_ROOT is equivalent to "/".

     $IMAGE_ROOT/var/pkg	Metadata directory for a full or partial

				Metadata directory for a user image.

     Within a particular image's metadata, certain files and directories
     can contain information useful during repair and recovery.	 We use
     the token $IMAGE_META to refer to the top-level directory
     containing the metadata.  $IMAGE_META is typically one of the two
     paths given above.

     $IMAGE_META/lost+found	Location of conflicting directories and
				files moved during a package operation.

     $IMAGE_META/publisher	Contains a directory for each publisher.
				Each directory stores publisher-specific

     Other paths within the $IMAGE_META directory hierarchy are Private,
     and are subject to change.

     See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:
    | Availability		  | SUNWipkg			|
    |				  | pkg:/package/pkg		|
    | Interface Stability	  | None / Under Development	|

     pkgsend(1), pkg.depotd(1M), pkg.mdnsd(1M), glob(3C), attributes(5), pkg(5)

     The image packaging system is an under-development feature.
     Command names, invocation, formats, and operations are all subject
     to change.	 Development is hosted in the OpenSolaris community

     At present, user images are not restricted to relocatable
     packages--but they will be.

     The pkg(1) command recognizes use of the http_proxy and https_proxy
     environment variables to select a suitable HTTP or HTTPS proxy
     server.  At present, particular care is needed when using local
     repository URIs--such as http://localhost:10000/--with the
     http_proxy environment variable; this behavior may change in a
     future version of image packaging.

     At present, pkg(1), on directory removal, will move unpackaged
     contents of that directory to $IMAGE_META/lost+found.

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