XPAD man page on YellowDog

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XPAD(1)								       XPAD(1)

       xpad - A sticky notes application for GTK+ 2.0

       xpad [OPTIONS]

       A sticky notes application for GTK+ 2.0.

       -v, --version
	      Display version information.

       --help Display usage information.

       -H, --hide-old
	      Hides  preexisting pads on startup.  All pads will be hidden, so
	      unless the tray icon is present or you also specify --new,  xpad
	      will exit immediately.

       -n, --new
	      Open a new pad.

       -N, --no-new
	      Prevents xpad from making a new pad on startup.  A new pad would
	      be created if xpad is already running and is  run	 again	or  if
	      there are no old pads to load.

       -q, --quit
	      Closes all open pads and terminates the xpad processes.

       Written by Michael Terry <mike@mterry.name>.

			       January 13, 2005			       XPAD(1)

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