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XMMS2(1)							      XMMS2(1)

       xmms2 - offers a simple command-line interface to the XMMS2 daemon

       xmms2 command

       xmms2 mlib command

       xmms2 playlist command

       xmms2 coll command

       XMMS2  is a redesign of the XMMS (http://www.xmms.org) music player. It
       features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even	simultaneous!)
       user  interfaces,  both textual and graphical. All common audio formats
       are supported using plugins. On top of this, there is a flexible	 media
       library to organize your music.

       xmms2  is the official command-line interface client for XMMS2 and acts
       as a reference implementation  for  the	development  of	 new  clients.
       xmms2  is  able	to  issue  commands to control the active playlist and
       playback as well as commands to control the media library.

       The following commands effect the current XMMS2 playlist.

       xmms2 includes many commands that allow the user to execute actions  on

	      These commands are currently recognized:

       add [playlist] url...
	      Adds URL(s) to playlist or the active playlist.

       addarg [playlist] url arguments
	      Adds an URL to playlist or the active playlist, with arguments.

       addid [playlist] medialib_id...
	      Adds  song(s) to playlist or the active playlist using its Media
	      Library ID.

       addpls [playlist] url
	      Adds a playlist in a file to playlist or the active playlist.

       insert [playlist] pos url
	      Adds a URL to playlist or the  active  playlist  at  a  specific

       insertid [playlist] pos medialib_id
	      Adds  a  song  to	 playlist or the active playlist at a specific
	      position using its Media Library ID.

       radd [playlist] directory
	      Adds a directory of songs recursively to playlist or the	active

       clear [playlist]
	      Clears all entries from playlist or the active playlist.

       shuffle [playlist]
	      Places  the songs in playlist or the active playlist in a random

       sort property
	      Sort the active  playlist	 based	on  metadata  from  the	 Media
	      Library.	The metadata which is used for the sorting is based on
	      what was given for property.  An overview of the media  library,
	      and  the potential properties, can be found in the MEDIA LIBRARY
	      section of this manual page.

       sort playlist properties
	      Sort playlist based on metadata from the Media Library. Separate
	      the properties with a spaces.

       remove [playlist] playlist_position
	      Removes a song from playlist or the active playlist at the posi‐
	      tion given by playlist_position.

       list [playlist]
	      Lists the contents of playlist or the active playlist. An expla‐
	      nation  of  how  to change the output format can be found in the
	      FILES section of this manual page.

       play   Starts playback of the playlist.

       stop   Stops playback of the playlist.

	      Toggles playback status between play/pause

       pause  Pauses playback of the playlist.

       next   Skips to the next song in the playlist.

       prev   Skips to the previous song in the playlist.

       seek [+ / -]seconds
	      Seeks to a specific position in the currently playing song.  The
	      way  in  which  seek moves in the file is based on the arguments
	      passed to it. If + is used xmms2 will seek  seconds  forward  in
	      the  song. If - is used xmms2 will seek seconds backwards in the
	      song. If merely a number of seconds is given xmms2 will seek  to
	      that absolute position in the song.

       jump [+ / -]playlist_position
	      Jumps  to playlist_position in the playlist or playlist_position
	      forward/backward if + or - is specified.

       move [playlist] playlist_position new_position
	      Moves the song at playlist position to the position  denoted  by
	      new_position in playlist or the active playlist.

       volume channel volume
	      Sets the volume of channel to volume.

	      Lists the volume for each channel.

       mlib   Allows  for  the manipulation of the Media Library. The signifi‐
	      cance of the sub-commands of mlib can  be	 found	in  the	 MEDIA
	      LIBRARY section of this manual page.

	      Allows  for  the	manipulation of playlists. The significance of
	      the sub-commands of playlist can be found in the	PLAYLIST  sec‐
	      tion of this manual page.

       coll   Allows  for the manipulation of collections. The significance of
	      this sub-commands of coll can be found in the  COLLECTIONS  sec‐
	      tion of this manual page.

       browse url
	      Lists the contents of url in a list of encoded urls.

       status Gives a live status of the currently playing song.

       info [id]
	      Gives  the  metadata  archived  by  the  Media Library for Media
	      Library id id or the currently playing song.

       current [pattern]
	      Gives some summary of the currently playing song's meta data.  A
	      pattern  can  be	specified in the form "${album} - ${tracknr}".
	      Please be aware of your shells substitution features.

       config config_key [=] value
	      Sets config_key to value on xmms2d(8).

	      Lists all the configuration values of XMMS2.

	      Prints a list of the plugins being used by XMMS2.

       stats  Retrieves the uptime and version from XMMS2.

       quit   Makes xmms2d(8) quit.

       help   Prints a concise overview of all commands offered by xmms2.

       XMMS2 stores metadata about every song in the Media Library.   One  can
       retrieve	 data  from the Media Library using the mlib command of xmms2.
       The Media Library is an SQL database which is created and  accessed  by
       use  of	the  sqlite  library.	xmms2  mlib includes many commands for
       manipulating and retrieving data from the Media Library.

	      The following mlib commands are currently recognized:

       add url
	      Adds a URL to the Media Library but not to the current playlist.
	      The Media Library also fetches associated metadata for the added

	      Load all songs in the Media Library into the current playlist.

       searchadd pattern
	      Searches the Media Library for songs that match pattern criteria
	      and adds them to the current playlist.

       search pattern
	      Searches	and  returns a list of songs in the Media Library that
	      match pattern.

	      For example one could execute:

	      xmms2 mlib search artist:Dismantled

	      The result of which would be that all songs by Dismantled in the
	      Media Library would be listed.

       addpath path
	      Adds all songs in directory path into the Media Library.

       rehash Force the Media Library to check whether its data is up to date.

       remove id
	      Removes a song from the Media Library with the id id.

       setstr id key value [source]
	      sets  a  string  Media  Library  property with key key and value
	      value for song with ID id.  Optionally a source can be  supplied
	      with   the   source   argument.	If   no	  source   is  defined
	      client/xmms2-cli will be used.

       setint id key value [source]
	      Sets a string Media Library property  with  key  key  and	 value
	      value  for song with ID id.  Optionally a source can be supplied
	      with  the	  source   argument.   If   no	 source	  is   defined
	      client/xmms2-cli will be used.

       rmprop id key [source]
	      Removes properties from the Media Library entry with id and with
	      key key and optionally source source.

       addcover file id
	      Add a cover image for id(s) id.

       The Media Library allows for any	 variety  of  keys  (sometimes	called
       properties) to be stored within. There is no set list of available keys
       but rather the Media Library can store any variety of different values.
       For  this  reason  it is difficult to give a complete list of available
       keys but some examples are:

       url    The path to the song in url

       added  The time in seconds since UTC 00:00:00, 1 Jan 1970 that the song
	      was added to the Media Library

       mime   The MIME type of the song in the Media Library

       lmod   The last time in seconds since UTC 00:00:00, 1 Jan 1970 that the
	      song was modified

	      The last time the song was played

	      The number of times the song was played

	      The length of the song in milliseconds

	      The bitrate of the song in bps

       album  The name of the album the song is on

       artist The name of the artist that produced the song

       title  The title of the song

	      The track number of the song

       {album, artist, track}_id
	      MusicBrainz ID numbers for the song

       XMMS2 has support for playlists which is tightly coupled	 with  XMMS2's
       Collections  system.  Playlist  manipulation  is	 accessible  with  the
       playlist command of xmms2.  xmms2 playlist includes many	 commands  for
       manipulating and retrieving data about playlists.

	      The following playlist commands are currently recognized:

       list   Lists all currently available playlists.

       create [playlistname]
	      Create a new playlist named playlistname.

       type [playlistname] [type]
	      Sets  type  of  the  playlist  named  playlistname to type type.
	      Descriptions of the available types can be found	later  in  the
	      PLAYLIST section of this manual page.

       load [playlistname]
	      Load a playlist specified by playlistname from the Media Library

       remove [playlistname]
	      Remove  a	 playlist  specified  by  playlistname	from the Media

       XMMS2 currently supports	 three	types  of  playlists,  each  of	 these
       playlists  has  a  number of attributes which can be set using the coll
       attr command described in the COLLECTIONS section of this manual	 page.
       The available playlist types are:

       list   A simple list of medialib ids.  The list has one attribute:

       jumplist	 which	is  the name of a playlist to jump to when the list is

       queue  A static playlist which supports a fixed length  playlist	 where
	      songs  are  removed  as  they  are  played.   The	 queue has two

       jumplist which is the name of a playlist to jump to when the  queue  is

       history	which is the number of played entries to keep before beginning
       to remove them

	      A playlist which picks a configurable number  of	songs  from  a
	      collection at random.  The pshuffle has three attributes:

       jumplist	 which	is the name of a playlist to jump to when the pshuffle
       is finished. A pshuffle playlist only finishes when the collection from
       which  new  songs  are  pulled dries up, for instance when filtering on
       timesplayed < 1

       history which is the number of played entries to keep before  beginning
       to remove them

       upcoming	 which	is  the	 number	 of  unplayed  entries	to show in the

       XMMS2 includes an extremely powerful method for querying and  selecting
       music  from  the Media Library called Collections. Some of the features
       of collections are made accessible via the xmms2	 client.   xmms2  coll
       includes	 many commands for manipulating and retrieving data about Col‐

	      The following coll commands are currently recognized:

       save [collname] [pattern]
	      Save the pattern pattern as a Collection named collname

       rename [oldname] [newname]
	      Rename a Collection from oldname to newname.

       list [namespace]
	      List all Collections, or if namespace  is	 specified  list  only
	      collections in the Collections or Playlists namespace.

       query [collname] [order]
	      Retrieve	information  about  all	 media in the Collection named
	      collname ordered by order

       queryadd [collname] [order]
	      Add all media from the Collection collname ordered by  order  to
	      the active playlist

       find [mid] [namespace]
	      Find  all collections in namespace that include the media refer‐
	      enced by mid

       get [collname]
	      Display information about the Collection collname

       remove [collname]
	      Remove the collection referenced by collname

       attr [collname] [attr] [val]
	      Set or get an attribute of name attr to value val on  Collection

       xmms2  sometimes	 requires that the namespace of a Collection be speci‐
       fied in collname.  This is done by prepending either Playlists/ or Col‐
       lections/ to the beginning of the Collection name. If not specified the
       namespace defaults to Collections.

       $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/xmms2/clients/cli.conf				    or
       $HOME/Library/xmms2/clients/cli.conf	      or	   $HOME/.con‐
	      A configuration file containing basic configuration  values  for
	      xmms2,  including	 the output format used by the list and status

	      The URL path to xmms2d.

	      The path where the xmms2 configuration files are located See IPC
	      SOCKET  in  xmms2d(8)  for  details  of possible values for this

       xmms2d(8), http://xmms2.xmms.org

       The XMMS2 Project was started by Tobias Rundström and  Anders  Gustafs‐
       son.  It	 is developed with their lead by a small group of contributors
       from all over the world.

       This manual page was  written  by  Alexander  Botero-Lowry  <alex@foxy‐


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