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XBATTERY(1)		   Linux Programmer's Manual		   XBATTERY(1)

       xbattery - display Advanced Power Management (APM) BIOS information

       xbattery [ ... ]

       xbattery	 puts up an X window that displays the remaining battery life.
       A simple strip gauge shows the remaining battery power, and  the	 color
       shows battery status.  When power goes low or critical, the whole gauge
       flashes. When charging is completed, the gauge also  flashes.  Clicking
       on  the	gauge pops up a textual status window, and will stop it flash‐

       xbattery integrates well into fvwm's button box, and should behave sim‐
       ilarly in other window manager's equivalents.

       In  addition  to	 standard Xt options, the following options are avail‐

       -highColor color
	      The color of the bar when the battery status is high.   Defaults
	      to "green". (*highColor)

       -lowColor color
	      The  color  of the bar when the battery status is low.  Defaults
	      to "orange". (*lowColor)

       -criticalColor color
	      The color of the	bar  when  the	battery	 status	 is  critical.
	      Defaults to "red". (*criticalColor)

       -chargingColor color
	      The  color of the bar when the battery is charging.  Defaults to
	      "blue".  (*chargingColor)

       -update delay
	      Sets the number of seconds delay between each update.  When  the
	      battery  status  is  low	or  critical, the status is checked 10
	      times faster, at most  once  per	second.	 The  default  is  20.

       -criticalLevel level
	      Set  the level at which the battery is deemed critical. Although
	      apm provides a critical status level, there is generally	insuf‐
	      ficient  time for you to do anything before a BIOS enforced sus‐
	      pend or shutdown is imposed. You can  set	 a  higher  percentage
	      with this flag. If you set a lower percentage than apm considers
	      critical, this level is ignored. The default is  0.  (*critical‐

       -flash delay
	      Sets  the	 number	 of milliseconds between flashes. The gauge is
	      flashed whenever the status goes low  or	critcal,  or  charging
	      completes. The default is 250. (*flash)

       -orientation orientation
	      Sets  the orientation of the gauge. Defaults to vertical. (*ori‐


       This program was written by Nathan Sidwell (nathan@acm.org) and may  be
       freely  distributed  under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
       There is ABSOLUTELY NO WARANTY for this program.

       apm(1), xapm(1), apmd(8)

				  1 Mar 1999			   XBATTERY(1)
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