VIMDOT man page on Pidora

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VIMDOT(1)							     VIMDOT(1)

       vimdot - Combined text editor and dot viewer

       vimdot [file]

       vimdot  is  a simple script which launches the gvim or vim editor along
       with a GUI window showing the dot output of the edited file.   The  dot
       output  window  automatically  refreshes everytime the file is saved in
       the editor.

       If no filename is given, vimdot will use 'noname.gv' and initialise  it
       with an example graph to get you started.

       The  GUI	 window	 (provided by "dot -Txlib") supports zooming using the
       mouse scroll-wheel, and panning by holding the  scroll-wheel  down  and

       vim(1), dot(1)

       vimdot was written by John Ellson <>

       This  manual  page  was	written	 by  David  Claughton  <dave@eclectic‐>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others).

				 Jan 31, 2010			     VIMDOT(1)

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