UUIDGEN man page on Manjaro

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UUIDGEN(1)			 User Commands			    UUIDGEN(1)

       uuidgen - create a new UUID value

       uuidgen [options]

       The uuidgen program creates (and prints) a new universally unique iden‐
       tifier (UUID) using the libuuid(3) library.  The new UUID  can  reason‐
       ably  be considered unique among all UUIDs created on the local system,
       and among UUIDs created on other systems in the past and in the future.

       There are two types of UUIDs which  uuidgen  can	 generate:  time-based
       UUIDs  and random-based UUIDs.  By default uuidgen will generate a ran‐
       dom-based UUID if a high-quality random number  generator  is  present.
       Otherwise,  it  will choose a time-based UUID.  It is possible to force
       the generation of one of these two UUID types by using  the  -r	or  -t

       -r, --random
	      Generate	a  random-based UUID.  This method creates a UUID con‐
	      sisting mostly of random bits.  It requires that	the  operating
	      system  have  a  high  quality  random number generator, such as

       -t, --time
	      Generate a time-based UUID.  This method creates a UUID based on
	      the system clock plus the system's ethernet hardware address, if

       -h, --help
	      Display help text and exit.

       -V, --version
	      Display version information and exit.

       OSF DCE 1.1

       uuidgen was written by Andreas Dilger for libuuid.


       The uuidgen command is part of the util-linux package and is  available
       from ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/util-linux/.

util-linux			   June 2011			    UUIDGEN(1)

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