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SNMPDF(1)			   Net-SNMP			     SNMPDF(1)

       snmpdf - display disk space usage on a network entity via SNMP

       snmpdf [COMMON OPTIONS] [-Cu] AGENT

       snmpdf  is  simply  a  networked version of the typical df command.  It
       checks  the  disk  space	 on  the  remote  machine  by  examining   the
       HOST-RESOURCES-MIB's hrStorageTable or the UCD-SNMP-MIB's dskTable.  By
       default, the hrStorageTable is preferred as it typically contains  more
       information.   However,	the  -Cu  argument  can be passed to snmpdf to
       force the usage of the dskTable.

       AGENT identifies a target SNMP agent, which is instrumented to  monitor
       the  gievn objects.  At its simplest, the AGENT specification will con‐
       sist of a hostname or an IPv4 address.  In this situation, the  command
       will  attempt  communication with the agent, using UDP/IPv4 to port 161
       of the given target host. See the snmpcmd(1) manual  page  for  a  full
       list of the possible formats for AGENT.

       See  the snmpd.conf(5) manual page on setting up the dskTable using the
       disk directive in the snmpd.conf file.

	       Please see snmpcmd(1) for a list of possible values for	COMMON
	       OPTIONS as well as their descriptions.

       -Cu     Forces  the command to use dskTable in mib UCD-SNMP-MIB instead
	       of the default to determine the storage information. Generally,
	       the  default use of hrStorageTable in mib HOST-RESOURCES-MIB is
	       preferred because it typically contains more information.

       % snmpdf -v 2c -c public localhost

       Description	 size (kB)	   Used	   Available Used%
       /		   7524587	2186910	     5337677   29%
       /proc			 0	      0		   0	0%
       /etc/mnttab		 0	      0		   0	0%
       /var/run		   1223088	     32	     1223056	0%
       /tmp		   1289904	  66848	     1223056	5%
       /cache		    124330	   2416	      121914	1%
       /vol			 0	      0		   0	0%
       Real Memory	    524288	 447456	       76832   85%
       Swap Space	   1420296	 195192	     1225104   13%

       snmpd.conf(5), snmp.conf(5)

V5.7.2				  25 Jul 2003			     SNMPDF(1)

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