SGML2INFO man page on Slackware

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SGML2INFO(1)							  SGML2INFO(1)

       sgml2info - create GNU info output from a LinuxDoc DTD SGML source file

       sgml2info [generic-option...]  file[.sgml]

       sgml2info is an old and obsoleted form of the info converter command of
       LinuxDoc-Tools.	It is recommended to switch the new form  linuxdoc  -B
       info  now.   This  converts a LinuxDoc DTD SGML source file to GNU info
       format.	Output will appear in where file is the name of  the
       SGML source file.

       The attribute/value pair "output=info" is set for conditionals.

       sgml2info accepts all the generic options described in linuxdoc(1).

       file   specifies the SGML source file, named either file or file.sgml

       Many files and executables in /usr/share/linuxdoc-tools are used.

       Originally written by Christian Schwarz <>, Greg
       Hankins <>, Cees de Groot  <>.
       Currently  maintained by Taketoshi Sano <> for Linuxdoc-

       linuxdoc(1),  sgml2html(1),  sgml2latex(1),  sgml2lyx(1),  sgml2rtf(1),
       sgml2txt(1), sgmlcheck(1).

				  16 May 2000			  SGML2INFO(1)
                             _         _         _ 
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                         __ | | __ __ | | __ __ | | __  
                         \ \| |/ / \ \| |/ / \ \| |/ /  
                          \ \ / /   \ \ / /   \ \ / /   
                           \   /     \   /     \   /    
                            \_/       \_/       \_/ 
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