RMAIL man page on Slackware

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RMAIL(8)							      RMAIL(8)

       rmail - handle remote mail received via uucp

       rmail [-D domain] [-T] user ...

       Rmail   interprets  incoming  mail  received  via  uucp(1),  collapsing
       ``From'' lines in the form generated by	mail.local(8)  into  a	single
       line of the form ``return-path!sender'', and passing the processed mail
       on to sendmail(8).

       Rmail is explicitly designed for use with uucp and sendmail.

       -D     Use the specified	 domain	 instead  of  the  default  domain  of

       -T     Turn on debugging.

       uucp(1), mail.local(8), sendmail(8)

       The rmail program appeared in 4.2BSD.

       Rmail should not reside in /bin.

			 $Date: 2001/04/03 01:53:16 $		      RMAIL(8)
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