PVDISPLAY man page on Pidora

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       pvdisplay - display attributes of a physical volume

       pvdisplay  [-c|--colon]	[-d|--debug]  [-h|-?|--help] [--ignorelocking‐
       failure]	 [--maps]  [--nosuffix]	 [-s|--short]  [--units	 hsbkmgtHKMGT]
       [-v[v]|--verbose	 [--verbose]]  [--version] [PhysicalVolumePath [Physi‐

       pvdisplay  --columns   |	  -C   [--aligned]   [-a|--all]	  [-d|--debug]
       [-h|-?|--help]	[--ignorelockingfailure]  [--noheadings]  [--nosuffix]
       [-o|--options [+]Field[,Field]] [-O|--sort [+|-]Key1[,[+|-]Key2[,...]]]
       [--separator  Separator]	 [--unbuffered]	 [--units  hHbBsSkKmMgGtTpPeE]
       [-v[v]|--verbose [--verbose]] [--version]  [PhysicalVolumePath  [Physi‐

       pvdisplay allows you to see the attributes of one or more physical vol‐
       umes like size, physical extent size, space used for the	 volume	 group
       descriptor area and so on.

       pvs  (8)	 is  an	 alternative that provides the same information in the
       style of ps (1).

       See lvm for common options and pvs for options given with --columns.

       -c, --colon
	      Generate colon separated output for easier parsing in scripts or
	      programs.	  N.B. pvs (8) provides considerably more control over
	      the output.

	      The values are:

	      * physical volume device name
	      * volume group name
	      * physical volume size in kilobytes
	      * internal physical volume number (obsolete)
	      * physical volume status
	      * physical volume (not) allocatable
	      * current number of logical volumes on this physical volume
	      * physical extent size in kilobytes
	      * total number of physical extents
	      * free number of physical extents
	      * allocated number of physical extents

       -s, --short
	      Only display the size of the given physical volumes.

       -m, --maps
	      Display the mapping of physical extents to logical  volumes  and
	      logical extents.

       --columns | -C
	      Display  output  in columns, the equivalent of pvs (8).  See pvs
	      (8) for a description of other options with this form of	pvdis‐

       lvm(8), pvcreate(8), lvcreate(8), vgcreate(8)

Sistina Software UK    LVM TOOLS 2.02.86(2) (2011-07-08)	  PVDISPLAY(8)

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