PTAINTERPOLATE man page on Pidora

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       PTAInterpolate - Interpolate intermediate images between stereo photos.

       PTAInterpolate script_file [param2]

       PTAInterpolate Interpolate intermediate images between stereo photos.

       Description: This program is an enhanced version of Helmut Dersch's
       original PTInterpolate program.	PTInterpolate's source code was never
       released, so this program was written from scratch.  It is believed
       that this program should function as a substitute for the original
       PTInterpolate program in most circumstances.  Enhancements to the orig‐
       inal PTInterpolate program include:

       1. When used with the accompanying source code in the original distri‐
       bution, the output is in TIFF format, not PSD (with an incorrect exten‐

       2. The output files produced by this program include a numeric value
       indicating the amount of the interplation position between left and
       right images

       3. If no valid "i" lines are included in script, then this program tri‐
       angulates the c lines, and ovrewrites the script file


	 PTAInterpolate script.txt [param2]

       Where "param2" is either an image index (0=left, 1=right) to be used
       when triangulating, or a filename prefix to be used when interpolating.


       Max Lyons, January 2007. Panorama Tools was originally created by Pro‐
       fessor Helmut Dersch.

2.9.18				  2009-05-01		     PTAINTERPOLATE(1)

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