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LVCREATE(8)							   LVCREATE(8)

       lvcreate - create a logical volume in an existing volume group

       lvcreate	 [--addtag  Tag]  [--alloc  AllocationPolicy]  [-a|--available
       y|n|ey|en|ly|ln]	  [-A|--autobackup    y|n]    [-C|--contiguous	  y|n]
       [-d|--debug] [-h|-?|--help] [--noudevsync] [--ignoremonitoring] [--mon‐
       itor  {y|n}]  [-i|--stripes   Stripes   [-I|--stripesize	  StripeSize]]
       {-l|--extents LogicalExtentsNumber[%{VG|PVS|FREE}] |
	-L|--size  LogicalVolumeSize[bBsSkKmMgGtTpPeE]}	 [-M|--persistent y|n]
       [--minor	  minor]   [-m|--mirrors   Mirrors   [--nosync]	  [--mirrorlog
       {disk|core|mirrored}]   [--corelog]  [-R|--regionsize  MirrorLogRegion‐
       Size]]	 [-n|--name    LogicalVolumeName]    [-p|--permission	 r|rw]
       [-r|--readahead	ReadAheadSectors|auto|none]  [-t|--test]  [--type Seg‐
       mentType] [-v|--verbose] [-Z|--zero y|n] VolumeGroupName	 [PhysicalVol‐

       lvcreate {-l|--extents LogicalExtentsNumber[%{VG|FREE|ORIGIN}] |
	-L|--size  LogicalVolumeSize[bBsSkKmMgGtTpPeE]} [-c|--chunksize Chunk‐
       Size] [--noudevsync] [--ignoremonitoring] [--monitor  {y|n}]  -n|--name
       SnapshotLogicalVolumeName  {{-s|--snapshot} OriginalLogicalVolumePath |
       [-s|--snapshot] VolumeGroupName -V|--virtualsize VirtualSize}

       lvcreate creates a new logical volume in a volume group	(  see	vgcre‐
       ate(8), vgchange(8) ) by allocating logical extents from the free phys‐
       ical extent pool of that volume group.  If there are  not  enough  free
       physical	 extents  then	the  volume  group can be extended ( see vgex‐
       tend(8) ) with other physical volumes or by reducing  existing  logical
       volumes	of this volume group in size ( see lvreduce(8) ). If you spec‐
       ify one or more PhysicalVolumes, allocation of physical extents will be
       restricted to these volumes.
       The second form supports the creation of snapshot logical volumes which
       keep the contents of the original logical volume for backup purposes.

       See lvm for common options.

       -a, --available y|n|ey|en|ly|ln
	      Controls the availability of the Logical Volumes	for  immediate
	      use after the command finishes running.  By default, new Logical
	      Volumes are activated automatically (-ay).  If  it  is  possible
	      technically,  -an	 will  leave  the new Logical Volume inactive.
	      But for example, snapshots can only be  created  in  the	active
	      state  so	 -an  cannot  be  used	with --snapshot.  Normally the
	      --zero n argument has to be supplied too	because	 zeroing  (the
	      default behaviour) also requires activation.  If clustered lock‐
	      ing is enabled, -aey will activate exclusively on one  node  and
	      -aly will activate only on the local node.

       -c, --chunksize ChunkSize
	      Power of 2 chunk size for the snapshot logical volume between 4k
	      and 512k.

       -C, --contiguous y|n
	      Sets or resets the contiguous allocation policy for logical vol‐
	      umes.  Default  is no contiguous allocation based on a next free

       -i, --stripes Stripes
	      Gives the number of stripes.  This is equal  to  the  number  of
	      physical volumes to scatter the logical volume.

       -I, --stripesize StripeSize
	      Gives  the  number  of  kilobytes	 for  the  granularity	of the
	      StripeSize must be 2^n (n = 2 to 9) for metadata in LVM1 format.
	      For  metadata  in	 LVM2  format, the stripe size may be a larger
	      power of 2 but must not exceed the physical extent size.

       -l, --extents LogicalExtentsNumber[%{VG|PVS|FREE|ORIGIN}]
	      Gives the number of logical extents to allocate for the new log‐
	      ical  volume.   The number can also be expressed as a percentage
	      of the total space in the Volume Group with the suffix %VG, as a
	      percentage  of the remaining free space in the Volume Group with
	      the suffix %FREE, as a percentage of the	remaining  free	 space
	      for  the	specified  PhysicalVolume(s)  with the suffix %PVS, or
	      (for a snapshot) as a percentage of the total space in the  Ori‐
	      gin Logical Volume with the suffix %ORIGIN.

       -L, --size LogicalVolumeSize[bBsSkKmMgGtTpPeE]
	      Gives  the  size to allocate for the new logical volume.	A size
	      suffix of K for kilobytes, M for megabytes, G for	 gigabytes,  T
	      for terabytes, P for petabytes or E for exabytes is optional.
	      Default unit is megabytes.

       --minor minor
	      Set the minor number.

       -M, --persistent y|n
	      Set to y to make the minor number specified persistent.

       -m, --mirrors Mirrors
	      Creates  a  mirrored  logical  volume  with Mirrors copies.  For
	      example, specifying "-m 1" would result in a  mirror  with  two-
	      sides; that is, a linear volume plus one copy.

	      Specifying  the  optional	 argument --nosync will cause the cre‐
	      ation of the mirror to skip the initial resynchronization.   Any
	      data  written afterwards will be mirrored, but the original con‐
	      tents will not be copied.	 This is useful for skipping a	poten‐
	      tially  long  and	 resource  intensive  initial sync of an empty

	      The optional argument --mirrorlog specifies the type of  log  to
	      be  used.	 The default is disk, which is persistent and requires
	      a small amount of storage space, usually on  a  separate	device
	      from  the	 data  being mirrored.	Using core means the mirror is
	      regenerated by copying the data from the first device again each
	      time  the	 device is activated, for example, after every reboot.
	      Using "mirrored" will create a persistent	 log  that  is	itself

	      The  optional  argument  --corelog  is equivalent to --mirrorlog

       -n, --name LogicalVolumeName
	      The name for the new logical volume.
	      Without this option a default names of "lvol#" will be generated
	      where # is the LVM internal number of the logical volume.

	      Disable  udev  synchronisation.  The  process  will not wait for
	      notification from udev.  It will continue	 irrespective  of  any
	      possible udev processing in the background.  You should only use
	      this if udev is not running or has rules that ignore the devices
	      LVM2 creates.

       --monitor y|n
	      Start  or avoid monitoring a mirrored or snapshot logical volume
	      with dmeventd, if it is installed.  If a device used by a	 moni‐
	      tored  mirror  reports  an  I/O  error,  the  failure is handled
	      according to mirror_image_fault_policy and mirror_log_fault_pol‐
	      icy set in lvm.conf.

	      Make  no	attempt	 to interact with dmeventd unless --monitor is

       -p, --permission r|rw
	      Set access permissions to read only or read and write.
	      Default is read and write.

       -r, --readahead ReadAheadSectors|auto|none
	      Set read ahead sector count of this logical volume.  For	volume
	      groups  with  metadata  in  lvm1	format,	 this  must be a value
	      between 2 and 120.  The default value is "auto" which allows the
	      kernel  to  choose  a  suitable  value automatically.  "None" is
	      equivalent to specifying zero.

       -R, --regionsize MirrorLogRegionSize
	      A mirror is divided into regions of this size (in MB),  and  the
	      mirror  log  uses this granularity to track which regions are in

       -s, --snapshot
	      Create a snapshot logical volume (or snapshot) for an  existing,
	      so  called  original logical volume (or origin).	Snapshots pro‐
	      vide a 'frozen image' of the contents of the  origin  while  the
	      origin  can still be updated. They enable consistent backups and
	      online recovery of removed/overwritten data/files. The  snapshot
	      does  not	 need  the same amount of storage the origin has. In a
	      typical scenario, 15-20% might be enough. In case	 the  snapshot
	      runs  out	 of  storage,  use lvextend(8) to grow it. Shrinking a
	      snapshot is supported by lvreduce(8) as well.  Run  lvdisplay(8)
	      on  the snapshot in order to check how much data is allocated to
	      it.  Note that a small amount of the space you allocate  to  the
	      snapshot	is  used to track the locations of the chunks of data,
	      so you should allocate slightly more  space  than	 you  actually
	      need  and monitor the rate at which the snapshot data is growing
	      so you can avoid running out of space.

       --type SegmentType
	      Create a logical volume that uses	 the  specified	 segment  type
	      (e.g. "raid5", "mirror", "snapshot").  Many segment types have a
	      commandline switch alias that will enable their use  (-s	is  an
	      alias for --type snapshot).  However, this argument must be used
	      when no existing commandline switch alias is available  for  the
	      desired  type,  as  is  the  case with "error", "zero", "raid4",
	      "raid5", or "raid6".

       -V, --virtualsize VirtualSize
	      Create a sparse device of the given  size	 (in  MB  by  default)
	      using  a	snapshot.   Anything  written  to  the	device will be
	      returned when reading from it.  Reading from other areas of  the
	      device will return blocks of zeros.  It is implemented by creat‐
	      ing a hidden virtual device of the requested size using the zero
	      target.  A suffix of _vorigin is used for this device.

       -Z, --zero y|n
	      Controls zeroing of the first KB of data in the new logical vol‐
	      Default is yes.
	      Volume will not be zeroed if read only flag is set.
	      Snapshot volumes are zeroed always.

	      Warning: trying to mount an unzeroed logical  volume  can	 cause
	      the system to hang.

       "lvcreate  -i  3	 -I  8 -L 100M vg00" tries to create a striped logical
       volume with 3 stripes, a stripesize of 8KB and a size of 100MB  in  the
       volume  group  named  vg00.  The	 logical volume name will be chosen by

       "lvcreate -m1 -L 500M vg00" tries to create  a  mirror  logical	volume
       with  2	sides  with  a	useable size of 500 MiB.  This operation would
       require 3 devices - two for the mirror devices and  one	for  the  disk

       "lvcreate  -m1  --mirrorlog core -L 500M vg00" tries to create a mirror
       logical volume with 2 sides with a useable size of 500 MiB.  This oper‐
       ation would require 2 devices - the log is "in-memory".

       "lvcreate --size 100m --snapshot --name snap /dev/vg00/lvol1"
       creates a snapshot logical volume named /dev/vg00/snap which has access
       to the contents of the original logical volume named /dev/vg00/lvol1 at
       snapshot	 logical  volume creation time. If the original logical volume
       contains a file system, you can mount the snapshot logical volume on an
       arbitrary  directory  in order to access the contents of the filesystem
       to run a backup while the original filesystem continues to get updated.

       "lvcreate --virtualsize 1T --size 100M --snapshot --name sparse vg1"
       creates a sparse device named /dev/vg1/sparse of size  1TB  with	 space
       for just under 100MB of actual data on it.

       "lvcreate -L 64M -n lvol1 vg00 /dev/sda:0-7 /dev/sdb:0-7"
       creates	a  linear  logical  volume "vg00/lvol1" using physical extents
       /dev/sda:0-7 and /dev/sdb:0-7 for allocation of extents.

       "lvcreate --type raid5 -L 5G -i 3 -I 64 -n my_lv vg00"
       creates a 5GiB RAID5 logical volume "vg00/my_lv", with 3 stripes	 (plus
       a parity drive for a total of 4 devices) and a stripesize of 64kiB.

       lvm(8), vgcreate(8), lvremove(8), lvrename(8) lvextend(8), lvreduce(8),
       lvdisplay(8), lvscan(8)

Sistina Software UK LVM TOOLS 2.02.88(2)-RHEL5 (2013-06-25)	   LVCREATE(8)

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