ICONV man page on OpenSuSE

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ICONV(1)		       Debian GNU/Linux			      ICONV(1)

       iconv - Convert encoding of given files from one encoding to another

       iconv -f encoding [-t encoding] [inputfile]...

       The iconv program converts the encoding of characters in inputfile, or
       from the standard input if no filename is specified, from one coded
       character set to another. The result is written to standard output
       unless otherwise specified by the --output option.

       --from-code, -f encoding
	      Convert characters from encoding.

       --to-code, -t encoding
	      Convert characters to encoding. If not specified the encoding
	      corresponding to the current locale is used.

       --list, -l
	      List known coded character sets.

       -c     Omit invalid characters from output.

       --output, -o file
	      Specify output file (instead of stdout).

       --silent, -s
	      Suppress warnings, but not errors.

	      Print progress information.

       --help, -?
	      Give help list.

	      Give a short usage message.

       --version, -V
	      Print program version.

       The values permitted for --from-code and --to-code can be listed by the
       iconv --list command, and all combinations of the listed values are
       supported. Furthermore the following two suffixes are supported:

	      When the string "//TRANSLIT" is appended to --to-code,
	      transliteration is activated.  This means that when a character
	      cannot be represented in the target character set, it can be
	      approximated through one or several similarly looking

	      When the string "//IGNORE" is appended to --to-code, characters
	      that cannot be represented in the target character set will be
	      silently discarded.

       iconv was written by Ulrich Drepper as part of the GNU C Library.

       This man page was written by Joel Klecker <espy@debian.org>, for the
       Debian GNU/Linux system.

3rd Berkeley Distribution	     lenny			      ICONV(1)

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