DOVEADM-KICK man page on Pidora

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DOVEADM-KICK(1)			    Dovecot		       DOVEADM-KICK(1)

       doveadm-kick - Disconnect users by user name and/or IP address

       doveadm [-Dv] kick [ -a anvil_socket_path] [-f] user
       doveadm [-Dv] kick [ -a anvil_socket_path] [-f] ip[/mask]
       doveadm [-Dv] kick [ -a anvil_socket_path] [-f] user ip[/mask]

       doveadm's kick  command is used to disconnect users by user name and/or
       the ip address, from which they are connected.

       In the first form, all users, whose login name matches the  user	 argu‐
       ment, will be disconnected.

       In  the	second form, all users, connected from the given IP address or
       network range, will be disconnected.

       In the last form, only users connected from the	given  IP  address  or
       networks range and a matching login name will be disconnected.

       Global doveadm(1) options:

       -D     Enables verbosity and debug messages.

       -v     Enables verbosity, including progress counter.

       Command specific options:

       -a anvil_socket_path
	      This  option  is used to specify an absolute path to an alterna‐
	      tive UNIX domain socket.

	      By  default  doveadm(1)  will  use  the  socket	/var/run/dove‐
	      cot/anvil.  The socket may be located in another directory, when
	      the  default  base_dir  setting  was  overridden	in  /etc/dove‐

       -f     Enforce the disconnect, even when there are multiple users, from
	      different networks, connected to a single process.  This	option
	      may be only required when you have configured something like:

	      service imap {
		client_limit = 1+n
		service_count = 0

	      ip  or  ip/mask is the host or network, from which the users are

       user   Is a user's login name.  Depending on the configuration, a login
	      name  may	 be  for  example jane or  It's also
	      possible to use '*' and '?' wildcards (e.g. -u *

       If you don't want to disconnect all users at once, you can check	 who's
       currently  logged in.  The first example demonstrates how to disconnect
       all users whose login name is 3 characters long and begins with ba.

       doveadm who -1 ja*
       username			     proto pid	ip
       jane			     imap  8192 ::1
       james			     imap  8203 2001:db8:543:2::1
       doveadm kick ba?
       kicked connections from the following users:
       bar baz

       The next	 example  shows	 how  to  kick	user  foo's  connections  from

       doveadm who -1 foo
       username			    proto pid  ip
       foo			    imap  8135 fd95:4eed:38ba::25
       foo			    imap  9112
       foo			    imap  8216
       doveadm kick foo
       kicked connections from the following users:
       doveadm who f*
       username			 # proto (pids) (ips)
       foo			 1 imap	 (8135) (fd95:4eed:38ba::25)

       Report  bugs, including doveconf -n output, to the Dovecot Mailing List
       <>.  Information about reporting bugs	 is  available

       doveadm(1), doveadm-who(1)

Dovecot v2.1			  2010-06-12		       DOVEADM-KICK(1)

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