lchage man page on Pidora

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lchage(1)							     lchage(1)

       lchage - Display or change user password policy

       lchage [OPTION]... user

       Displays or allows changing password policy of user.

       -d, --date=days
	      Set the date of last password change to days after Jan 1 1970.

       -E, --expire=days
	      Set  the	account expiration date to days after Jan 1 1970.  Set
	      days to -1 to disable account expiration.

       -i, --interactive
	      Ask all questions when connecting to the user database, even  if
	      default answers are set up in libuser configuration.

       -I, --inactive=days
	      Disable the account after days after password expires (after the
	      user user is required to change the password).

       -l, --list
	      Only list current user's policy and make no changes.

       -m, --mindays=days
	      Require at least days days between password changes.   Set  days
	      to 0 to disable this checking.

       -M, --maxdays=days
	      Require  changing	 the  password	after days since last password
	      change.  Set days to 99999 to disable this checking.

       -W, --warndays=days
	      Start warning the user days before password expires (before  the
	      user is required to change the password).

       The exit status is 0 on success, nonzero on error.

libuser				  Jan 12 2005			     lchage(1)

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