MooseX::ConfigFromFileUser Contributed Perl DocumentaMooseX::ConfigFromFile(3)NAMEMooseX::ConfigFromFile - An abstract Moose role for setting attributes
from a configfile
## A real role based on this abstract role:
package MooseX::SomeSpecificConfigRole;
use Moose::Role;
with 'MooseX::ConfigFromFile';
use Some::ConfigFile::Loader ();
sub get_config_from_file {
my ($class, $file) = @_;
my $options_hashref = Some::ConfigFile::Loader->load($file);
return $options_hashref;
## A class that uses it:
package Foo;
use Moose;
with 'MooseX::SomeSpecificConfigRole';
# optionally, default the configfile:
sub configfile { '/tmp/foo.yaml' }
# ... insert your stuff here ...
## A script that uses the class with a configfile
my $obj = Foo->new_with_config(configfile => '/etc/foo.yaml', other_opt => 'foo');
This is an abstract role which provides an alternate constructor for
creating objects using parameters passed in from a configuration file.
The actual implementation of reading the configuration file is left to
concrete subroles.
It declares an attribute "configfile" and a class method
"new_with_config", and requires that concrete roles derived from it
implement the class method "get_config_from_file".
Attributes specified directly as arguments to "new_with_config"
supercede those in the configfile.
MooseX::Getopt knows about this abstract role, and will use it if
available to load attributes from the file specified by the commandline
flag "--configfile" during its normal "new_with_options".
This is a Path::Class::File object which can be coerced from a regular
pathname string. This is the file your attributes are loaded from.
You can add a default configfile in the class using the role and it
will be honored at the appropriate time:
has +configfile ( default => '/etc/myapp.yaml' );
Note that you can alternately just provide a "configfile" method which
returns the config file when called - this will be used in preference
to the default of the attribute.
Class Methods
This is an alternate constructor, which knows to look for the
"configfile" option in its arguments and use that to set attributes.
It is much like MooseX::Getopts's "new_with_options". Example:
my $foo = SomeClass->new_with_config(configfile => '/etc/foo.yaml');
Explicit arguments will overide anything set by the configfile.
This class method is not implemented in this role, but it is required
of all subroles. Its two arguments are the classname and the
configfile, and it is expected to return a hashref of arguments to pass
to "new()" which are sourced from the configfile.
Copyright (c) 2007 - 2009 the MooseX::ConfigFromFile "AUTHOR" and
"CONTRIBUTORS" as listed below.
Brandon L. Black, <>
Tomas Doran "<>" (current maintainer).
Karen Etheridge
Chris Prather
Zbigniew Lukasiak
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
perl v5.14.1 2010-12-16 MooseX::ConfigFromFile(3)