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       Exegesis_06 - Subroutines

       Damian Conway <>

	 Maintainer: Allison Randal <>
	 Date: 29 Jul 2003
	 Last Modified: 4 Aug 2003
	 Number: 6
	 Version: 1

	   As soon as she walked through my door I knew her type: she was an
	   argument waiting to happen. I wondered if the argument was
	   required...	or merely optional? Guess I'd know the parameters soon

	   "I'm Star At Data", she offered.

	   She made it sound like a pass. But was the pass by name? Or by

	   "I think someone's trying to execute me. Some caller."

	   "Okay, I'll see what I can find out. Meanwhile, we're gonna have to
	   limit the scope of your accessibility."

	   "I'd prefer not to be bound like that," she replied.

	   "I see you know my methods," I shot back.

	   She just stared at me, like I was a block.  Suddenly I wasn't
	   surprised someone wanted to dispatch her.

	   "I'll return later," she purred. "Meanwhile, I'm counting on you to
	   give me some closure".

	   It was gonna be another routine investigation.

	   X Dashiell Hammett, "The Maltese Camel"

       This Exegesis explores the new subroutine semantics described in
       Apocalypse 6. Those new semantics greatly increase the power and
       flexibility of subroutine definitions, providing required and optional
       formal parameters, named and positional arguments, a new and extended
       operator overloading syntax, a far more sophisticated type system,
       multiple dispatch, compile-time macros, currying, and subroutine

       As if that weren't bounty enough, Apocalypse 6 also covers the object-
       oriented subroutines: methods and submethods. We will, however, defer a
       discussion of those until Exegesis 12.

Playing our parts
       Suppose we want to be able to partition a list into two arrays
       (hereafter known as "sheep" and "goats"), according to some user-
       supplied criterion. We'll call the necessary subroutine &part X because
       it partitions a list into two parts.

       In the most general case, we could specify how &part splits the list up
       by passing it a subroutine. &part could then call that subroutine for
       each element, placing the element in the "sheep" array if the
       subroutine returns true, and into the "goats" array otherwise. It would
       then return a list of references to the two resulting arrays.

       For example, calling:

	   ($cats, $chattels) = part &is_feline, @animals;

       would result in $cats being assigned a reference to an array containing
       all the animals that are feline, and $chattels being assigned a
       reference to an array containing everything else that exists merely for
       the convenience of cats.

       Note that in the above example (and throughout the remainder of this
       discussion), when we're talking about a subroutine as an object in its
       own right, we'll use the "&" sigil; but when we're talking about a call
       to the subroutine, there will be no "&" before its name. That's a
       distinction Perl 6 enforces too: subroutine calls never have an
       ampersand; references to the corresponding "Code" object always do.

Part the first
       The Perl 6 implementation of &part would therefore be:

	   sub part (Code $is_sheep, *@data) {
	       my (@sheep, @goats);
	       for @data {
		   if $is_sheep($_) { push @sheep, $_ }
		   else		    { push @goats, $_ }
	       return (\@sheep, \@goats);

       As in Perl 5, the "sub" keyword declares a subroutine. As in Perl 5,
       the name of the subroutine follows the "sub" and X assuming that name
       doesn't include a package qualifier X  the resulting subroutine is
       installed into the current package.

       Unlike Perl 5, in Perl 6 we are allowed to specify a formal parameter
       list after the subroutine's name. This list consists of zero or more
       parameter variables. Each of these parameter variables is really a
       lexical variable declaration, but because they're in a parameter list
       we don't need to (and aren't allowed to!) use the keyword "my".

       Just as with a regular variable, each parameter can be given a storage
       type, indicating what kind of value it is allowed to store. In the
       above example, for instance, the $is_sheep parameter is given the type
       "Code", indicating that it is restricted to objects of that type (i.e.
       the first argument must be a subroutine or block).

       Each of these parameter variables is automatically scoped to the body
       of the subroutine, where they can be used to access the arguments with
       which the subroutine was called.

       A word about terminology: An "argument" is a item in the list of data
       that is passed as part of a subroutine call. A "parameter" is a special
       variable inside the subroutine itself. So the subroutine call sends
       arguments, which the subroutine then accesses via its parameters.

       Perl 5 has parameters too, but they're not user-specifiable. They're
       always called $_[0], $_[1], $_[2], etc.

   Not-so-secret alias
       However, one way in which Perl 5 and Perl 6 parameters are similar is
       that, unlike Certain Other Languages, Perl parameters don't receive
       copies of their respective arguments. Instead, Perl parameters become
       aliases for the corresponding arguments.

       That's already the case in Perl 5. So, for example, we can write a
       temperature conversion utility like:

	   # Perl 5 code...
	   sub Fahrenheit_to_Kelvin {
	       $_[0] -= 32;
	       $_[0] /= 1.8;
	       $_[0] += 273.15;

	   # and later...


       When the subroutine is called, within the body of &Fahreheit_to_Kelvin
       the $_[0] variable becomes just another name for $reactor_temp. So the
       changes the subroutine makes to $_[0] are really being made to
       $reactor_temp, and at the end of the call $reactor_temp has been
       converted to the new temperature scale.

       That's very handy when we intend to change the values of arguments (as
       in the above example), but it's potentially a very nasty trap too. Many
       programmers, accustomed to the pass-by-copy semantics of other
       languages, will unconsciously fall into the habit of treating the
       contents of $_[0] as if they were a copy. Eventually that will lead to
       some subroutine unintentionally changing one of its arguments X a bug
       that is often very hard to diagnose and frequently even harder to track

       So Perl 6 modifies the way parameters and arguments interact. Explicit
       parameters are still aliases to the original arguments, but in Perl 6
       they're constant aliases by default. That means, unless we specifically
       tell Perl 6 otherwise, it's illegal to change an argument by modifying
       the corresponding parameter within a subroutine.

       All of which means that a the naieve translation of
       &Fahreheit_to_Kelvin to Perl 6 isn't going to work:

	   # Perl 6 code...
	   sub Fahrenheit_to_Kelvin(Num $temp) {
	       $temp -= 32;
	       $temp /= 1.8;
	       $temp += 273.15;

       That's because $temp (and hence the actual value it's an alias for) is
       treated as a constant within the body of &Fahrenheit_to_Kelvin. In
       fact, we'd get a compile time error message like:

	   Cannot modify constant parameter ($temp) in &Fahrenheit_to_Kelvin

       If we want to be able to modify arguments via Perl 6 parameters, we
       have to say so up front, by declaring them "is rw" ("read-write"):

	   sub Fahrenheit_to_Kelvin (Num $temp is rw) {
	       $temp -= 32;
	       $temp /= 1.8;
	       $temp += 273.15;

       This requires a few extra keystrokes when the old bahaviour is needed,
       but saves a huge amount of hard-to-debug grief in the most common
       cases. And, as a bonus, an explicit "is rw" declaration means that the
       compiler can generally catch mistakes like this:

	   $absolute_temp = Fahrenheit_to_Kelvin(212);

       Because we specified that the $temp argument has to be read-writeable,
       the compiler can easily catch attempts to pass in a read-only value.

       Alternatively, we might prefer that $temp not be an alias at all. We
       might prefer that &Fahrenheit_to_Kelvin take a copy of its argument,
       which we could then modify without affecting the original, ultimately
       returning it as our converted value. We can do that too in Perl 6,
       using the "is copy" trait:

	   sub Fahrenheit_to_Kelvin(Num $temp is copy) {
	       $temp -= 32;
	       $temp /= 1.8;
	       $temp += 273.15;
	       return $temp;

   Defining the parameters
       Meanwhile, back at the &part, we have:

	   sub part (Code $is_sheep, *@data) {...}

       which means that &part expects its first argument to be a scalar value
       of type "Code" (or "Code" reference). Within the subroutine that first
       argument will thereafter be accessed via the name $is_sheep.

       The second parameter (*@data) is what's known as a "slurpy array".
       That is, it's an array parameter with the special marker ("*") in front
       of it, indicating to the compiler that @data is supposed to grab all
       the remaining arguments passed to &part and make each element of @data
       an alias to one of those arguments.

       In other words, the *@data parameter does just what @_ does in Perl 5:
       it grabs all the available arguments and makes its elements aliases for
       those arguments. The only differences are that in Perl 6 we're allowed
       to give that slurpy array a sensible name, and we're allowed to specify
       other individual parameters before it X to give separate sensible names
       to one or more of the preliminary arguments to the call.

       But why (you're probably wondering) do we need an asterisk for that?
       Surely if we had defined &part like this:

	   sub part (Code $is_sheep, @data) {...}    # note: no asterisk on @data

       the array in the second parameter slot would have slurped up all the
       remaining arguments anyway?

       Well, no. Declaring a parameter to be a regular (non-slurpy) array
       tells the subroutine to expect the corresponding argument to be a
       actual array (or an array reference). So if &part had been defined with
       its second parameter just @data (rather than *@data), then we could
       call it like this:

	   part \&selector, @animal_sounds;

       or this:

	   part \&selector, ["woof","meow","ook!"];

       but not like this:

	   part \&selector, "woof", "meow", "ook!";

       In each case, the compiler would compare the type of the second
       argument with the type required by the second parameter (i.e. an
       "Array"). In the first two cases, the types match and everything is
       copacetic. But in the third case, the second argument is a string, not
       an array or array reference, so we get a compile-time error message:

	   Type mismatch in call to &part: @data expects Array but got Str instead

       Another way of thinking about the difference between slurpy and regular
       parameters is to realize that a slurpy parameter imposes a list (i.e.
       flattening) context on the corresponding arguments, whereas a regular,
       non-slurpy parameter doesn't flatten or listify. Instead, it insists on
       a single argument of the correct type.

       So, if we want &part to handle raw lists as data, we need to tell the
       @data parameter to take whatever it finds X array or list X and flatten
       everything down to a list. That's what the asterisk on *@data does.

       Because of that all-you-can-eat behaviour, slurpy arrays like this are
       generally placed at the very end of the parameter list and used to
       collect data for the subroutine. The preceding non-slurpy arguments
       generally tell the subroutine what to do; the slurpy array generally
       tells it what to do it to.

   Splats and slurps
       Another aspect of Perl 6's distinction between slurpy and non-slurpy
       parameters can be seen when we write a subroutine that takes multiple
       scalar parameters, but then try to pass an array to that subroutine.

       For example, suppose we wrote:

	   sub log($message, $date, $time) {...}

       If we happen to have the date and time in a handy array, we might
       expect that we could just call "log" like so:

	   log("Starting up...", @date_and_time);

       We might then be surprised when this fails even to compile.

       The problem is that each of &log's three scalar parameters imposes a
       scalar context on the corresponding argument in any call to "log". So
       "Starting up..." is first evaluated in the scalar context imposed by
       the $message parameter, and the resulting string is bound to $message.
       Then @date_and_time is evaluated in the scalar context imposed by
       $date, and the resulting array reference is bound to $date. Then the
       compiler discovers that there is no third argument to bind to the $time
       parameter, and kills your program.

       Of course, it has to work that way, or we don't get the ever-so-useful
       "array parameter takes an unflattened array argument" behaviour
       described earlier. Unfortunately, that otherwise admirable behaviour is
       actually getting in the way here and preventing @date_and_time from
       flattening as we want.

       So Perl 6 also provides a simple way of explicitly flattening an array
       (or a hash for that matter): the unary prefix "*" operator:

	   log("Starting up...", *@date_and_time);

       This operator (known as "splat") simply flattens its argument into a
       list.  And since it's a unary operator, it does that flattening before
       the arguments are bound to their respective parameters.

       The syntactic similarity of a "slurpy" "*" in a parameter list, and a
       "splatty" "*" in an argument list is quite deliberate. It reflects a
       behavioural similarity: just as a slurpy asterisk implicitly flattens
       any argument to which its parameter is bound, so too a splatty asterisk
       explicitly flattens any argument to which it is applied.

   I do declare
       By the way, take another look at those examples above X the ones with
       the "{...}" where their subroutine bodies should be. Those dots aren't
       just metasyntactic; they're real executable Perl 6 code.	 A subroutine
       definition with a "{...}" for its body isn't actually a definition at
       all. It's a declaration.

       In the same way that the Perl 5 declaration:

	   # Perl 5 code...
	   sub part;

       states that there exists a subroutine &part, without actually saying
       how it's implemented, so too:

	   # Perl 6 code...
	   sub part (Code $is_sheep, *@data) {...}

       states that there exists a subroutine &part that takes a "Code" object
       and a list of data, without saying how it's implemented.

       In fact, the old "sub part;" syntax is no longer allowed; in Perl 6 you
       have to yada-yada-yada when you're making a declaration.

   Body parts
       With the parameter list taking care of getting the right arguments into
       the right parameters in the right way, the body of the &part subroutine
       is then quite straightforward:

	       my (@sheep, @goats);
	       for @data {
		   if $is_sheep($_) { push @sheep, $_ }
		   else		    { push @goats, $_ }
	       return (\@sheep, \@goats);

       According to the original specification, we need to return references
       to two arrays. So we first create those arrays. Then we iterate through
       each element of the data (which the "for" aliases to $_, just as in
       Perl 5). For each element, we take the "Code" object that was passed as
       $is_sheep (let's just call it the selector from now on) and we call it,
       passing the current data element. If the selector returns true, we push
       the data element onto the array of "sheep", otherwise it is appended to
       the list of "goats". Once all the data has been divvied up, we return
       references to the two arrays.

       Note that, if this were Perl 5, we'd have to unpack the @_ array into a
       list of lexical variables and then explicitly check that $is_sheep is a
       valid "Code" object. In the Perl 6 version there's no @_, the
       parameters are already lexicals, and the type-checking is handled

   Call of the wild
       With the explicit parameter list in place, we can use &part in a
       variety of ways. If we already have a subroutine that is a suitable

	   sub is_feline ($animal) {
	       return $animal.isa(Cat);

       then we can just pass that to &part, along with the data to be
       partitioned, then grab the two array references that come back:

	   ($cats, $chattels) = part &is_feline, @animals;

       This works fine, because the first parameter of &part expects a "Code"
       object, and that's exactly what &is_feline is. Note that we couldn't
       just put "is_feline" there (i.e. without the ampersand), since that
       would indicate a call to &is_feline, rather than a reference to it.

       In Perl 5 we'd have had to write "\&is_feline" to get a reference to
       the subroutine. However, since the $is_sheep parameter specifies that
       the first argument must be a scalar (i.e. it imposes a scalar context
       on the first argument slot), in Perl 6 we don't have to explicit create
       a subroutine reference. Putting a code object in the scalar context
       automagically en-references it (just as an array or hash is
       automatically converted to a reference in scalar context). Of course,
       an explicit "Code" reference is perfectly acceptable there too:

	   ($cats, $chattels) = part \&is_feline, @animals;

       Alternatively, rather than going to the trouble of declaring a separate
       subroutine to sort our sheep from our goats, we might prefer to conjure
       up a suitable (anonymous) subroutine on the spot:

	   ($cats, $chattels) = part sub ($animal) { $animal.isa(Animal::Cat) }, @animals;

   In a bind
       So far we've always captured the two array references returned from the
       "part" call by assigning the result of the call to a list of scalars.
       But we might instead prefer to bind them to actual arrays:

	   (@cats, @chattels) := part sub($animal) { $animal.isa(Animal::Cat) }, @animals;

       Using binding (":=") instead of assignment ("=") causes @cats and
       @chattels to become aliases for the two anonymous arrays returned by

       In fact, this aliasing of the two return values to @cats and @chattels
       uses exactly the same mechanism that is used to alias subroutine
       parameters to their corresponding arguments. We could almost think of
       the left-hand side of the ":=" as a parameter list (in this case,
       consisting of two non-slurpy array parameters), and the right-hand side
       of the ":=" as being the corresponding argument list. The only
       difference is that the variables on the left-hand side of a ":=" are
       not implicitly treated as constant.

       One consequence of the similarities between binding and parameter
       passing is that we can put a slurpy array on the left of a binding:

	   (@Good, $Bad, *@Ugly) := (@Adams, @Vin, @Chico, @OReilly, @Lee, @Luck, @Britt);

       The first pseudo-parameter (@Good) on the left expects an array, so it
       binds to @Adams from the list on the right.

       The second pseudo-parameter ($Bad) expects a scalar. That means it
       imposes a scalar context on the second element of the right-hand list.
       So @Vin evaluates to a reference to the original array and $Bad becomes
       an alias for "\@Vin".

       The final pseudo-parameter (*@Ugly) is slurpy, so it expects the rest
       of the left-hand side to be a list it can slurp up. In order to ensure
       that, the slurpy asterisk causes the remaining pseudo-arguments on the
       right to be flattened into a list, whose elements are then aliased to
       successive elements of @Ugly.

   Who shall sit in judgement?
       Conjuring up an anonymous subroutine in each call to "part" is
       intrinsically neither good nor bad. But it sure is ugly:

	   ($cats, $chattels) = part sub($animal) { $animal.isa(Animal::Cat) }, @animals;

       Fortunately there's a cleaner way to specify the selector within the
       call to "part". We can use a parameterized block instead:

	   ($cats, $chattels) = part -> $animal { $animal.isa(Animal::Cat) } @animals;

       A parameterized block is just a normal brace-delimited block, except
       that you're allowed to put a list of parameters out in front of it,
       preceded by an arrow ("->"). So the parameterized block in the above
       example is:

	   -> $animal { $animal.isa(Animal::Cat) }

       In Perl 6, a block is a subspecies of "Code" object, so it's perfectly
       okay to pass a parameterized block as the first argument to &part.
       Like a real subroutine, a parameterized block can be subsequently
       invoked, and passed an argument list. So the body of the &part
       subroutine will continue to work just fine.

       It's important to realize that parameterized blocks aren't subroutines
       though. They're blocks, and so there are important differences in their
       behaviour. The most important difference is that you can't "return"
       from a parameterized block, the way you can from a subroutine. For
       example, this:

	   part sub($animal) { return $animal.size < $breadbox }, @creatures

       works fine, returning the result of each size comparison every time the
       anonymous subroutine is called within &part .

       But in this "pointier" version:

	   part -> $animal { return $animal.size < $breadbox } @creatures

       the "return" isn't inside a nested subroutine; it's inside a block. So
       the first time the parameterized block is executed within &part it
       causes the subroutine in which the block was defined (i.e. the
       subroutine that's calling "part") to return!


       The problem with that second example, of course, is not that we were
       too Lazy to write the full anonymous subroutine. The problem is that we
       weren't Lazy enough: we forgot to leave out the "return".  Just like a
       Perl 5 "do" or "eval" block, a Perl 6 parameterized block evaluates to
       the value of the last statement executed within it. So we only needed
       to say:

	   part -> $animal { $animal.size < $breadbox } @creatures

       Note too that, because the parameterized block is a block, we don't
       need to put a comma after it to separate it from the second argument.
       In fact, anywhere a block is used as an argument to a subroutine, any
       comma before or after the block is optional.

       Even with the slight abbreviation provided by using a parameterized
       block instead of an anonymous subroutine, it's all too easy to lose
       track of the the actual data (i.e. @animals) when it's buried at the
       end of that long selector definition.

       But we can help it stand out a little better by using a new feature of
       Perl 6: the "pipeline" operator:

	   ($cats, $chattels) = part sub($animal) { $animal.isa(Animal::Cat) } <== @animals;

       The "<==" operator takes a subroutine call as its left-hand argument
       and a list of data as its right-hand arguments. The subroutine being
       called on the left must have a slurpy array parameter (e.g.  *@data)
       and the list on the operator's right is then bound to that parameter.

       In other words, a "<==" in a subroutine call marks the end of the
       specific arguments and the start of the slurped data.

       Pipelines are more interesting when there are several stages to the
       process, as in this Perl 6 version of the Schwartzian transform:

	   @shortest_first = map  { .key }		       # 4
			 <== sort { $^a.value <=> $^b.value }  # 3
			 <== map  { $_ => .height }	       # 2
			 <== @animals;			       # 1

       This example takes the array @animals, flattens it into a list (#1),
       pipes that list in as the data for a "map" operation (#2), takes the
       resulting list of object/height pairs and pipes that in to the "sort"
       (#3), then takes the resulting sorted list of pairs and "map"s out just
       the sorted objects (#4).

       Of course, since the data lists for all of these functions always come
       at the end of the call anyway, we could have just written that as:

	   @shortest_first = map  { .key }		       # 4
			     sort { $^a.value <=> $^b.value }  # 3
			     map  { $_ => .height }	       # 2
			     @animals;			       # 1

       But there's no reason to stint ourselves: the pipelines cost nothing in
       performance, and often make the flow of data much clearer.

       One problem that many people have with pipelined list processing
       techniques like the Schwartzian Transform is that the pipeline flows
       the "wrong" way: the code reads left-to-right/top-to-bottom but the
       data (and execution) runs right-to-left/bottom-to-top. Happily, Perl 6
       has a solution for that too. It provides a "reversed" version of the
       pipeline operator, to make it easy to create left-to-right pipelines:

	   @animals ==> map  { $_ => .height }		    # 1
		    ==> sort { $^a.value <=> $^b.value }    # 2
		    ==> map  { .key }			    # 3
		    ==> @shortest_first;		    # 4

       This version works exactly the same as the previous
       right-to-left/bottom-to-top examples, except that now the various
       components of the pipeline are written and performed in the "natural"

       The "==>" operator is the mirror-image of "<==", both visually and in
       its behaviour. That is, it takes a subroutine call as its right-hand
       argument and a list of data on its left, and binds the left-hand list
       to the slurpy array parameter of the subroutine being called on the

       Note that this last example makes use of a special dispensation given
       to both pipeline operators. The argument on the "sharp" side is
       supposed to be a subroutine call. However, if it is a variable, or a
       list of variables, then the pipeline operator simply assigns the list
       from its "blunt" side to variable (or list) on its "sharp" side.

       Hence, if we preferred to partition our animals left-to-right, we could

	   @animals ==> part sub ($animal) { $animal.isa(Animal::Cat) } ==> ($cats, $chattels);

   The incredible shrinking selector
       Of course, even with a parameterized block instead of an anonymous
       subroutine, the definition of the selector argument is still klunky:

	   ($cats, $chattels) = part -> $animal { $animal.isa(Animal::Cat) } @animals;

       But it doesn't have to be so intrusive. There's another way to create a
       parameterized block. Instead of explicitly enumerating the parameters
       after a "->", we could use placeholder variables.

       As explained in Apocalypse 4, a placeholder variable is one whose sigil
       is immediately followed by a caret ("^"). Any block containing one or
       more placeholder variables is automatically a parameterized block,
       without the need for an explicit "->" or parameter list. Instead, the
       block's parameter list is determined automatically from the set of
       placeholder variables enclosed by the block's braces.

       So we could simplify our partitioning to:

	   ($cats, $chattels) = part { $^animal.isa(Animal::Cat) } @animals;

       Here "$^animal" is a placeholder, so the block immediately surrounding
       it becomes a parameterized block X in this case with exactly one

       Better still, any block containing a $_ is also a parameterized block X
       with a single parameter named $_. So we could dispense with the
       explicit placeholder and just write our partitioning statement:

	   ($cats, $chattels) = part { $_.isa(Animal::Cat) } @animals;

       which is really a shorthand for the parameterized block:

	   ($cats, $chattels) = part -> $_ { $_.isa(Animal::Cat) } @animals;

       And come to think of it, since we now have the unary dot operator
       (which calls a method using $_ as the invocant), we don't even need the
       explicit $_:

	   ($cats, $chattels) = part { .isa(Animal::Cat) } @animals;

Part the second
       But wait, there's even...err...less!

       We could very easily extend &part so that we don't even need the block
       in that case; so that we could just pass the raw class in as the first

	   ($cats, $chattels) = part Animal::Cat, @animals;

       To do that, the type of the first parameter will have to become
       "Class", which is the (meta-)type of all classes. However, if we
       changed &part's parameter list in that way:

	   sub part (Class $is_sheep, *@data) {...}

       then all our existing code that currently passes "Code" objects as
       &part's first argument will break.

       Somehow we need to be able to pass either a "Code" object or a "Class"
       as &part's first argument. And to accomplish that we need to take a
       short detour into...

   The Wonderful World of Junctions
       Perl 6 introduces an entirely new scalar data-type: the "junction".  A
       junction is a single scalar value that can act like two or more values
       at once. So, for example, we can create a value that behaves like any
       of the values 1, 4, or 9, by writing:

	   $monolith = any(1,4,9);

       The scalar value returned by "any" and subsequently stored in $monolith
       is equal to 1. And at the same time it's also equal to 4. And to 9.
       It's equal to any of them. Hence the name of the "any" function that we
       used to set it up.

       What good it that? Well, if it's equal to "any of them" then, with a
       single comparison, we can test if some other value is also equal to
       "any of them":

	   if $dave == any(1,4,9) {
	       print "I'm sorry, Dave, you're just a square."

       That's considerably shorter (and more maintainable) than:

	   if $dave == 1 || $dave == 4 || $dave == 9 {
	       print "I'm sorry, Dave, you're just a square."

       It even reads more naturally.

       Better still, Perl 6 provides an n-ary operator that builds the same
       kinds of junctions from its operands:

	   if $dave == 1|4|9 {
	       print "I'm sorry, Dave, you're just a square."

       Once you get used to this notation, it too is very easy to follow: if
       Dave equals 1 or 4 or 9....

       (And, yes, the Perl 5 bitwise OR is still available in Perl 6; it's
       just spelled differently now).

       The "any" function is more useful when the values under consideration
       are stored in a single array. For example, we could check whether a new
       value is bigger than any we've already seen:

	   if $newval > any(@oldvals) {
	       print "$newval isn't the smallest."

       In Perl 5 we'd have to write that:

	   if (grep { $newval > $_ } @oldvals) {
	       print "$newval isn't the smallest."

       which isn't as clear and isn't as quick (since the "any" version will
       short-circuit as soon as it knows the comparison is true, whereas the
       "grep" version will churn through every element of @oldvals no matter

       An "any" is even more useful when we have a collection of new values to
       check against the old ones. We can say:

	   if any(@newvals) > any(@oldvals) {
	       print "Already seen at least one smaller value."

       instead of resorting to the horror of nested "grep"s:

	   if (grep { my $old = $_; grep { $_ > $old } @newvals } @oldvals) {
	       print "Already seen at least one smaller value."

       But what if we wanted to check whether all of the new values were
       greater than any of the old ones. For that we use a different kind of
       junction X one that is equal to all our values at once (rather than
       just any one of them). We can create such a junction with the "all"

	   if all(@newvals) > any(@oldvals) {
	       print "These are all bigger than something already seen."

       We could also test if all the new values are greater than all the old
       ones (not merely greater than at least one of them), with:

	   if all(@newvals) > all(@oldvals) {
	       print "These are all bigger than everything already seen."

       There's an operator for building "all" junctions too. No prizes for
       guessing. It's n-ary "&". So, if we needed to check that the maximal
       dimension of some object is within acceptable limits, we could say:

	   if $max_dimension < $height & $width & $depth {
	       print "A maximal dimension of $max_dimension is okay."

       That last example is the same as:

	   if $max_dimension < $height
	   && $max_dimension < $width
	   && $max_dimension < $depth {
	       print "A maximal dimension of $max_dimension is okay."

       "any" junctions are known as disjunctions, because they act like
       they're in a boolean OR: "this OR that OR the other". "all" junctions
       are known as conjunctions, because they have an implicit AND between
       their values X "this AND that AND the other".

       There are two other types of junction available in Perl 6: abjunctions
       and injunctions. An abjunction is created using the "one" function and
       represents exactly one of its possible values at any given time:

	   if one(@roots) == 0 {
	       print "Unique root to polynomial.";

       In other words, it's as though there was an implicit n-ary XOR between
       each pair of values.

       Injunctions represent none of their values and hence are constructed
       with a built-in named "none":

	   if $passwd eq none(@previous_passwds) {
	       print "New password is acceptable.";

       They're like a multi-part NEITHER...NOR...NOR...

       We can build a junction out of any scalar type. For example, strings:

	   my $known_title = 'Mr' | 'Mrs' | 'Ms' | 'Dr' | 'Rev';

	   if %person{title} ne $known_title {
	       print "Unknown title: %person{title}.";

       or even "Code" references:

	   my &ideal := \&tall & \&dark & \&handsome;

	   if ideal($date) {   # Same as: if tall($date) && dark($date) && handsome($date)

   The best of both worlds
       So a disjunction ("any") allows us to create a scalar value that is
       either this or that.

       But, in Perl 6, classes (or, more specifically, "Class" objects) are
       scalar values. So it follows that we can create a disjunction of
       classes. For example:

	   Floor::Wax | Dessert::Topping

       That gives us a type that can be either "Floor::Wax" or
       "Dessert::Topping". So a variable declared with that type:

	   my Floor::Wax|Dessert::Topping $shimmer;

       can store either a "Floor::Wax" object or a "Dessert::Topping" object.
       And a parameter declared with that type:

	   sub advertise(Floor::Wax|Dessert::Topping $shimmer) {...}

       can be passed an argument that is of either type.

   Matcher smarter, not harder
       So, in order to extend &part to accept a "Class" as its first argument,
       whilst still allowing it to accept a "Code" object in that position, we
       just use a type junction:

	   sub part (Code|Class $is_sheep, *@data) {
	       my (@sheep, @goats);
	       for @data {
		   when $is_sheep { push @sheep, $_ }
		   default	  { push @goats, $_ }
	       return (\@sheep, \@goats);

       There are only two differences between this version and the previous
       one. The first difference is, of course, that we have changed the type
       of the first parameter. Previously it was "Code"; now it's

       The second change is in the body of the subroutine itself. We replaced
       the partitioning "if" statement:

	   for @data {
	       if $is_sheep($_) { push @sheep, $_ }
	       else		{ push @goats, $_ }

       with a switch:

	   for @data {
	       when $is_sheep { push @sheep, $_ }
	       default	      { push @goats, $_ }

       Now the actual work of categorizing each element as a "sheep" or a
       "goat" is done by the "when" statement, because:

	   when $is_sheep { push @sheep, $_ }

       is equivalent to:

	   if $_ ~~ $is_sheep { push @sheep, $_; next }

       When $is_sheep is a subroutine reference, that implicit smart-match
       will simply pass $_ (i.e. the current data element) to the subroutine
       and then evaluate the return value as a boolean. On the other hand,
       when $is_sheep is a class, the smart-match will check to see if the
       object in $_ belongs to the same class (or to some derived class).

       So the single "when" statement handles either type of selector X "Code"
       or "Class" X automagically. That's why it's known as smart-matching.

       Having now allowed class names as selectors, we can take the final step
       and simplify:

	   ($cats, $chattels) = part { .isa(Animal::Cat) } @animals;


	   ($cats, $chattels) = part Animal::Cat, @animals;

       Note, however, that the comma is back. Only blocks can appear in
       argument lists without accompanying commas, and the raw class isn't a

Partitioning rules!
       Now that the "when"'s implicit smart-match is doing the hard work of
       deciding how to evaluate each data element against the selector, adding
       new kinds of selectors becomes trivial.

       For example, here's a third version of &part which also allows Perl 6
       rules (i.e. patterns) to be used to partition a list:

	   sub part (Code|Class|Rule $is_sheep, *@data) {
	       my (@sheep, @goats);
	       for @data {
		   when $is_sheep { push @sheep, $_ }
		   default	  { push @goats, $_ }
	       return (\@sheep, \@goats);

       All we needed to do was to tell &part that its first argument was also
       allowed to be of type "Rule". That allows us to call &part like this:

	   ($cats, $chattels) = part /meow/, @animal_sounds;

       In the scalar context imposed by the $is_sheep parameter, the "/meow/"
       pattern evaluates to a "Rule" object (rather than immediately doing a
       match). That "Rule" object is then bound to $is_sheep and subsequently
       used as the selector in the "when" statement.

       Note that the body of this third version is exactly the same as that of
       the previous version. No change is required because, when it detects
       that $is_sheep is a "Rule" object, the "when"'s smart-matching will
       automagically do a pattern match.

       In the same way, we could further extend &part to allow the user to
       pass a hash as the selector:

	   my %is_cat = (
	       cat => 1, tiger => 1, lion => 1, leopard => 1, # etc.

	   ($cats, $chattels) = part %is_cat, @animal_names;

       simply by changing the parameter list of &part to:

	   sub part (Code|Class|Rule|Hash $is_sheep, *@data) {
	       # body exactly as before

       Once again, the smart-match hidden in the "when" statement just Does
       The Right Thing. On detecting a hash being matched against each datum,
       it will use the datum as a key, do a hash look-up, and evaluate the
       truth of the corrresponding entry in the hash.

       Of course, the ever-increasing disjunction of allowable selector types
       is rapidly threatening to overwhelm the entire parameter list. At this
       point it would make sense to factor the type-junction out, give it a
       logical name, and use that name instead. To do that, we just write:

	   type Selector ::= Code | Class | Rule | Hash;

	   sub part (Selector $is_sheep, *@data) {
	       # body exactly as before

       The "::=" binding operator is just like the ":=" binding operator,
       except that it operates at compile-time. It's the right choice here
       because types need to be fully defined at compile-time, so the compiler
       can do as much static type checking as possible.

       The effect of the binding is to make the name "Selector" an alias for
       "Code" "|" "Class" "|" "Rule" "|" "Hash". Then we can just use
       "Selector" wherever we want that particular disjunctive type.

Out with the new and in with the old
       Let's take a step back for a moment.

       We've already seen how powerful and clean these new-fangled explicit
       parameters can be, but maybe you still prefer the Perl 5 approach.
       After all, @_ was good enough fer Grandpappy when he larned hisself
       Perl as a boy, dagnabit!

       So in Perl 6 we can still pass your arguments the old-fashioned way and
       then process them manually:

	   # Still valid Perl 6...
	   sub part {
	       # Unpack and verify args...
	       my ($is_sheep, @data) = @_;
	       croak "First argument to &part is not Code, Hash, Rule, or Class"
		   unless $is_sheep.isa(Selector);

	       # Then proceed as before...
	       my (@sheep, @goats);
	       for @data {
		   when $is_sheep { push @sheep, $_ }
		   default	  { push @goats, $_ }
	       return (\@sheep, \@goats);

       If we declare a subroutine without a parameter list, Perl 6
       automatically supplies one for us. And the one it supplies consists of
       a single slurpy array named @_:

	   sub part {...}      # means: sub part (*@_) {...}

       That is, any un-parametered Perl 6 subroutine expects to flatten and
       then slurp up an arbitrarily long list of arguments, binding them to
       the elements of a parameter called @_. Which is pretty much what a Perl
       5 subroutine does. The only important difference is that in Perl 6 that
       slurpy @_ is, like all Perl 6 parameters, constant by default. So, if
       we want the exact behaviour of a Perl 5 subroutine X including being
       able to modify elements of @_ X we need to be explicit:

	   sub part (*@_ is rw) {...}

       Note that "declare a subroutine without a parameter list" doesn't mean
       "declare a subroutine with an empty parameter list":

	   sub part    {...}   # without parameter list
	   sub part () {...}   # empty parameter list

       An empty parameter list specifies that the subroutine takes exactly
       zero arguments. Whereas a missing paramter list means it takes any
       number of arguments and binds them to the implicit parameter @_.

       Of course, by using the implicit @_ instead of named parameters, we're
       merely doing extra work that Perl 6 could do for us, as well as making
       the subroutine body more complex, harder to maintain, and slower.
       We're also eliminating any chance of Perl 6 identifying argument
       mismatches at compile-time. And, unless we're prepared to complexify
       the code even further, we're preventing client code from using named
       arguments (see "Name your poison" below).

       But this is Perl, not Fascism. We're not in the business of imposing
       the One True Coding Style on Perl hackers. So if you want to pass your
       arguments the old-fashioned way, Perl 6 makes sure you still can.

A pair of lists in a list of pairs
       Suppose now that, instead of getting a list of array references back,
       we wanted to get back a list of "key=>value" pairs, where each value
       was one of the array refs and each key some kind of identifying label
       (we'll see why that might be particularly handy soon).

       The easiest solution is to use two fixed keys (for example, "sheep" and

	   sub part (Selector $is_sheep, *@data) returns List of Pair {
	       my %herd;
	       for @data {
		   when $is_sheep { push %herd{"sheep"}, $_ }
		   default	  { push %herd{"goats"}, $_ }
	       return *%herd;

       The parameter list of the subroutine is unchanged, but now we've added
       a return type after it, using the "returns" keyword. That return type
       is "List of Pair", which tells the compiler that any "return"
       statements in the subroutine are expected to return a list of values,
       each of which is a Perl 6 "key=>value" pair.

   Parametric types
       Note that this type is different from those we've seen so far: it's
       compound. The "of Pair" suffix is actually an argument that modifies
       the principal type "List", telling the container type what kind of
       value it's allowed to store. This is possible because "List" is a
       parametric type. That is, it's a type that can be specified with
       arguments that modify how it works. The idea is a little like C++
       templates, except not quite so brain-meltingly complicated.

       The specific parameters for a parametric type are normally specified in
       square brackets, immediately after the class name. And the arguments
       that define a particular instance of the class are likewise passed in
       square brackets. For example:

	       class Table[Class $of] {...}
	       class Logfile[Str $filename] {...}
	       module SecureOps[AuthKey $key] {...}

	       # and later:

	       sub typeset(Table of Contents $toc) {...}
	       # Expects an object whose class is Table
	       # and which stores Contents objects

	       my Logfile["./log"] $file;
	       # $file can only store logfiles that log to ./log

	       $plaintext = SecureOps[$KEY]::decode($cryptotext);
	       # Only use &decode if our $KEY entitles us to

       Note that type names like "Table of Contents" and "List of Pair" are
       really just tidier ways to say "Table[of=>Contents]" and

       By convention, when we pass an argument to the $of parameter of a
       parametric type, we're telling that type that what kind of value we're
       expecting it to store. For example: whenever we access an element of
       "List of Pair", we expect to get back a "Pair". Similarly we could
       specify "List of Int", "Array of Str", or "Hash of Num".

       Admittedly "List of Pair" doesn't seem much tidier than
       "List(of=>Pair)", but as container types get more complex, the
       advantages start to become obvious. For example, consider a data
       structure consisting of an array of arrays of arrays of hashes of
       numbers (such as one might use to store, say, several years worth of
       daily climatic data). Using the "of" notation that's just:

	   type Climate::Record ::= Array of Array of Array of Hash of Num;

       Without the "of" keyword, it's:

	   type Climate::Record ::= Array(of=>Array(of=>Array(of=>Hash(of=>Num))));

       which is starting to look uncomfortably like Lisp.

       Note that parametric types may have any number of parameters with any
       names we like. But only type parameters named $of have special
       syntactic support built into Perl.

       While we're talking about type declarations, it's worth noting that we
       could also have put &part's new return type out in front (just as we've
       been doing with variable and parameter types). However, this is only
       allowed for subroutines when the subroutine is explicitly scoped:

	   # lexical subroutine
	   my List of Pair sub part (Selector $is_sheep, *@data) {...}


	   # package subroutine
	   our List of Pair sub part (Selector $is_sheep, *@data) {...}

       The return type goes between the scoping keyword ("my" or "our") and
       the "sub" keyword. And, of course, the "returns" keyword is not used.

       Contrariwise, we can also put variable/parameter type information after
       the variable name. To do that, we use the "of" keyword:

	   my sub part ($is_sheep of Selector, *@data) returns List of Pair {...}

       This makes sense, when you think about it. As we saw above, "of" tells
       the preceding container what type of value it's supposed to store, so
       "$is_sheep of Selector" tells $is_sheep it's supposed to store a

   You are what you eat. Not!
       Careful though: we have to remember to use "of" there, not "is".	 It
       would be a mistake to write:

	   my sub part ($is_sheep is Selector, *@data) returns List of Pair {...}

       That's because Perl 6 variables and parameters can be more precisely
       typed than variables in most other languages. Specifically, Perl 6
       allows us to specify both the storage type of a variable (i.e. what
       kinds of values it can contain) and the implementation class of the
       variable (i.e. how the variable itself is actually implemented).

       The "is" keyword indicates what a particular container (variable,
       parameter, etc.) is. Namely, how it's implemented and how it operates.
       So saying:

	   sub bark(@dogs is Pack) {...}

       specifies that, although the @dogs parameter looks like an "Array",
       it's actually implemented by the "Pack" class instead.

       That declaration is not specifying that the @dogs variable stores
       "Pack" objects. In fact, it's not saying anything at all about what
       @dogs stores. So, since its storage type has been left unspecified,
       @dogs inherits the default storage type X "Any" X which allows its
       elements to store any kind of scalar value.

       If we'd wanted to specify that @dogs was a normal array, but that it
       can only store "Dog" objects, we'd need to write:

	   sub bark(@dogs of Dog) {...}

       And if we'd wanted it to store "Dog"s but be implemented by the "Pack"
       class, we'd have to write:

	   sub bark(@dogs is Pack of Dog) {...}

       Appending "is SomeType" to a variable or parameter is the Perl 6
       equivalent of Perl 5's "tie" mechanism, except that the tying is part
       of the declaration. For example:

	   my $Elvis is King of Rock&Roll;

       rather than a run-time function call like:

	   # Perl 5 code...
	   my $Elvis;
	   tie $Elvis, 'King', stores=>all('Rock','Roll');

       In any case, the simple rule for "of" vs "is" is: to say what a
       variable stores, use "of"; to say how the variable itself works, use

   Many happy returns
       Meanwhile, we're still attempting to create a version of &part that
       returns a list of pairs. The easiest way to create and return a
       suitable list of pairs is to flatten a hash in a list context. Which is
       precisely what the "return" statement does:

	   return *%herd;

       using the splatty star. Although, in this case, we could have simply

	   return %herd;

       since the declared return type ("List of Pair") automatically imposes
       list context (and hence list flattening) on any "return" statement
       within &part.

       Of course, it will only make sense to return a flattened hash if we've
       already partitioned the original data into that hash. So the bodies of
       the "when" and "default" statements inside &part have to be changed
       accordingly. Now, instead of pushing each element onto one of two
       separate arrays, we push each element onto one of the two arrays stored
       inside %herd:

	   for @data {
	       when $is_sheep { push %herd{"sheep"}, $_ }
	       default	      { push %herd{"goats"}, $_ }

   It lives!!!!!
       Assuming that each of the hash entries (%herd{"sheep"} and
       %herd{"goats"}) will be storing a reference to one of the two arrays,
       we can simply push each data element onto the appropriate array.

       In Perl 5 we'd have to dereference each of the array references inside
       our hash before we could push a new element onto it:

	   # Perl 5 code...
	   push @{$herd{"sheep"}}, $_;

       But in Perl 6, the first parameter of "push" expects an array, so if we
       give it an array reference, the interpreter can work out that it needs
       to automatically dereference that first argument. So we can just write:

	   # Perl 6 code...
	   push %herd{"sheep"}, $_;

       (Remember that, in Perl 6, hashes keep their "%" sigil, even when being

       Initially, of course, the entries of %herd don't contain references to
       arrays at all; like all uninitialized hash entries, they contain
       "undef".	 But, because "push" itself is defined like so:

	   sub push (@array is rw, *@data) {...}

       an actual read-writable array is expected as the first argument. If a
       scalar variable containing "undef" is passed to such a parameter, Perl
       6 detects the fact and autovivifies the necessary array, placing a
       reference to it into the previously undefined scalar argument.  That
       behaviour makes it trivially easy to create subroutines that autovivify
       read/write arguments, in the same way that Perl 5's "open" does.

       It's also possible to declare a read/write parameter that doesn't
       autovivify in this way: using the "is ref" trait instead of "is rw":

	   sub push_only_if_real_array (@array is ref, *@data) {...}

       "is ref" still allows the parameter to be read from and written to, but
       throws an exception if the corresponding argument isn't already a real
       referent of some kind.

A label by any other name
       Mandating fixed labels for the two arrays being returned seems a little
       inflexible, so we could add another X optional X parameter via which
       user-selected key names could be passed...

	   sub part (Selector $is_sheep,
		     Str ?@labels is dim(2) = <<sheep goats>>,
		    ) returns List of Pair
	       my ($sheep, $goats) is constant = @labels;
	       my %herd = ($sheep=>[], $goats=>[]);
	       for @data {
		   when $is_sheep { push %herd{$sheep}, $_ }
		   default	  { push %herd{$goats}, $_ }
	       return *%herd;

       Optional parameters in Perl 6 are prefixed with a "?" marker (just as
       slurpy parameters are prefixed with "*"). Like required parameters,
       optional parameters are passed positionally, so the above example means
       that the second argument is expected to be an array of strings. This
       has important consequences for backwards compatibility X as we'll see

       As well as declaring it to be optional (using a leading "?"), we also
       declare the @labels parameter to have exactly two elements, by
       specifying the "is dim(2)" trait. The "is dim" trait takes one or more
       integer values. The number of values it's given specifies the number of
       dimensions the array has; the values themselves specify how many
       elements long the array is in each dimension. For example, to create a
       four-dimensional array of 7x24x60x60 elements, we'd declare it:

	   my @seconds is dim(7,24,60,60);

       In the latest version of &part, the "@labels is dim(2)" declaration
       means that @labels is a normal one-dimensional array, but that it has
       only two elements in that one dimension.

       The final component of the declaration of @labels is the specification
       of its default value. Any optional parameter may be given a default
       value, to which it will be bound if no corresponding argument is
       provided. The default value can be any expression that yields a value
       compatible with the type of the optional parameter.

       In the above version of &part, for the sake of backwards compatibility
       we make the optional @labels default to the list of two strings
       "<<sheep goats>>"  (using the new Perl 6 list-of-strings syntax).

       Thus if we provide an array of two strings explicitly, the two strings
       we provide will be used as keys for the two pairs returned. If we don't
       specify the labels ourselves, "sheep" and "goats" will be used.

   Name your poison
       With the latest version of &part defined to return named pairs, we can
       now write:

	   @parts = part Animal::Cat, <<cat chattel>>, @animals;
	   #	returns: (cat=>[...], chattel=>[...])
	   # instead of: (sheep=>[...], goats=>[...])

       The first argument ("Animal::Cat") is bound to &part's $is_sheep
       parameter (as before). The second argument ("<<cat chattel>>") is now
       bound to the optional @labels parameter, leaving the @animals argument
       to be flattened into a list and slurped up by the @data parameter.

       We could also pass some, or all, of the arguments as named arguments.
       A named argument is simply a Perl 6 pair, where the key is the name of
       the intended parameter, and the value is the actual argument to be
       bound to that parameter. That makes sense: every parameter we ever
       declare has to have a name, so there's no good reason why we shouldn't
       be allowed to pass it an argument using that name to single it out.

       An important restriction on named arguments is that they cannot come
       before positional arguments, or after any arguments that are bound to a
       slurpy array. Otherwise, there would be no efficient, single-pass way
       of working out which unnamed arguments belong to which parameters.  But
       apart from that one overarching restriction (which Larry likes to think
       of as a zoning law), we're free to pass named arguments in any order we
       like. That's a huge advantage in any subroutine that takes a large
       number of parameters, because it means we no longer have to remember
       their order, just their names.

       For example, using named arguments we could rewrite the above "part"
       call as any of the following:

	   # Use named argument to pass optional @labels argument...
	   @parts = part Animal::Cat, labels => <<cat chattel>>, @animals;

	   # Use named argument to pass both @labels and @data arguments...
	   @parts = part Animal::Cat, labels => <<cat chattel>>, data => @animals;

	   # The order in which named arguments are passed doesn't matter...
	   @parts = part Animal::Cat, data => @animals, labels => <<cat chattel>>;

	   # Can pass *all* arguments by name...
	   @parts = part is_sheep => Animal::Cat,
			   labels => <<cat chattel>>,
			     data => @animals;

	   # And the order still doesn't matter...
	   @parts = part data => @animals,
			 labels => <<cat chattel>>,
			 is_sheep => Animal::Cat;

	   # etc.

       So long as we never put a named argument before a positional argument,
       or after any unnamed data for the slurpy array, the named arguments can
       appear in any convenient order. They can even be pulled out of a
       flattened hash:

	   @parts = part *%args;

   Who gets the last piece of cake?
       We're making progress. Whether we pass its arguments by name or
       positionally, our call to "part" produces two partitions of the
       original list. And those partitions now come back with convenient
       labels, that we can specify via the optional @labels parameter.

       But now there's a problem. Even though we explicitly marked it as
       optional, it turns out that things can go horribly wrong if we don't
       actually supply that optional argument. Which is not very "optional".
       And, worse, it means there's potentially a problem with every single
       legacy call to "part" that was coded before we added the optional

       For example, consider the call:

	   @pets = ('Canis latrans', 'Felis sylvestris');

	   @parts = part /:i felis/, @pets;

	   # expected to return: (sheep=>['Felis sylvestris'], goats=>['Canis latrans'] )
	   # actually returns:	 ('Felis sylvestris'=>[], 'Canis latrans'=>[])

       What went wrong?

       Well, when the call to "part" is matching its argument list against
       &call's parameter list, it works left-to-right as follows:

       1.  The first parameter ($is_sheep) is declared as a scalar of type
	   "Selector". So the first argument must be a "Code" or a "Class" or
	   a "Hash" or a "Rule". It's actually a "Rule", so the call mechanism
	   binds that rule to $is_sheep.

       2.  The second parameter ("?@labels") is declared as an array of two
	   strings. So the second argument must be an array of two strings.
	   @pets is an array of two strings, so we bind that array to @labels.

       3.  The third parameter (*@data) is declared as a slurpy array. So any
	   remaining arguments should be flattened and bound to successive
	   elements of @data. There are no remaining arguments, so there's
	   nothing to flatten-and-bind, so @data remains empty.

       And that's the problem. If we pass the arguments positionally, and
       there are not enough of them to bind to every parameter, the parameters
       at the start of the parameter list are bound before those towards the
       end. Even if those earlier parameters are marked optional. In other
       words, argument binding is "greedy" and (for obvious efficiency
       reasons) it never backtracks to see if there might be better ways to
       match arguments to parameters. Which means, in this case, that our data
       is being pre- emptively "stolen" by our labels.

   Pipeline to the rescue!
       So in general (and in the above example in particular) we need some way
       of indicating that a positional argument belongs to the slurpy data,
       not to some preceding optional parameter. One way to do that is to pass
       the ambiguous argument by name:

	   @parts = part /:i felis/, data=>@pets;

       Then there can be no mistake about which argument belongs to what

       But there's also a purely positional way to tell the call to "part"
       that @pets belongs to the slurpy @data, not to the optional @labels. We
       can pipeline it directly there. After all, that's precisely what the
       pipeline operator does: it binds the list on its blunt side to the
       slurpy array parameter of the call on its sharp side.  So we could just

	   @parts = part /:i felis/ <== @pets;

	   # returns: (sheep=>['Felis sylvestris'], goats=>['Canis latrans'])

       Because @pets now appears on the blunt end of a pipeline, there's no
       way it can be interpreted as anything other than the slurped data for
       the call to "part".

   A natural assumption
       Of course, as a solution to the problem of legacy code, this is highly
       sub-optimal. It requires that every single pre-existing call to "part"
       be modified (by having a pipeline inserted). And that will almost
       certainly be too painful.

       Our new optional labels would be much more useful if their existence
       itself was also optional. If we could somehow add a single statement to
       the start of any legacy code file and thereby cause &part to work like
       it used to in the good old days before labels. In other words, what we
       really want is an imposter &part subroutine that pretends that it only
       has the original two parameters ($is_sheep and @data), but then when
       it's called surreptitiously supplies an appropriate value for the new
       @label parameter and quietly calls the real &part.

       And, in Perl 6, that's easy. All we need is a good curry.

       We write the following at the start of the file:

	   use List::Part;   # Supposing &part is defined in this module

	   my &part ::= &List::Part::part.assuming(labels => <<sheep goats>>)

       That second line is a little imposing so let's break it down.  First of


       is just the fully qualified name of the &part subroutine that's defined
       in the "List::Part" module (which, for the purposes of this example, is
       where we're saying &part lives). So:


       is the actual "Code" object corresponding to the &part subroutine. So:


       is a method call on that "Code" object. This is the tricky bit, but
       it's no big deal really. If a "Code" object really is an object, we
       certainly ought to be able to call methods on it. So:

	   &List::Part::part.assuming(labels => <<sheep goats>>)

       calls the "assuming" method of the "Code" object &part and passes the
       "assuming" method a named argument whose name is "labels" and whose
       value is the list of strings "<<sheep goats>>".

       Now, if we only knew what the ".assuming" method did...

   That about wraps it up
       What the ".assuming(...)" method does is place an anonymous wrapper
       around an existing "Code" object and then return a reference to (what
       appears to be) an entirely separate "Code" object. That new "Code"
       object works exactly like the original X except that the new one is
       missing one or more of the original's parameters.

       Specifically, the parameter list of the wrapper subroutine doesn't have
       any of the parameters that were named in in the call to ".assuming".
       Instead those missing parameters are automatically filled in whenever
       the new subroutine is called, using the values of those named arguments
       to ".assuming".

       All of which simply means that the method call:

	   &List::Part::part.assuming(labels => <<sheep goats>>)

       returns a reference to a new subroutine that acts like this:

	   sub ($is_sheep, *@data) {
	       return part($is_sheep, labels=><<sheep goats>>, *@data)

       That is, because we passed a "labels => <<sheep goats>>"	 argument to
       ".assuming", we get back a subroutine without a "labels" parameter, but
       which then just calls "part" and inserts the value "<<sheep goats>>"
       for the missing parameter.

       Or, as the code itself suggests:

	   &List::Part::part.assuming(labels => <<sheep goats>>)

       gives us what &List::Part::part would become under the assumption that
       the value of @labels is always "<<sheep goats>>" .

       How does that help with our source code backwards compatibility
       problem?	 It completely solves it. All we have to do is to make Perl 6
       use that carefully wrapped, two-parameter version of &part in all our
       legacy code, instead of the full three-parameter one. And to do that we
       merely create a lexical subroutine of the same name and bind the
       wrapped version to that lexical:

	   my &part ::= &List::Part::part.assuming(labels => <<sheep goats>>);

       The "my &part" declares a lexical subroutine named &part (in exactly
       the same way that a "my $part" would declare a lexical variable named
       $part). The "my" keyword says that it's lexical and the sigil says what
       kind of thing it is ("&" for subroutine, in this case). Then we simply
       install the wrapped version of &List::Part::part as the implementation
       of the new lexical &part and we're done.

       Just as lexical variables hide package or global variables of the same
       name, so too a lexical subroutine hides any package or global
       subroutine of the same name. So "my &part" hides the imported
       &List::Part::part, and every subsequent call to "part(...)" in the rest
       of the current scope calls the lexical &part instead.

       And, because that lexical version is bound to a label-assuming wrapper,
       it doesn't have a "labels" parameter, so none of the legacy calls to
       &part are broken. Instead, the lexical &part just silently "fills in"
       the "labels" parameter with the value we originally gave to

       And if we needed to add another partitioning call within the scope of
       that lexical &part, but we wanted to use those sexy new non-default
       labels, we could do so by calling the actual three-parameter &part via
       its fully qualified name, like so:

	   @parts = List::Part::part(Animal::Cat, <<cat chattel>>, @animals);

   Pair bonding
       One major advantage of having &part return a list of pairs rather than
       a simple list of arrays is that now, instead of positional binding:

	   # with original (list-of-arrays) version of &part...
	   (@cats, @chattels) := part Animal::Cat <== @animals;

       we can do "named binding"

	   # with latest (list-of-pairs) version of &part...
	   (goats=>@chattels, sheep=>@cats) := part Animal::Cat <== @animals;

       Named binding???

       Well, we just learned that we can bind arguments to parameters by name.
       But earlier we saw that parameter binding is merely an implicit form of
       explicit ":=" binding.  So the inevitable conclusion is that the only
       reason we can bind parameters by name is because ":=" supports named

       And indeed it does. If a ":=" finds a list of pairs on its right-hand
       side, and a list of simple variables on its left-hand side, it uses
       named binding instead of positional binding. That is, instead of
       binding first to first, second to second, etc., the ":=" uses the key
       of each right- hand pair to determine the name of the variable on its
       left to which the value of the pair should be bound.

       That sounds complicated, but the effect is very easy to understand:

	   # Positional binding...
	   ($who, $why) := ($because, "me");
	   # same as: $who := $because; $why := "me";

	   # Named binding...
	   ($who, $why) := (why => $because, who => "me");
	   # same as: $who := "me"; $why := $because;

       Even more usefully, if the binding operator detects a list of pairs on
       its left and another list of pairs on its right, it binds the value of
       the first pair on the right to the value of the identically named pair
       on the left (again, regardless of where the two pairs appear in their
       respective lists). Then it binds the value of the second pair on the
       right to the value of the identically named pair on the left, and so

       That means we can set up a named ":=" binding in which the names of the
       bound variables don't even have to match the keys of the values being
       bound to them:

	   # Explicitly named binding...
	   (who=>$name, why=>$reason) := (why => $because, who => "me");
	   # same as: $name := "me"; $reason := $because;

       The most common use for that feature will probably be to create "free-
       standing" aliases for particular entries in a hash:

	   (who=>$name, why=>$reason) := *%explanation;
	   # same as: $name := %explanation{who}; $reason := %explanation{why};

       or to convert particular hash entries into aliases for other variables:

	   *%details := (who=>"me", why=>$because);
	   # same as: %details{who} := "me", %details{why} := $because;

An argument in name only
       It's pretty cool that Perl 6 automatically lets us specify positional
       arguments X and even return values X by name rather than position.

       But what if we'd prefer that some of our arguments could only be
       specified by name. After all, the @labels parameter isn't really in the
       same league as the $is_sheep parameter: it's only an option after all,
       and one that most people probably won't use. It shouldn't really be a
       positional parameter at all.

       And we can specify that the "labels" argument is only to be passed by changing the previous declaration of the @labels parameter
       very slightly:

	   sub part (Selector $is_sheep,
		     Str +@labels is dim(2) = <<sheep goats>>,
		    ) returns List of Pair
	       my ($sheep, $goats) is constant = @labels;
	       my %herd = ($sheep=>[], $goats=>[]);
	       for @data {
		   when $is_sheep { push %herd{$sheep}, $_ }
		   default	  { push %herd{$goats}, $_ }
	       return *%herd;

       In fact, there's only a single character's worth of difference in the
       whole definition. Whereas before we declared the @labels parameter like

	      Str ?@labels is dim(2) = <<sheep goats>>

       now we declare it like this:

	      Str +@labels is dim(2) = <<sheep goats>>

       Changing that "?" prefix to a "+" changes @labels from an optional
       positional-or-named parameter to an optional named-only parameter. So
       now if we want to pass in a "labels" argument, we can only pass it by
       name. Attempting to pass it positionally will result in some extreme
       prejudice from the compiler.

       Named-only parameters are still optional parameters however, so legacy
       code that omits the labels:

	   %parts = part Animal::Cat <== @animals;

       still works fine (and still causes the @labels parameter to default to
       "<<sheep goats>>").

       Better yet, converting @labels from a positional to a named-only
       parameter also solves the problem of legacy code of the form:

	   %parts = part Animals::Cat, @animals;

       @animals can't possibly be intended for the @labels parameter now. We
       explicitly specified that labels can only be passed by name, and the
       @animals argument isn't named.

       So named-only parameters give us a clean way of upgrading a subroutine
       and still supporting legacy code. Indeed, in many cases the only
       reasonable way to add a new parameter to an existing, widely used, Perl
       6 subroutine will be to add it as a named-only parameter.

Careful with that arg, Eugene!
       Of course, there's no free lunch here. The cost of solving the legacy
       code problem is that we changed the meaning of any more recent code
       like this:

	   %parts = part Animal::Cat, <<cat chattel>>, @animals;     # Oops!

       When @labels was positional-or-named, the "<<cat chattel>>"  argument
       could only be interpreted as being intended for @labels. But now,
       there's no way it can be for @labels (because it isn't named), so Perl
       6 assumes that the list is just part of the slurped data. The two-
       element list will now be flattened (along with @animals), resulting in
       a single list that is then bound to the @data parameter. As if we'd

	   %parts = part Animal::Cat <== 'cat', 'chattel', @animals;

       This is yet another reason why named-only should probably be the first
       choice for optional parameters.

   Temporal life insurance
       Being able to add name-only parameters to existing subroutines is an
       important way of future-proofing any calls to the subroutine. So long
       as we continue to add only named-only parameters to &part, the order in
       which the subroutine expects its positional and slurpy arguments will
       be unchanged, so every existing call to "part" will continue to work

       And, curiously, the reverse is also true. Named-only parameters also
       provide us with a way to "history-proof" subroutine calls. That is, we
       can allow a subroutine to accept named arguments that it doesn't (yet)
       know how to handle! Like so:

	   sub part (Selector $is_sheep,
		     Str +@labels is dim(2) = <<sheep goats>>
		     *%extras,	       # <-- NEW PARAMETER ADDED HERE
		    ) returns List of Pair
	       # Handle extras...
	       carp "Ignoring unknown named parameter '$_'" for keys %extras;

	       # Remainder of subroutine as before...
	       my ($sheep, $goats) is constant = @labels;
	       my %herd = ($sheep=>[], $goats=>[]);
	       for @data {
		   when $is_sheep { push %herd{$sheep}, $_ }
		   default	  { push %herd{$goats}, $_ }
	       return *%herd;

	   # and later...

	   %parts = part Animal::Cat, label=><<Good Bad>>, max=>3, @data;

	   # warns: "Ignoring unknown parameter 'max' at, line 19"

       The *%extras parameter is a "slurpy hash". Just as the slurpy array
       parameter (*@data) sucks up any additional positional arguments for
       which there's no explicit parameter, a slurpy hash sucks up any named
       arguments that are unaccounted for. In the above example, for instance,
       &part has no $max parameter, so passing the named argument "max=>3"
       would normally produce a (compile-time) exception:

	   Invalid named parameter ('max') in call to &part

       However, because &part now has a slurpy hash, that extraneous named
       argument is simply bound to the appropriate entry of %extras and (in
       this example) used to generate a warning.

       The more common use of such slurpy hashes is to capture the named
       arguments that are passed to an object constructor and have them
       automatically forwarded to the constructors of the appropriate
       ancestral classes. We'll explore that technique in Exegesis 12.

The greatest thing since sliced arrays
       So far we've progressively extended &part from the first simple version
       that only accepted subroutines as selectors, to the most recent
       versions that can now also use classes, rules, or hashes to partition
       their data.

       Suppose we also wanted to allow the user to specify a list of integer
       indices as the selector, and thereby allow &part to separate a slice of
       data from its "antislice". In other words, instead of:

	   %data{2357}	= [ @data[2,3,5,7]	      ];
	   %data{other} = [ @data[0,1,4,6,8..@data-1] ];

       we could write:

	   %data = part [2,3,5,7], labels=>["2357","other"], @data;

       We could certainly extend &part to do that:

	   type Selector ::= Code | Class | Rule | Hash | (Array of Int);

	   sub part (Selector $is_sheep,
		     Str +@labels is dim(2) = <<sheep goats>>,
		    ) returns List of Pair
	       my ($sheep, $goats) is constant = @labels;
	       my %herd = ($sheep=>[], $goats=>[]);
	       if $is_sheep.isa(Array of Int) {
		   for @data.kv -> $index, $value {
		       if $index == any($is_sheep) { push %herd{$sheep}, $value }
		       else			   { push %herd{$goats}, $value }
	       else {
		   for @data {
		       when $is_sheep { push %herd{$sheep}, $_ }
		       default	      { push %herd{$goats}, $_ }
	       return *%herd;

	   # and later, if there's a prize for finishing 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or last...

	   %prize = part [0, 1, 2, @horses-1],
			 labels => << placed  also_ran >>,

       Note that this is the first time we couldn't just add another class to
       the "Selector" type and rely on the smart-match inside the "when" to
       work out how to tell "sheep" from "goats". The problem here is that
       when the selector is an array of integers, the value of each data
       element no longer determines its sheepishness/goatility. It's now the
       element's position (i.e. its index) that decides its fate. And, since
       our existing smart-match compares values, not positions, the "when"
       can't pick out the right elements for us. Instead, we have to consider
       both the index and the value of each data element.

       To do that we use the @data array's ".kv" method. Just as calling the
       ".kv" method on a hash returns key, value, key, value, key, value,
       etc., so too calling the ".kv" method on an array returns index, value,
       index, value, index, value, etc. Then we just use a parameterized block
       as our "for" block, specifying that it has two arguments. That causes
       the "for" to grab two elements of the list its iterating (i.e. one
       index and one value) on each iteration.

       Then we simply test to see if the current index is any of those
       specified in $is_sheep's array and, if so, we push the corresponding

	   for @data.kv -> $index, $value {
	       if $index == any(@$is_sheep) { push %herd{$sheep}, $value }
	       else			    { push %herd{$goats}, $value }

A parting of
       That works okay, but it's not perfect. In fact, as it's presented above
       the &part subroutine is now both an ugly solution and an inefficient

       It's ugly because &part is now twice as long as it was before. And the
       two branches of control-flow within it are similar in form but quite
       different in function. One partitions the data according to the
       contents of a datum; the other, according to a datum's position in

       It's inefficient because it effectively tests the type of the selector
       argument twice: once (implicitly) when it's first bound to the
       $is_sheep parameter, and then again (explicitly) in the call to ".isa".

       It would be cleaner and more maintainable to break these two nearly
       unrelated behaviours out into separate subroutines. And it would be
       more efficient if we could select between those two subroutines by
       testing the type of the selector only once.

       And, of course, in Perl 6 we can do just that X with a multisub.

       What's a multisub? It's a collection of related subroutines (known as
       "variants"), all of which have the same name but different parameter
       lists. When the multisub is called and passed a list of arguments, Perl
       6 examines the types of the arguments, finds the variant with the same
       name and the most compatible parameter list, and calls that variant.

       By the way, you might be more familiar with the term multimethod.  A
       multisub is a multiply dispatched subroutine, in the same way that a
       multimethod is a multiply dispatched method. There'll be much more
       about those in Exegesis 12.

       Multisubs provide facilities something akin to function overloading in
       C++. We set up several subroutines with the same logical name (because
       they implement the same logical action). But each takes a distinct set
       of argument types and does the appropriate things with those particular

       However, multisubs are more "intelligent" that mere overloaded
       subroutines. With overloaded subroutines, the compiler examines the
       compile-time types of the subroutine's arguments and hard-codes a call
       to the appropriate variant based on that information. With multisubs,
       the compiler takes no part in the variant selection process. Instead,
       the interpreter decides which variant to invoke at the time the call is
       actually made. And it does that by examining the run-time type of each
       argument, making use of its inheritance relationships to resolve any

       To see why a run-time decision is better, consider the following code:

	   class Lion is Cat {...}    # Lion inherits from Cat

	   multi sub feed(Cat  $c) { pat $c; my $glop = open 'Can'; spoon_out($glop); }
	   multi sub feed(Lion $l) { $l.stalk($prey) and kill; }

	   my Cat $fluffy =;


       In Perl 6, the call to "feed" will correctly invoke the second variant
       because the interpreter knows that $fluffy actually contains a
       reference to a "Lion" object at the time the call is made (even though
       the nominal type of the variable is "Cat").

       If Perl 6 multisubs worked like C++'s function overloading, the call to
       "feed($fluffy)" would invoke the first version of "feed", because all
       that the compiler knows for sure at compile-time is that $fluffy is
       declared to store "Cat" objects.	 And that's precisely why Perl 6
       doesn't do it that way. We prefer leave the hand-feeding of lions to
       other languages.

   Many parts
       As the above example shows, in Perl 6, multisub variants are defined by
       prepending the "sub" keyword with another keyword: "multi".  The
       parameters that the interpreter is going to consider when deciding
       which variant to call are specified to the left of a colon (":"), with
       any other parameters specified to the right. If there is no colon in
       the parameter list (as above), all the parameters are considered when
       deciding which variant to invoke.

       So we could refactor the most recent version of &part like so:

	   type Selector ::= Code | Class | Rule | Hash;

	   multi sub part (Selector $is_sheep:
			   Str +@labels is dim(2) = <<sheep goats>>,
			  ) returns List of Pair
	       my ($sheep, $goats) is constant = @labels;
	       my %herd = ($sheep=>[], $goats=>[]);
	       for @data {
		   when $is_sheep { push %herd{$sheep}, $_ }
		   default	  { push %herd{$goats}, $_ }
	       return *%herd;

	   multi sub part ( Int @sheep_indices:
			Str +@labels is dim(2) = <<sheep goats>>,
		  ) returns List of Pair
	       my ($sheep, $goats) is constant = @labels;
	       my %herd = ($sheep=>[], $goats=>[]);
	       for @data -> $index, $value {
		   if $index == any(@sheep_indices) { push %herd{$sheep}, $value }
		   else				    { push %herd{$goats}, $value }
	       return *%herd;

       Here we create two variants of a single multisub named &part. The first
       variant will be invoked whenever &part is called with a "Selector"
       object as its first argument (that is, when it is passed a "Code" or
       "Class" or "Rule" or "Hash" object as its selector).

       The second variant will be invoked only if the first argument is an
       "Array of Int". If the first argument is anything else, an exception
       will be thrown.

       Notice how similar the body of the first variant is to the earlier
       subroutine versions. Likewise, the body of the second variant is almost
       identical to the "if" branch of the previous (subroutine) version.

       Notice too how the body of each variant only has to deal with the
       particular type of selector that its first parameter specifies.	That's
       because the interpreter has already determined what type of thing the
       first argument was when deciding which variant to call. So a particular
       variant will only ever be called if the first argument is compatible
       with that variant's first parameter.

Call me early
       Suppose we wanted more control over the default labels that &part uses
       for its return values. For example, suppose we wanted to be able to
       prompt the user for the appropriate defaults X before the program runs.

       The default value for an optional parameter can be any valid Perl
       expression whose result is compatible with the type of the parameter.
       So we could simply write:

	   my Str @def_labels;

	   BEGIN {
	       print "Enter 2 default labels: ";
	       @def_labels = split(/\s+/, <>, 3).[0..1];

	   sub part (Selector $is_sheep,
		     Str +@labels is dim(2) = @def_labels,
		    ) returns List of Pair
	       # body as before

       We first define an array variable:

	   my Str @def_labels;

       This will ultimately serve as the expression that the @labels parameter
       uses as its default:

	      Str +@labels is dim(2) = @def_labels

       Then we merely need a "BEGIN" block (so that it runs before the program
       starts) in which we prompt for the required information:

	   print "Enter 2 default labels: ";

       read it in:


       split the input line into three pieces using whitespace as a separator:

	   split(/\s+/, <>, 3)

       grab the first two of those pieces:

	   split(/\s+/, <>, 3).[0..1]

       and assign them to @def_labels:

	   @def_labels = split(/\s+/, <>, 3).[0..1];

       So we're guaranteed that @def_labels has the necessary default labels
       before &part is ever called.

   Core breach
       Builtins like &split can also be given named arguments in Perl 6 so,
       alternatively, we could write the "BEGIN" block like so:

	   BEGIN {
	       print "Enter 2 default labels: ";
	       @def_labels = split(str=><>, max=>3).[0..1];

       Here we're leaving out the split pattern entirely and making use of
       &split's default split-on-whitespace behaviour.

       Incidentally, an important goal of Perl 6 is to make the language
       powerful enough to natively implement all its own builtins. No, we
       won't actually implement it that way, since screamingly fast
       performance is another goal. But we do want to make it easy for anyone
       to create their own versions of any Perl built-in or control structure.

       So, for example, &split would be declared like this:

	   sub split( Rule|Str ?$sep = /\s+/,
			   Str ?$str = $CALLER::_,
			   Int ?$max = Inf
	       # implementation here

       Note first that every one of &split's parameters is optional, and that
       the defaults are the same as in Perl 5. If we omit the separator
       pattern, the default separator is whitespace; if we omit the string to
       be split, &split splits the caller's $_ variable; if we omit the
       "maximum number of pieces to return" argument, there is no upper limit
       on the number of splits that may be made.

       Note that we can't just declare the second parameter like so:

	   Str ?$str = $_,

       That's because, in Perl 6, the $_ variable is lexical (not global), so
       a subroutine doesn't have direct access to the $_ of its caller.	 That
       means that Perl 6 needs a special way to access a caller's $_.

       That special way is via the "CALLER::" namespace. Writing $CALLER::_
       gives us access to the $_ of whatever scope called the current
       subroutine. This works for other variables too ($CALLER::foo,
       @CALLER::bar, etc.) but is rarely useful, since we're only allowed to
       use "CALLER::" to access variables that already exist, and $_ is about
       the only variable that a subroutine can rely upon to be present in any
       scope it might be called from.

   A constant source of joy
       Setting up the @def_labels array at compile-time and then using it as
       the default for the @labels parameter works fine, but there's always
       the chance that the array might somehow be accidentally reassigned
       later.  If that's not desirable, then we need to make the array a
       constant. In Perl 6 that looks like this:

	   my @def_labels is constant = BEGIN {
	       print "Enter 2 default labels: ";
	       split(/\s+/, <>, 3).[0..1];

       The "is constant" trait is the way we prevent any Perl 6 variable from
       being reassigned after it's been declared. It effectively replaces the
       "STORE" method of the variable's implementation with one that throws an
       exception whenever it's called. It also instructs the compiler to keep
       an eye out for compile-time-detectable modifications to the variable
       and die violently if it finds any.

       Whenever a variable is declared "is constant" it must be initialized as
       part of its declaration. In this case we use the return value of a
       "BEGIN" block as the initializer value.

       Oh, by the way, "BEGIN" blocks have return values in Perl 6.
       Specifically, they return the value of the last statement executed
       inside them (just like a Perl 5 "do" or "eval" block does, except that
       "BEGIN"s do it at compile-time).

       In the above example the result of the "BEGIN" is the return value of
       the call to "split".  So @def_labels is initialized to the two default
       labels, which cannot thereafter be changed.

   "BEGIN" at the scene of the crime
       Of course, the @def_labels array is really just a temporary storage
       facility for transferring the results of the "BEGIN" block to the
       default value of the @labels parameter.

       We could easily do away with it entirely, by simply putting the "BEGIN"
       block right there in the parameter list:

	   sub part (Selector $is_sheep,
		     Str +@labels is dim(2) = BEGIN {
				 print "Enter 2 default labels: ";
				 split(/\s+/, <>, 3).[0..1];
		    ) returns List of Pair
	       # body as before

       And that works fine.

Macro biology
       The only problem is that it's ugly, brutish, and not at all short. If
       only there were some way of calling the "BEGIN" block at that point
       without having to put the actual "BEGIN" block at that point.

       Well, of course there is such a way. In Perl 6 a block is just a
       special kind of nameless subroutine...and a subroutine is just a
       special name-ful kind of block. So it shouldn't really come as a
       surprise that "BEGIN" blocks have a name-ful, subroutine-ish
       counterpart.  They're called macros and they look and act very much
       like ordinary subroutine, except that they run at compile-time.

       So, for example, we could create a compile-time subroutine that
       requests and returns our user-specified labels:

	   macro request(int $n, Str $what) returns List of Str {
	       print "Enter $n $what: ";
	       my @def_labels = split(/\s+/, <>, $n+1);
	       return { @def_labels[0..$n-1] };

	   # and later...

	   sub part (Selector $is_sheep,
		     Str +@labels is dim(2) = request(2,"default labels"),
		    ) returns List of Pair
	       # body as before

       Calls to a macro are invoked during compilation (not at run-time). In
       fact, like a "BEGIN" block, a macro call is executed as soon as the
       parser has finished parsing it. So, in the above example, when the
       parser has parsed the declaration of the @labels parameter and then the
       "=" sign indicating a default value, it comes across what looks like a
       subroutine call. As soon as it has parsed that subroutine call
       (including its argument list) it will detect that the subroutine
       &request is actually a macro, so it will immediately call &request with
       the specified arguments (2 and "default labels").

       Whenever a macro like &request is invoked, the parser itself intercepts
       the macro's return value and integrates it somehow back into the parse
       tree it is in the middle of building. If the macro returns a block X as
       &request does in the above example X the parser extracts the the
       contents of that block and inserts the parse tree of those contents
       into the program's parse tree. In other words, if a macro returns a
       block, a precompiled version of whatever is inside the block replaces
       the original macro call.

       Alternatively, a macro can return a string. In which case, the parser
       inserts that string back into the source code in place of the macro
       call and then reparses it. Which means we could also write &request
       like this:

	   macro request(int $n, Str $what) returns List of Str {
	       print "Enter $n $what: ";
	       return "<< ( @(split(/\s+/, <>, $n+1).[0..$n-1]) >>";

       In which case it would return a string containing the characters "<<",
       followed by the two labels that the "request" call reads in, followed
       by a closing double angles. The parser would then substitute that
       string in place of the macro call, discover it was a "<<...>>" word
       list, and use that list as the default labels.

   Macros for "BEGIN"-ers
       Macros are enormously powerful. In fact, in Perl 6, we could implement
       the functionality of "BEGIN" itself using a macro:

	   macro MY_BEGIN (&block) {
	       my $context = want;
	       if $context ~~ List {
		   my @values = block();
		   return { *@values };
	       elsif $context ~~ Scalar {
		   my $value = block();
		   return { $value };
	       else {

       The "MY_BEGIN" macro declares a single parameter (&block). Because that
       parameter is specified with the "Code" sigil ("&"), the macro requires
       that the corresponding argument must be a block or subroutine of some
       type. Within the body of &MY_BEGIN that argument is bound to the
       lexical subroutine &block (just as a $foo parameter would bind its
       corresponding argument to a lexical scalar variable, or a @foo
       parameter would bind its argument to a lexical array).

       &MY_BEGIN then calls the "want" function, which is Perl 6's replacement
       for "wantarray". "want" returns a scalar value that simultaneously
       represents any the contexts in which the current subroutine was called.
       In other words, it returns a disjunction of various classes. We then
       compare that context information against the three possibilities X
       "List", "Scalar", and (by elimination) "Void".

       If "MY_BEGIN" was called in a list context, we evaluate its
       block/closure argument in a list context, capture the results in an
       array (@values), and then return a block containing the contents of
       that array flattened back to a list. In a scalar context we do much the
       same thing, except that "MY_BEGIN"'s argument is evaluated in scalar
       context and a block containing that scalar result is returned. In a
       void context (the only remaining possibility), the argument is simply
       evaluated and nothing is returned.

       In the first two cases, returning a block causes the original macro
       call to be replaced by a parse tree. Specifically, by the parse tree
       representing the values that resulted from executing the original block
       passed to "MY_BEGIN".

       In the final case X a void context X the compiler isn't expecting to
       replace the macro call with anything, so it doesn't matter what we
       return, just as long as we evaluate the block. The macro call itself is
       simply eliminated from the final parse-tree.

       Note that "MY_BEGIN" could be written more concisely than it was above,
       by taking advantage of the smart-matching behaviour of a switch

	   macro MY_BEGIN (&block) {
	       given want {
		   when List   { my @values = block(); return { *@values }; }
		   when Scalar { my $value  = block(); return {	 $value	 }; }
		   when Void   {	      block(); return		    }

   A macro by any other syntax...
       Because macros are called by the parser, it's possible to have them
       interact with the parser itself. In particular, it's possible for a
       macro to tell the parser how the macro's own argument list should be

       For example, we could give the &request macro its own non-standard
       argument syntax, so that instead of calling it as:

	   request(2,"default labels")

       we could just write:

	   request(2 default labels)

       To do that we'd define &request like so:

	   macro request(int $n, Str $what)
	       is parsed( /:w \( (\d+) (.*?) \) / )
	       returns List of Str
	       print "Enter $n $what: ";
	       my @def_labels = split(/\s+/, <>, $n+1);
	       return { @def_labels[0..$n-1] };

       The "is parsed" trait tells the parser what to look for immediately
       after it encounters the macro's name. In the above example, the parser
       is told that, after encountering the sequence "request" it should
       expect to match the pattern:

	   / :w	       # Allow whitespace between the tokens
	     \(	       # Match an opening paren
	     (\d+)     # Capture one-or-more digits
	     (.*?)     # Capture everything else up to...
	     \)	       # ...a closing paren

       Note that the one-or-more-digits and the anything-up-to-paren bits of
       the pattern are in capturing parentheses. This is important because the
       list of substrings that an "is parsed" pattern captures is then used as
       the argument list to the macro call. So the captured digits become the
       first argument (which is then bound to the $n parameter) and the
       captured "everything else" becomes the second argument (and is bound to

       Normally, of course, we don't need to specify the "is parsed" trait
       when setting up a macro. Since a macro is a kind of subroutine, by
       default its argument list is parsed the same as any other subroutine's
       X as a comma-separated list of Perl 6 expressions.

Refactoring parameter lists
       By this stage, you might be justified in feeling that &part's parameter
       list is getting just a leeeeettle too sophisticated for its own good.
       Moreover, if we were using the multisub version, that complexity would
       have to be repeated in every variant.

       Philosophically though, that's okay. The later versions of &part are
       doing some fairly sophisticated things, and the complexity required to
       achieve that has to go somewhere. Putting that extra complexity in the
       parameter list means that the body of &part stays much simpler. As do
       any calls to &part.

       Which is the whole point: Complexify locally to simplify globally.  Or
       maybe: Complexify declaratively to simplify procedurally.

       But there's precious little room for the consolations of philosophy
       when you're swamped in code and up to your assembler in allomorphism.
       So, rather than having to maintain those complex and repetitive
       parameter lists, we might prefer to factor out the common
       infrastructure.	With, of course, yet another macro:

	   macro PART_PARAMS {
		  my ($sheep,$goats) = request(2 default labels);
		  return "Str +\@labels is dim(2) = <<$sheep $goats>>, *\@data";

	   multi sub part (Selector $is_sheep, PART_PARAMS) {
	       # body as before

	   multi sub part (Int @is_sheep, PART_PARAMS) {
	       # body as before

       Here we create a macro named &PART_PARAMS that requests and extracts
       the default labels and then interpolates them into a string, which it
       returns.	 That string then replaces the original macro call.

       Note that we reused the &request macro within the &PART_PARAMS macro.
       That's important, because it means that, as the body of &PART_PARAMS is
       itself being parsed, the default names are requested and interpolated
       into &PART_PARAMS's code. That ensures that the user-supplied default
       labels are hardwired into &PART_PARAMS even before it's compiled. So
       every subsequent call to "PART_PARAMS" will return the same default

       On the other hand, if we'd written &PART_PARAMS like this:

	   macro PART_PARAMS {
		  print "Enter 2 default labels: ";
		  my ($sheep,$goats) = split(/\s+/, <>, 3);
		  return "*\@data, Str +\@labels is dim(2) = <<$sheep $goats>>";

       then each time we used the &PART_PARAMS macro in our code, it would re-
       prompt for the labels. So we could give each variant of &part it's own
       default labels. Either approach is fine, depending on the effect we
       want to achieve. It's really just a question how much work we're
       willing to put in in order to be Lazy.

Smooth operators
       By now it's entirely possible that your head is spinning with the sheer
       number of ways Perl 6 lets us implement the &part subroutine. Each of
       those ways represents a different tradeoff in power, flexibility, and
       maintainability of the resulting code. But it's important to remember
       that, however we choose to implement &part, it's always invoked in
       basically the same way:

	   %parts = part $selector, @data;

       Sure, some of the above techniques let us modify the return labels, or
       control the use of named vs positional arguments. But with all of them,
       the call itself starts with the name of the subroutine, after which we
       specify the arguments.

       So let's change that too!

       Suppose we preferred to have a partitioning operator, rather than a
       subroutine. If we ignore those optional labels, and restrict our list
       to be an actual array, we can see that the core partitioning operation
       is binary ("apply this selector to that array").

       So if &part is to become an operator, we need it to be a binary
       operator. In Perl 6 we can make up completely new operators, so let's
       take our partitioning inspiration from Moses and call our new operator:

       We'll assume that this "Red Sea" operator is to be used like this:

	   %parts = @animals ~|_|~ Animal::Cat;

       That is, the left operand is the array to be partitioned, and the right
       operand is the selector.	 In which case, to implement it we'd write;

	   multi sub infix:~|_|~ (@data, Selector $is_sheep)
	       is looser(&infix:+)
	       is assoc('non')
	       return part $is_sheep, @data;

       Operators are often overloaded with multiple variants (as we'll soon
       see), so we typically implement them as multisubs. However, it's also
       perfectly possible to implement them as regular subroutines, or even as

       To distinguish a binary operator from a regular multisub, we give it a
       special compound name, composed of the keyword "infix:" followed by the
       characters that make up the operator's symbol. These characters can be
       any sequence of non-whitespace Unicode characters (except left
       parenthesis, which can only appear if it's the first character of the
       symbol). So, instead of "~|_|~", we could equally well have named our
       partitioning operator any of:


       The "infix:" keyword tells the compiler that the operator is placed
       between its operands (as binary operators always are). If we're
       declaring a unary operator, there are three other keywords that can be
       used instead: "prefix:", "postfix:", or "circumfix:". For example:

	   sub prefix:E<plusmn> (Num $n) is equiv(&infix:+) { return +$n|-$n }

	   sub postfix:E<sup2> (Num $n) is tighter(&infix:**) { return $n**2 }

	   sub circumfix:E<lfloor>...E<rfloor> (Num $n) { return POSIX::floor($n) }

	   # and later...

	   $error = E<plusmn>E<lfloor>$xE<sup2>E<rfloor>;

       The "is tighter", "is looser", and "is equiv" traits tell the parser
       what the precedence of the new operator will be, relative to existing
       operators. Namely, whether the operator binds more tightly than, less
       tightly than, or with the same precedence as the operator named in the
       trait. Every operator has to have a precedence and associativity, so
       every operator definition has to include one of these three traits.

       The "is assoc" trait is only required on infix operators and specifies
       whether they chain to the left (like "+"), to the right (like "="), or
       not at all (like ".."). If the trait is not specified, the operator
       takes its associativity from the operator that's specified in the "is
       tighter", "is looser", or "is equiv" trait.

   Arguments both ways
       On the other hand, we might prefer that the selector come first (as it
       does in &part):

	   %parts = Animal::Cat ~|_|~ @animals;

       in which case we could just add:

	   multi sub infix:~|_|~ (Selector $is_sheep, @data)
	       is equiv( &infix:~|_|~(Array,Selector) )
	       return part $is_sheep, @data;

       So now we can specify the selector and the data in either order.

       Because the two variants of the "&infix:~|_|~" multisubs have different
       parameter lists (one is "(Array,Selector)", the other is "(Selector,
       Array)", Perl 6 always knows which one to call. If the left operand is
       a "Selector", the "&infix:~|_|~(Selector,Array)" variant is called. If
       the left operand is an array, the "&infix:~|_|~(Array,Selector)"
       variant is invoked.

       Note that, for this second variant, we specified "is equiv" instead of
       "is tighter" or "is looser". This ensures that the precedence and
       associativity of the second variant are the same as those of the first.
       That's also why we didn't need to specify an "is assoc".

Parting is such sweet sorrow
       Phew. Talk about "more than one way to do it"!

       But don't be put off by these myriads of new features and alternatives.
       The vast majority of them are special-purpose, power-user techniques
       that you may well never need to use or even know about.

       For most of us it will be enough to know that we can now add a proper
       parameter list, with sensibly named parameters, to any subroutine. So
       that what we used to write as:

	   sub feed {
	       my ($who, $how_much, @what) = @_;

       we now write as:

	   sub feed ($who, $how_much, *@what) {

       or, when we're feeling particularly cautious:

	   sub feed (Str $who, Num $how_much, Food *@what) {

       And just being able to do that is a huge win for Perl 6.

Parting shot
       By the way, here's (most of) that same partitioning functionality
       implemented in Perl 5:

	   # Perl 5 code...
	   sub part {
	       my ($is_sheep, $maybe_flag_or_labels, $maybe_labels, @data) = @_;
	       my ($sheep, $goats);
	       if ($maybe_flag_or_labels eq "labels" && ref $maybe_labels eq 'ARRAY') {
		   ($sheep, $goats) = @$maybe_labels;
	       elsif (ref $maybe_flag_or_labels eq 'ARRAY') {
		   unshift @data, $maybe_labels;
		   ($sheep, $goats) = @$maybe_flag_or_labels;
	       else {
		   unshift @data, $maybe_flag_or_labels, $maybe_labels;
		   ($sheep, $goats) = qw(sheep goats);
	       my $arg1_type = ref($is_sheep) || 'CLASS';
	       my %herd;
	       if ($arg1_type eq 'ARRAY') {
		   for my $index (0..$#data) {
		       my $datum = $data[$index];
		       my $label = grep({$index==$_} @$is_sheep) ? $sheep : $goats;
		       push @{$herd{$label}}, $datum;
	       else {
		   croak "Invalid first argument to &part"
		       unless $arg1_type =~ /^(Regexp|CODE|HASH|CLASS)$/;
		   for (@data) {
		       if (  $arg1_type eq 'Regexp' && /$is_sheep/
			  || $arg1_type eq 'CODE'   && $is_sheep->($_)
			  || $arg1_type eq 'HASH'   && $is_sheep->{$_}
			  || UNIVERSAL::isa($_,$is_sheep)
			  ) {
			   push @{$herd{$sheep}}, $_;
		       else {
			   push @{$herd{$goats}}, $_;
	       return map {bless {key=>$_,value=>$herd{$_}},'Pair'} keys %herd;

       Which is precisely why we're developing Perl 6.

perl v5.14.0			  2006-02-28		  Perl6::Bible::E06(3)

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