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Mojolicious(3)	      User Contributed Perl Documentation	Mojolicious(3)

       Mojolicious - Duct Tape For The Web!

	 # Application
	 package MyApp;
	 use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious';

	 # Route
	 sub startup {
	   my $self = shift;

	 # Controller
	 package MyApp::Foo;
	 use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';

	 # Action
	 sub hello {
	   my $self = shift;
	   $self->render_text('Hello World!');

       Web development for humans, making hard things possible and everything

	 use Mojolicious::Lite;

	 # Simple plain text response
	 get '/' => sub {
	   my $self = shift;
	   $self->render_text('Hello World!');

	 # Route associating the "/time" URL to template in DATA section
	 get '/time' => 'clock';

	 # RESTful web service sending JSON responses
	 get '/list/:offset' => sub {
	   my $self = shift;
	   $self->render_json({list => [0 .. $self->param('offset')]});

	 # Scrape and return information from remote sites
	 post '/title' => sub {
	   my $self = shift;
	   my $url  = $self->param('url') || '';

	 # WebSocket echo service
	 websocket '/echo' => sub {
	   my $self = shift;
	   $self->on_message(sub {
	     my ($self, $message) = @_;
	     $self->send_message("echo: $message");


	 @@ clock.html.ep
	 % use Time::Piece;
	 % my $now = localtime;
	 <%= link_to clock => begin %>
	   The time is <%= $now->hms %>.
	 <% end %>

       Single file prototypes can easily grow into well-structured
       applications.  A controller collects several actions together.

	 package MyApp::Example;
	 use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';

	 # Plain text response
	 sub hello {
	   my $self = shift;
	   $self->render_text('Hello World!');

	 # Render external template "templates/example/clock.html.ep"
	 sub clock { }

	 # RESTful web service sending JSON responses
	 sub restful {
	   my $self = shift;
	   $self->render_json({list => [0 .. $self->param('offset')]});

	 # Scrape and return information from remote sites
	 sub title {
	   my $self = shift;
	   my $url  = $self->param('url') || '';


       While the application class is unique, you can have as many controllers
       as you like.

	 package MyApp::Realtime;
	 use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';

	 # WebSocket echo service
	 sub echo {
	   my $self = shift;
	   $self->on_message(sub {
	     my ($self, $message) = @_;
	     $self->send_message("echo: $message");


       Larger applications benefit from the separation of actions and routes,
       especially when working in a team.

	 package MyApp;
	 use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious';

	 # Runs once on application startup
	 sub startup {
	   my $self = shift;
	   my $r    = $self->routes;

	   # Create a route at "/example" for the "MyApp::Example" controller
	   my $example = $r->route('/example')->to('example#');

	   # Connect these HTTP GET routes to actions in the controller
	   # (paths are relative to the controller)

	   # All common HTTP verbs are supported

	   # ...and much, much more
	   # (including multiple, auto-discovered controllers)


       Through all of these changes, your action code and templates can stay
       almost exactly the same.

	 % use Time::Piece;
	 % my $now = localtime;
	 <%= link_to clock => begin %>
	   The time is <%= $now->hms %>.
	 <% end %>

       Mojolicious has been designed from the ground up for a fun and unique

   Want To Know More?
       Take a look at our excellent documentation in Mojolicious::Guides!

       Mojolicious inherits all attributes from Mojo and implements the
       following new ones.

	 my $class = $app->controller_class;
	 $app	   = $app->controller_class('Mojolicious::Controller');

       Class to be used for the default controller, defaults to

	 my $mode = $app->mode;
	 $app	  = $app->mode('production');

       The operating mode for your application, defaults to the value of the
       "MOJO_MODE" environment variable or "development".  You can also add
       per mode logic to your application by defining methods named
       "${mode}_mode" in the application class, which will be called right
       before "startup".

	 sub development_mode {
	   my $self = shift;

	 sub production_mode {
	   my $self = shift;

       Right before calling "startup" and mode specific methods, Mojolicious
       will pick up the current mode, name the log file after it and raise the
       log level from "debug" to "info" if it has a value other than

	 my $process = $app->on_process;
	 $app	     = $app->on_process(sub {...});

       Request processing callback, defaults to calling the "dispatch" method.
       Generally you will use a plugin or controller instead of this, consider
       it the sledgehammer in your toolbox.

	 $app->on_process(sub {
	   my ($self, $c) = @_;

	 my $plugins = $app->plugins;
	 $app	     = $app->plugins(Mojolicious::Plugins->new);

       The plugin loader, defaults to a Mojolicious::Plugins object.  You can
       usually leave this alone, see Mojolicious::Plugin if you want to write
       a plugin or the "plugin" method below if you want to load a plugin.

	 my $renderer = $app->renderer;
	 $app	      = $app->renderer(Mojolicious::Renderer->new);

       Used in your application to render content, defaults to a
       Mojolicious::Renderer object.  The two main renderer plugins
       Mojolicious::Plugin::EPRenderer and Mojolicious::Plugin::EPLRenderer
       contain more information.

	 my $routes = $app->routes;
	 $app	    = $app->routes(Mojolicious::Routes->new);

       The routes dispatcher, defaults to a Mojolicious::Routes object.	 You
       use this in your startup method to define the url endpoints for your

	 sub startup {
	   my $self = shift;

	   my $r = $self->routes;

	 my $secret = $app->secret;
	 $app	    = $app->secret('passw0rd');

       A secret passphrase used for signed cookies and the like, defaults to
       the application name which is not very secure, so you should change
       it!!!  As long as you are using the unsecure default there will be
       debug messages in the log file reminding you to change your passphrase.

	 my $sessions = $app->sessions;
	 $app	      = $app->sessions(Mojolicious::Sessions->new);

       Simple signed cookie based sessions, defaults to a
       Mojolicious::Sessions object.  You can usually leave this alone, see
       "session" in Mojolicious::Controller for more information about working
       with session data.

	 my $static = $app->static;
	 $app	    = $app->static(Mojolicious::Static->new);

       For serving static assets from your "public" directory, defaults to a
       Mojolicious::Static object.

	 my $types = $app->types;
	 $app	   = $app->types(Mojolicious::Types->new);

       Responsible for connecting file extensions with MIME types, defaults to
       a Mojolicious::Types object.

	 $app->types->type(twt => 'text/tweet');

       Mojolicious inherits all methods from Mojo and implements the following
       new ones.

	 my $app = Mojolicious->new;

       Construct a new Mojolicious application.	 Will automatically detect
       your home directory and set up logging based on your current operating
       mode.  Also sets up the renderer, static dispatcher and a default set
       of plugins.

	 my $defaults = $app->defaults;
	 my $foo      = $app->defaults('foo');
	 $app	      = $app->defaults({foo => 'bar'});
	 $app	      = $app->defaults(foo => 'bar');

       Default values for the stash, assigned for every new request.

	 $app->defaults->{foo} = 'bar';
	 my $foo = $app->defaults->{foo};
	 delete $app->defaults->{foo};


       The heart of every Mojolicious application, calls the static and routes
       dispatchers for every request and passes them a Mojolicious::Controller

	 $tx = $app->handler($tx);

       Sets up the default controller and calls process for every request.

	 $app->helper(foo => sub {...});

       Add a new helper that will be available as a method of the controller
       object and the application object, as well as a function in "ep"

	 # Helper
	 $app->helper(add => sub { $_[1] + $_[2] });

	 # Controller/Application
	 my $result = $self->add(2, 3);

	 # Template
	 <%= add 2, 3 %>

	 $app->hook(after_dispatch => sub {...});

       Extend Mojolicious by adding hooks to named events.

       The following events are available and run in the listed order.

	 Triggered right after the transaction is built and before the HTTP
	 request gets parsed, the callbacks of this hook run in the order they
	 were added.  One use case would be upload progress bars.  (Passed the
	 transaction and application instances)

	   $app->hook(after_build_tx => sub {
	     my ($tx, $app) = @_;

	 Triggered right before the static and routes dispatchers start their
	 work, the callbacks of this hook run in the order they were added.
	 Very useful for rewriting incoming requests and other preprocessing
	 tasks.	 (Passed the default controller instance)

	   $app->hook(before_dispatch => sub {
	     my $self = shift;

	 Triggered after the static dispatcher determined if a static file
	 should be served and before the routes dispatcher starts its work,
	 the callbacks of this hook run in reverse order.  Mostly used for
	 custom dispatchers and postprocessing static file responses.  (Passed
	 the default controller instance)

	   $app->hook(after_static_dispatch => sub {
	     my $self = shift;

	 Triggered right before the renderer turns the stash into a response,
	 the callbacks of this hook run in the order they were added.  Very
	 useful for making adjustments to the stash right before rendering.
	 (Passed the current controller instance and argument hash)

	   $app->hook(before_render => sub {
	     my ($self, $args) = @_;

	 Note that this hook is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning!

	 Triggered after a response has been rendered, the callbacks of this
	 hook run in reverse order.  Note that this hook can trigger before
	 "after_static_dispatch" due to its dynamic nature.  Useful for all
	 kinds of postprocessing tasks.	 (Passed the current controller

	   $app->hook(after_dispatch => sub {
	     my $self = shift;

	 $app->plugin('some_thing', foo => 23);
	 $app->plugin('some_thing', {foo => 23});
	 $app->plugin('SomeThing', foo => 23);
	 $app->plugin('SomeThing', {foo => 23});
	 $app->plugin('MyApp::Plugin::SomeThing', foo => 23);
	 $app->plugin('MyApp::Plugin::SomeThing', {foo => 23});

       Load a plugin with "register_plugin" in Mojolicious::Plugins.

       The following plugins are included in the Mojolicious distribution as

	 Very versatile route condition for arbitrary callbacks.

	 Change the application charset.

	 Perl-ish configuration files.

	 General purpose helper collection.

	 Renderer for plain embedded Perl templates.

	 Renderer for more sophisiticated embedded Perl templates.

	 Route condition for all kinds of headers.

	 Internationalization helpers.

	 JSON configuration files.

	 Mount whole Mojolicious applications.

	 Renderer for POD files and documentation browser.

	 Add an "X-Powered-By" header to outgoing responses.

	 Log timing information.

	 Template specific helper collection.


       Start the Mojolicious::Commands command line interface for your


       This is your main hook into the application, it will be called at
       application startup.

	 sub startup {
	   my $self = shift;

       In addition to the attributes and methods above you can also call
       helpers on instances of Mojolicious.  This includes all helpers from
       Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers and

	 $app->log->debug($app->dumper({foo => 'bar'}));


	 #mojo on



       Mojolicious ships with a few popular static files bundled in the
       "public" directory.

   Mojolicious Artwork
	 Copyright (C) 2010-2011, Sebastian Riedel.

       Licensed under the CC-SA License, Version 3.0

	 Version 1.6.3

       jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML
       document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions
       for rapid web development. jQuery is designed to change the way that
       you write JavaScript.

	 Copyright 2011, John Resig.

       Licensed under the MIT License,

	 Version 1-Jun-2011

       A Javascript module and CSS file that allows syntax highlighting of
       source code snippets in an html page.

	 Copyright (C) 2006, Google Inc.

       Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0

       Every major release of Mojolicious has a code name, these are the ones
       that have been used in the past.

       1.4, "Smiling Face With Sunglasses" (u1F60E)

       1.3, "Tropical Drink" (u1F379)

       1.1, "Smiling Cat Face With Heart-Shaped Eyes" (u1F63B)

       1.0, "Snowflake" (u2744)

       0.999930, "Hot Beverage" (u2615)

       0.999927, "Comet" (u2604)

       0.999920, "Snowman" (u2603)

       Sebastian Riedel, "".

       In alphabetical order.

	 Abhijit Menon-Sen

	 Adam Kennedy

	 Adriano Ferreira

	 Al Newkirk

	 Alex Salimon

	 Alexey Likhatskiy

	 Anatoly Sharifulin

	 Andre Vieth

	 Andrew Fresh

	 Andreas Koenig

	 Andy Grundman

	 Aristotle Pagaltzis

	 Ashley Dev

	 Ask Bjoern Hansen

	 Audrey Tang

	 Ben van Staveren

	 Breno G. de Oliveira

	 Brian Duggan

	 Burak Gursoy

	 Ch Lamprecht

	 Charlie Brady

	 Chas. J. Owens IV

	 Christian Hansen


	 Curt Tilmes

	 Daniel Kimsey

	 Danijel Tasov

	 David Davis

	 Dmitriy Shalashov

	 Dmitry Konstantinov

	 Eugene Toropov

	 Gisle Aas

	 Glen Hinkle

	 Graham Barr

	 Henry Tang

	 Hideki Yamamura

	 James Duncan

	 Jan Jona Javorsek

	 Jaroslav Muhin

	 Jesse Vincent

	 John Kingsley

	 Jonathan Yu

	 Kazuhiro Shibuya

	 Kevin Old

	 KITAMURA Akatsuki

	 Lars Balker Rasmussen

	 Leon Brocard

	 Magnus Holm

	 Maik Fischer

	 Marcus Ramberg

	 Mark Stosberg

	 Matthew Lineen

	 Maksym Komar

	 Maxim Vuets

	 Michael Harris

	 Mirko Westermeier

	 Mons Anderson

	 Moritz Lenz

	 Nils Diewald

	 Oleg Zhelo

	 Pascal Gaudette

	 Paul Tomlin

	 Pedro Melo

	 Peter Edwards

	 Pierre-Yves Ritschard

	 Quentin Carbonneaux

	 Rafal Pocztarski

	 Randal Schwartz

	 Robert Hicks

	 Robin Lee

	 Roland Lammel

	 Ryan Jendoubi

	 Sascha Kiefer

	 Sergey Zasenko

	 Simon Bertrang

	 Simone Tampieri

	 Shu Cho

	 Skye Shaw

	 Stanis Trendelenburg

	 Tatsuhiko Miyagawa

	 Terrence Brannon

	 The Perl Foundation

	 Tomas Znamenacek

	 Ulrich Habel

	 Ulrich Kautz

	 Uwe Voelker

	 Viacheslav Tykhanovskyi

	 Victor Engmark

	 Viliam Pucik

	 Yaroslav Korshak

	 Yuki Kimoto

	 Zak B. Elep

       Copyright (C) 2008-2011, Sebastian Riedel.

       This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0.

perl v5.14.1			  2011-09-13			Mojolicious(3)

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