LAST man page on NeXTSTEP

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LAST(1)								       LAST(1)

       last - indicate last logins of users and teletypes

       last [ -N ] [ name ...  ] [ tty ...  ]

       Last  will  look	 back  in  the	wtmp file which records all logins and
       logouts for information about a user, a teletype or any group of	 users
       and  teletypes.	 Arguments  specify  names  of	users  or teletypes of
       interest.  Names of teletypes may be given fully or  abbreviated.   For
       example `last 0' is the same as `last tty0'.  If multiple arguments are
       given, the information  which  applies  to  any	of  the	 arguments  is
       printed.	  For  example	`last root console' would list all of "root's"
       sessions as well as all sessions on the console	terminal.   Last  will
       print  the  sessions  of the specified users and teletypes, most recent
       first, indicating the times at which the session began, the duration of
       the  session, and the teletype which the session took place on.	If the
       session is still continuing or was cut  short  by  a  reboot,  last  so

       The pseudo-user reboot logs in at reboots of the system, thus

	    last reboot

       will give an indication of mean time between reboot.

       Last  with  no  arguments prints a record of all logins and logouts, in
       reverse order.  The -N option limits the report to N lines.

       If last is interrupted, it indicates how far the search has  progressed
       in  wtmp.  If interrupted with a quit signal (generated by a control-\)
       last indicates how far the search has progressed so far, and the search

       /usr/adm/wtmp	   login data base
       /usr/adm/shutdownlog	which records shutdowns and reasons for same

       wtmp(5), ac(8), lastcomm(1)

       Howard Katseff

4th Berkeley Distribution	April 29, 1985			       LAST(1)

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