GRID-MONITOR man page on Inferno

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       monitor - graphical display for viewing resource use.

       command | grid/srv/monitor interface [ wintitle ]

       Monitor is designed to work with resources that deal with incoming con‐
       nections (such as grid-register(1)) to visually display the connections
       to  a  specific	resource.  Interface sets the style of interface, this
       can be 1 or 2. Interface 1 is the simplest, displaying only a  list  of
       connections  to	the  resource.	Interface  2 is slightly more complex,
       allowing extra data to be displayed for each connection.	 While	inter‐
       face  1 shows all the connections at any one time, interface 2 displays
       a selection of 'slots' which have buttons that light up	to  signify  a
       connection.  Clicking on a lit button will display any data given about
       that connection in the main window.  Wintitle optionally sets the title
       of  the	monitor	 window.  Command must write status messages to stdout
       which are then read and displayed (if appropriate) by monitor.  Monitor
       reads on stdin and accepts the following input:

   Interface 1
       add addr			     display a connection from address addr

       del addr			     remove a connection from address addr

   Interface 2
       data set id { data }	     set  and  display the string data in slot

       data set id finished	     clear slot id

       setup maxusers n		     set display to fit a maximum of n connec‐
				     tions.  -1	 signifies  unlimited  connec‐

       starting pid		     add pid to a list of pids	whose  process
				     group  is to be killed if the user closes

       error errstr		     print out the error string errstr to  the

       exit			     close down monitor and kill all processes
				     in the current group.

       Input messages of any other form will simply be ignored.


       grid-register(1), ns(1), cpu(4)


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