MYSQLDUMP man page on GhostBSD

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MYSQLDUMP(1)		     MySQL Database System		  MYSQLDUMP(1)

       mysqldump - a database backup program

       mysqldump [options] [db_name [tbl_name ...]]

       The mysqldump client is a backup program originally written by Igor
       Romanenko. It can be used to dump a database or a collection of
       databases for backup or transfer to another SQL server (not necessarily
       a MySQL server). The dump typically contains SQL statements to create
       the table, populate it, or both. However, mysqldump can also be used to
       generate files in CSV, other delimited text, or XML format.

       If you are doing a backup on the server and your tables all are MyISAM
       tables, consider using the mysqlhotcopy instead because it can
       accomplish faster backups and faster restores. See mysqlhotcopy(1).

       There are three general ways to invoke mysqldump:

	  shell> mysqldump [options] db_name [tables]
	  shell> mysqldump [options] --databases db_name1 [db_name2 db_name3...]
	  shell> mysqldump [options] --all-databases

       If you do not name any tables following db_name or if you use the
       --databases or --all-databases option, entire databases are dumped.

       To get a list of the options your version of mysqldump supports,
       execute mysqldump --help.

       Some mysqldump options are shorthand for groups of other options.
       --opt and --compact fall into this category. For example, use of --opt
       is the same as specifying --add-drop-table --add-locks --create-options
       --disable-keys --extended-insert --lock-tables --quick --set-charset.
       Note that as of MySQL 4.1, all of the options that --opt stands for
       also are on by default because --opt is on by default.

       To reverse the effect of a group option, uses its --skip-xxx form
       (--skip-opt or --skip-compact). It is also possible to select only part
       of the effect of a group option by following it with options that
       enable or disable specific features. Here are some examples:

       ·  To select the effect of --opt except for some features, use the
	  --skip option for each feature. For example, to disable extended
	  inserts and memory buffering, use --opt --skip-extended-insert
	  --skip-quick. (As of MySQL 4.1, --skip-extended-insert --skip-quick
	  is sufficient because --opt is on by default.)

       ·  To reverse --opt for all features except index disabling and table
	  locking, use --skip-opt --disable-keys --lock-tables.

       When you selectively enable or disable the effect of a group option,
       order is important because options are processed first to last. For
       example, --disable-keys --lock-tables --skip-opt would not have the
       intended effect; it is the same as --skip-opt by itself.

       mysqldump can retrieve and dump table contents row by row, or it can
       retrieve the entire content from a table and buffer it in memory before
       dumping it. Buffering in memory can be a problem if you are dumping
       large tables. To dump tables row by row, use the --quick option (or
       --opt, which enables --quick).  --opt (and hence --quick) is enabled by
       default as of MySQL 4.1 to enable memory buffering, use --skip-quick.

       If you are using a recent version of mysqldump to generate a dump to be
       reloaded into a very old MySQL server, you should not use the --opt or
       --extended-insert option. Use --skip-opt instead.

       Before MySQL 4.1.2, out-of-range numeric values such as -inf and inf,
       as well as NaN (not-a-number) values are dumped by mysqldump as NULL.
       You can see this using the following sample table:

	  mysql> CREATE TABLE t (f DOUBLE);
	  mysql> INSERT INTO t VALUES(1e+111111111111111111111);
	  mysql> INSERT INTO t VALUES(-1e111111111111111111111);
	  mysql> SELECT f FROM t;
	  | f	 |
	  |  inf |
	  | -inf |

       For this table, mysqldump produces the following data output:

	  -- Dumping data for table `t`

       The significance of this behavior is that if you dump and restore the
       table, the new table has contents that differ from the original
       contents. This problem is fixed as of MySQL 4.1.2; you cannot insert
       inf in the table, so this mysqldump behavior is only relevant when you
       deal with old servers.

       mysqldump supports the following options:

       ·  --help, -?

	  Display a help message and exit.

       ·  --add-drop-database

	  Add a DROP DATABASE statement before each CREATE DATABASE statement.
	  Added in MySQL 4.1.13.

       ·  --add-drop-table

	  Add a DROP TABLE statement before each CREATE TABLE statement.

       ·  --add-locks

	  Surround each table dump with LOCK TABLES and UNLOCK TABLES
	  statements. This results in faster inserts when the dump file is
	  reloaded. See Section 2.13, “Speed of INSERT Statements”.

       ·  --all-databases, -A

	  Dump all tables in all databases. This is the same as using the
	  --databases option and naming all the databases on the command line.

       ·  --allow-keywords

	  Allow creation of column names that are keywords. This works by
	  prefixing each column name with the table name.

       ·  --character-sets-dir=path

	  The directory where character sets are installed. See Section 9.1,
	  “The Character Set Used for Data and Sorting”.

       ·  --comments, -i

	  Write additional information in the dump file such as program
	  version, server version, and host. This option is enabled by
	  default. To suppress this additional information, use
	  --skip-comments. This option was added in MySQL 4.0.17.

       ·  --compact

	  Produce less verbose output. This option suppresses comments and
	  enables the --skip-add-drop-table, --no-set-names,
	  --skip-disable-keys, and --skip-add-locks options. Added in MySQL

       ·  --compatible=name

	  Produce output that is more compatible with other database systems
	  or with older MySQL servers. The value of name can be ansi,
	  mysql323, mysql40, postgresql, oracle, mssql, db2, maxdb,
	  no_key_options, no_table_options, or no_field_options. To use
	  several values, separate them by commas. These values have the same
	  meaning as the corresponding options for setting the server SQL
	  mode. See the section called “SQL MODES”.

	  This option does not guarantee compatibility with other servers. It
	  only enables those SQL mode values that are currently available for
	  making dump output more compatible. For example, --compatible=oracle
	  does not map data types to Oracle types or use Oracle comment

	  This option requires a server version of 4.1.0 or higher. With older
	  servers, it does nothing.

       ·  --complete-insert, -c

	  Use complete INSERT statements that include column names.

       ·  --compress, -C

	  Compress all information sent between the client and the server if
	  both support compression.

       ·  --create-options

	  Include all MySQL-specific table options in the CREATE TABLE
	  statements. Before MySQL 4.1.2, use --all instead.

       ·  --databases, -B

	  Dump several databases. Normally, mysqldump treats the first name
	  argument on the command line as a database name and following names
	  as table names. With this option, it treats all name arguments as
	  database names.  CREATE DATABASE and USE statements are included in
	  the output before each new database.

       ·  --debug[=debug_options], -# [debug_options]

	  Write a debugging log. The debug_options string is often
	  ´d:t:o,file_name'. The default value is

       ·  --default-character-set=charset_name

	  Use charset_name as the default character set. See Section 9.1, “The
	  Character Set Used for Data and Sorting”. If no character set is
	  specified, mysqldump from MySQL 4.1.2 or later uses utf8, and
	  earlier versions use latin1.

       ·  --delayed-insert

	  Write INSERT DELAYED statements rather than INSERT statements.

       ·  --delete-master-logs

	  On a master replication server, delete the binary logs after
	  performing the dump operation. This option automatically enables
	  --first-slave before MySQL 4.1.8 and enables --master-data
	  thereafter. It was added in MySQL 3.23.57 (for MySQL 3.23) and MySQL
	  4.0.13 (for MySQL 4.0).

       ·  --disable-keys, -K

	  For each table, surround the INSERT statements with /*!40000 ALTER
	  TABLE tbl_name DISABLE KEYS */; and /*!40000 ALTER TABLE tbl_name
	  ENABLE KEYS */; statements. This makes loading the dump file into a
	  MySQL 4.0 or newer server faster because the indexes are created
	  after all rows are inserted. This option is effective for MyISAM
	  tables only.

       ·  --extended-insert, -e

	  Use multiple-row INSERT syntax that include several VALUES lists.
	  This results in a smaller dump file and speeds up inserts when the
	  file is reloaded.

       ·  --fields-terminated-by=..., --fields-enclosed-by=...,
	  --fields-optionally-enclosed-by=..., --fields-escaped-by=...

	  These options are used with the -T option and have the same meaning
	  as the corresponding clauses for LOAD DATA INFILE. See Section 2.5,

       ·  --first-slave, -x

	  Deprecated. Renamed to --lock-all-tables in MySQL 4.1.8.

       ·  --flush-logs, -F

	  Flush the MySQL server log files before starting the dump. This
	  option requires the RELOAD privilege. Note that if you use this
	  option in combination with the --all-databases (or -A) option, the
	  logs are flushed for each database dumped. The exception is when
	  using --lock-all-tables or --master-data: In this case, the logs are
	  flushed only once, corresponding to the moment that all tables are
	  locked. If you want your dump and the log flush to happen at exactly
	  the same moment, you should use --flush-logs together with either
	  --lock-all-tables or --master-data.

       ·  --force, -f

	  Continue even if an SQL error occurs during a table dump.

       ·  --host=host_name, -h host_name

	  Dump data from the MySQL server on the given host. The default host
	  is localhost.

       ·  --hex-blob

	  Dump binary columns using hexadecimal notation (for example, ´abc'
	  becomes 0x616263). The affected data types are BINARY, VARBINARY,
	  and BLOB in MySQL 4.1 and up, and CHAR BINARY, VARCHAR BINARY, and
	  BLOB in MySQL 4.0. This option was added in MySQL 4.0.23 and 4.1.8.

       ·  --ignore-table=db_name.tbl_name

	  Do not dump the given table, which must be specified using both the
	  database and table names. To ignore multiple tables, use this option
	  multiple times. This option was added in MySQL 4.1.9.

       ·  --insert-ignore

	  Write INSERT statements with the IGNORE option. This option was
	  added in MySQL 4.1.12.

       ·  --lines-terminated-by=...

	  This option is used with the -T option and has the same meaning as
	  the corresponding clause for LOAD DATA INFILE. See Section 2.5,

       ·  --lock-all-tables, -x

	  Lock all tables across all databases. This is achieved by acquiring
	  a global read lock for the duration of the whole dump. This option
	  automatically turns off --single-transaction and --lock-tables.
	  Added in MySQL 4.1.8.

       ·  --lock-tables, -l

	  Lock all tables before dumping them. The tables are locked with READ
	  LOCAL to allow concurrent inserts in the case of MyISAM tables. For
	  transactional tables such as InnoDB and BDB, --single-transaction is
	  a much better option, because it does not need to lock the tables at

	  Please note that when dumping multiple databases, --lock-tables
	  locks tables for each database separately. Therefore, this option
	  does not guarantee that the tables in the dump file are logically
	  consistent between databases. Tables in different databases may be
	  dumped in completely different states.

       ·  --master-data[=value]

	  Write the binary log filename and position to the output. This
	  option requires the RELOAD privilege and the binary log must be
	  enabled. If the option value is equal to 1, the position and
	  filename are written to the dump output in the form of a CHANGE
	  MASTER statement. If the dump is from a master server and you use it
	  to set up a slave server, the CHANGE MASTER statement causes the
	  slave to start from the correct position in the master's binary
	  logs. If the option value is equal to 2, the CHANGE MASTER statement
	  is written as an SQL comment. (This is the default action if value
	  is omitted.)	value may be given as of MySQL 4.1.8; before that, do
	  not specify an option value.

	  The --master-data option automatically turns off --lock-tables. It
	  also turns on --lock-all-tables, unless --single-transaction also is
	  specified (in which case, a global read lock is acquired only for a
	  short time at the beginning of the dump. See also the description
	  for --single-transaction. In all cases, any action on logs happens
	  at the exact moment of the dump.

       ·  --no-autocommit

	  Enclose the INSERT statements for each dumped table within SET
	  AUTOCOMMIT=0 and COMMIT statements.

       ·  --no-create-db, -n

	  This option suppresses the CREATE DATABASE statements that are
	  otherwise included in the output if the --databases or
	  --all-databases option is given.

       ·  --no-create-info, -t

	  Do not write CREATE TABLE statements that re-create each dumped

       ·  --no-data, -d

	  Do not write any table row information (that is, do not dump table
	  contents). This is very useful if you want to dump only the CREATE
	  TABLE statement for the table.

       ·  --opt

	  This option is shorthand; it is the same as specifying
	  --add-drop-table --add-locks --create-options --disable-keys
	  --extended-insert --lock-tables --quick --set-charset. It should
	  give you a fast dump operation and produce a dump file that can be
	  reloaded into a MySQL server quickly.

	  As of MySQL 4.1, --opt is enabled by default. Use --skip-opt to
	  disable it.  See the discussion at the beginning of this section for
	  information about selectively enabling or disabling certain of the
	  options affected by --opt.

       ·  --order-by-primary

	  Sorts each table's rows by its primary key, or by its first unique
	  index, if such an index exists. This is useful when dumping a MyISAM
	  table to be loaded into an InnoDB table, but will make the dump
	  itself take considerably longer. This option was added in MySQL

       ·  --password[=password], -p[password]

	  The password to use when connecting to the server. If you use the
	  short option form (-p), you cannot have a space between the option
	  and the password. If you omit the password value following the
	  --password or -p option on the command line, you are prompted for

	  Specifying a password on the command line should be considered
	  insecure. See Section 7.6, “Keeping Your Password Secure”.

       ·  --port=port_num, -P port_num

	  The TCP/IP port number to use for the connection.

       ·  --protocol={TCP|SOCKET|PIPE|MEMORY}

	  The connection protocol to use. Added in MySQL 4.1.

       ·  --quick, -q

	  This option is useful for dumping large tables. It forces mysqldump
	  to retrieve rows for a table from the server a row at a time rather
	  than retrieving the entire row set and buffering it in memory before
	  writing it out.

       ·  --quote-names, -Q

	  Quote database, table, and column names within ‘`’ characters. If
	  the ANSI_QUOTES SQL mode is enabled, names are quoted within ‘"’
	  characters. As of MySQL 4.1.1, --quote-names is enabled by default.
	  It can be disabled with --skip-quote-names, but this option should
	  be given after any option such as --compatible that may enable

       ·  --result-file=file, -r file

	  Direct output to a given file. This option should be used on Windows
	  to prevent newline ‘0(cq characters from being converted to ‘\r0(cq
	  carriage return/newline sequences. The result file is created and
	  its contents overwritten, even if an error occurs while generating
	  the dump. The previous contents are lost.

       ·  --set-charset

	  Add SET NAMES default_character_set to the output. This option is
	  enabled by default. To suppress the SET NAMES statement, use
	  --skip-set-charset. This option was added in MySQL 4.1.2.

       ·  --single-transaction

	  This option issues a BEGIN SQL statement before dumping data from
	  the server. It is useful only with transactional tables such as
	  InnoDB and BDB, because then it dumps the consistent state of the
	  database at the time when BEGIN was issued without blocking any

	  When using this option, you should keep in mind that only InnoDB
	  tables are dumped in a consistent state. For example, any MyISAM or
	  MEMORY tables dumped while using this option may still change state.

	  The --single-transaction option was added in MySQL 4.0.2. This
	  option is mutually exclusive with the --lock-tables option, because
	  LOCK TABLES causes any pending transactions to be committed

	  This option is not supported for MySQL Cluster tables; the results
	  cannot be guaranteed to be consistent due to the fact that the
	  NDBCluster storage engine supports only the READ_COMMITTED
	  transaction isolation level. You should always use NDB backup and
	  restore instead.

	  To dump large tables, you should combine this option with --quick.

       ·  --skip-opt

	  See the description for the --opt option.

       ·  --socket=path, -S path

	  For connections to localhost, the Unix socket file to use, or, on
	  Windows, the name of the named pipe to use.

       ·  --skip-comments

	  See the description for the --comments option.

       ·  --ssl*

	  Options that begin with --ssl specify whether to connect to the
	  server via SSL and indicate where to find SSL keys and certificates.
	  See Section 7.7.3, “SSL Command Options”.

       ·  --tab=path, -T path

	  Produce tab-separated data files. For each dumped table, mysqldump
	  creates a tbl_name.sql file that contains the CREATE TABLE statement
	  that creates the table, and a tbl_name.txt file that contains its
	  data. The option value is the directory in which to write the files.

	  By default, the .txt data files are formatted using tab characters
	  between column values and a newline at the end of each line. The
	  format can be specified explicitly using the --fields-xxx and
	  --lines--xxx options.

	  Note: This option should be used only when mysqldump is run on the
	  same machine as the mysqld server. You must have the FILE privilege,
	  and the server must have permission to write files in the directory
	  that you specify.

       ·  --tables

	  Override the --databases or -B option.  mysqldump regards all name
	  arguments following the option as table names.

       ·  --user=user_name, -u user_name

	  The MySQL username to use when connecting to the server.

       ·  --verbose, -v

	  Verbose mode. Print more information about what the program does.

       ·  --version, -V

	  Display version information and exit.

       ·  --where='where_condition', -w 'where_condition'

	  Dump only rows selected by the given WHERE condition. Quotes around
	  the condition are mandatory if it contains spaces or other
	  characters that are special to your command interpreter.



       ·  --xml, -X

	  Write dump output as well-formed XML.

       You can also set the following variables by using --var_name=value

       ·  max_allowed_packet

	  The maximum size of the buffer for client/server communication. The
	  value of the variable can be up to 16MB before MySQL 4.0, and up to
	  1GB from MySQL 4.0 on.

       ·  net_buffer_length

	  The initial size of the buffer for client/server communication. When
	  creating multiple-row-insert statements (as with option
	  --extended-insert or --opt), mysqldump creates rows up to
	  net_buffer_length length. If you increase this variable, you should
	  also ensure that the net_buffer_length variable in the MySQL server
	  is at least this large.

       It is also possible to set variables by using
       --set-variable=var_name=value or -O var_name=value syntax. However,
       this syntax is deprecated as of MySQL 4.0.

       The most common use of mysqldump is probably for making a backup of an
       entire database:

	  shell> mysqldump db_name > backup-file.sql

       You can read the dump file back into the server like this:

	  shell> mysql db_name < backup-file.sql

       Or like this:

	  shell> mysql -e "source /path-to-backup/backup-file.sql" db_name

       mysqldump is also very useful for populating databases by copying data
       from one MySQL server to another:

	  shell> mysqldump --opt db_name | mysql --host=remote_host -C db_name

       It is possible to dump several databases with one command:

	  shell> mysqldump --databases db_name1 [db_name2 ...] > my_databases.sql

       To dump all databases, use the --all-databases option:

	  shell> mysqldump --all-databases > all_databases.sql

       For InnoDB tables, mysqldump provides a way of making an online backup:

	  shell> mysqldump --all-databases --single-transaction > all_databases.sql

       This backup just needs to acquire a global read lock on all tables
       (using FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK) at the beginning of the dump. As
       soon as this lock has been acquired, the binary log coordinates are
       read and the lock is released. If and only if one long updating
       statement is running when the FLUSH statement is issued, the MySQL
       server may get stalled until that long statement finishes, and then the
       dump becomes lock-free. If the update statements that the MySQL server
       receives are short (in terms of execution time), the initial lock
       period should not be noticeable, even with many updates.

       For point-in-time recovery (also known as “roll-forward,” when you need
       to restore an old backup and replay the changes that happened since
       that backup), it is often useful to rotate the binary log (see
       Section 10.4, “The Binary Log”) or at least know the binary log
       coordinates to which the dump corresponds:

	  shell> mysqldump --all-databases --master-data=2 > all_databases.sql


	  shell> mysqldump --all-databases --flush-logs --master-data=2
			> all_databases.sql

       The --master-data and --single-transaction options can be used
       simultaneously as of MySQL 4.1.8, which provides a convenient way to
       make an online backup suitable for point-in-time recovery if tables are
       stored using the InnoDB storage engine.

       For more information on making backups, see Section 8.1, “Database
       Backups”, and Section 8.2, “Example Backup and Recovery Strategy”.

       Copyright 1997-2006 MySQL AB

       This documentation is NOT distributed under a GPL license. Use of this
       documentation is subject to the following terms: You may create a
       printed copy of this documentation solely for your own personal use.
       Conversion to other formats is allowed as long as the actual content is
       not altered or edited in any way. You shall not publish or distribute
       this documentation in any form or on any media, except if you
       distribute the documentation in a manner similar to how MySQL
       disseminates it (that is, electronically for download on a Web site
       with the software) or on a CD-ROM or similar medium, provided however
       that the documentation is disseminated together with the software on
       the same medium. Any other use, such as any dissemination of printed
       copies or use of this documentation, in whole or in part, in another
       publication, requires the prior written consent from an authorized
       representative of MySQL AB. MySQL AB reserves any and all rights to
       this documentation not expressly granted above.

       Please email <> for more information.

       isamchk(1), isamlog(1), msql2mysql(1), myisam_ftdump(1), myisamchk(1),
       myisamlog(1), myisampack(1), mysql(1), mysql.server(1),
       mysql_config(1), mysql_explain_log(1), mysql_fix_privilege_tables(1),
       mysql_zap(1), mysqlaccess(1), mysqladmin(1), mysqlbinlog(1),
       mysqlcheck(1), mysqld(1), mysqld(8), mysqld_multi(1), mysqld_safe(1),
       mysqlhotcopy(1), mysqlimport(1), mysqlshow(1), pack_isam(1), perror(1),
       replace(1), safe_mysqld(1)

       For more information, please refer to the MySQL Reference Manual, which
       may already be installed locally and which is also available online at

       MySQL AB (  This software comes with no

MySQL 4.1			  11/02/2006			  MYSQLDUMP(1)

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