ICONV_OPEN_INTO man page on Darwin

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ICONV_OPEN_INTO(3)	   Linux Programmer's Manual	    ICONV_OPEN_INTO(3)

       iconv_open_into - initialize descriptor for character set conversion

       #include <iconv.h>

       int iconv_open_into (const char* tocode, const char* fromcode,
			    iconv_allocation_t* resultp);

       The  iconv_open_into function initializes a conversion descriptor suit‐
       able for converting byte sequences from character encoding fromcode  to
       character  encoding tocode.  The conversion descriptor is stored in the
       memory pointed to by resultp.

       The values permitted for fromcode and tocode are the same  as  for  the
       function iconv_open.

       After a successful return from this function, resultp can be be used as
       an iconv_t object with the iconv function.

       The iconv_open_into function fills *resultp and returns 0  if  it  suc‐
       ceeds. In case of error, it sets errno and returns -1.

       The following error can occur, among others:

       EINVAL The  conversion  from fromcode to tocode is not supported by the

       This function is implemented only in GNU	 libiconv  and	not  in	 other
       iconv implementations. It is not backed by a standard. You can test for
       its presence through (_LIBICONV_VERSION >= 0x010D).

       iconv_open(3) iconv(3)

GNU			      September 21, 2008	    ICONV_OPEN_INTO(3)

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