PMLOGREDUCE man page on Pidora

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       pmlogreduce - temporal reduction of Performance Co-Pilot archives

       $PCP_BINADM_DIR/pmlogreduce [-z] [-A align] [-S starttime] [-s samples]
       [-T endtime] [-t interval] [-v volsamples] [-Z timezone] input output

       pmlogreduce reads one Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) archive identified  by
       input  (this  must  be  a  PCP archive created by pmlogger(1), pmlogex‐
       tract(1) or pmlogreduce(1)), and creates a temporally reduced  PCP  ar‐
       chive  in output.  The data reduction involves statistical and temporal
       reduction of samples with an output sampling interval defined by the -t
       option  in the output archive (independent of the sampling intervals in
       the input archive), and is further controlled  by  other	 command  line

       For  some  metrics, temporal data reduction is not going to be helpful,
       so for metrics with types PM_TYPE_AGGREGATE or PM_TYPE_EVENT, a warning
       is  issued if these metrics are found in input and they will be skipped
       and not appear in the output archive.

       The command line options for pmlogreduce are as follows:

       -A align
	      Specify a ``natural'' alignment  of  the	output	sample	times;
	      refer to PCPIntro(1).

       -S starttime
	      Define  the  start  of  a	 time  window  to restrict the samples
	      retrieved from the input archive; refer to PCPIntro(1).

       -s samples
	      The argument samples defines the number of samples to be written
	      to  output.  If samples is 0 or -s is not specified, pmlogreduce
	      will sample until the end of the PCP archive, or the end of  the
	      time  window  as specified by -T, whichever comes first.	The -s
	      option will override the -T option if it occurs sooner.

       -T endtime
	      Define the termination of a time window to restrict the  samples
	      retrieved from the input archive; refer to PCPIntro(1).

       -v volsamples
	      The  output  archive is potentially a multi-volume data set, and
	      the -v option causes pmlogreduce to start	 a  new	 volume	 after
	      volsamples log records have been written to the output archive.

	      Independent  of any -v option, each volume of an archive is lim‐
	      ited to no more than 2^31 bytes, so pmlogreduce  will  automati‐
	      cally  create  a new volume for the archive before this limit is

       -t interval
	      Consecutive samples in the output archive	 will  appear  with  a
	      time  delta defined by interval; refer to PCPIntro(1).  Note the
	      default value is 600 (seconds, i.e. 10 minutes).

       -Z timezone
	      Use timezone when displaying the date and time, or  interpreting
	      the  -S  and -T options.	Timezone is in the format of the envi‐
	      ronment variable TZ as described in environ(5).

       -z     Use the local timezone of the host from the input	 archive  when
	      displaying  the  date  and  time,	 or interpreting the -S and -T
	      options.	The default is to initially use the  timezone  of  the
	      local host.

       The statistical and temporal reduction follows the following rules:

       1.  Consecutive	records from input are read without interpolation, and
	   at most one output record is written for each interval, summarizing
	   the performance data over that period.

       2.  If  the semantics of a metric indicates it is instantaneous or dis‐
	   crete then output value is computed as the arithmetic mean  of  the
	   observations (if any) over each interval.

       3.  If  the  semantics  of  a metric indicates it is a counter then the
	   following transformations are applied:
	   a)  Metrics with 32-bit precision are promoted to 64-bit precision.
	   b)  Any counter wrap (overflow) is noted, and  appropriate  adjust‐
	       ment  made in the value of the metric over each interval.  This
	       will be correct in the case of a single counter wrap, but  will
	       silently	 underestimate in the case where more than one counter
	       wrap occurs between consecutive observations in the  input  ar‐
	       chive, and silently overestimate in the case where a counter is
	       reset occurs between consecutive observations in the input  ar‐
	       chive;  unfortunately  these situations cannot be detected, but
	       are believed to be rare events for the sort of production moni‐
	       toring  environments  where  pmlogreduce	 is  most likely to be

       4.  Any changes in instance domains, and indeed all metadata,  is  pre‐

       5.  Any	``mark''  records in the input archive (as created by pmlogex‐
	   tract(1)) will be preserved in the output archive, so periods where
	   no  data  is	 available are maintained, and data interpolation will
	   not occur across these periods when the output  archive  is	subse‐
	   quently processed with PCP applications.

       For  each  of the input and output archives, several physical files are
		 metadata (metric descriptions, instance  domains,  etc.)  for
		 the archive log
       archive.0 initial  volume  of  metrics  values (subsequent volumes have
		 suffixes 1, 2, ...) - for input these	files  may  have  been
		 previously  compressed	 with bzip2(1) or gzip(1) and thus may
		 have an additional .bz2 or .gz suffix.
		 temporal index to support rapid random access	to  the	 other
		 files in the archive log.

       Environment variables with the prefix PCP_ are used to parameterize the
       file and directory names used by PCP.  On each installation,  the  file
       /etc/pcp.conf  contains	the  local  values  for	 these variables.  The
       $PCP_CONF variable may be used to specify an alternative	 configuration
       file, as described in pcp.conf(4).

       PCPIntro(1),   pmdumplog(1),   pmlc(1),	pmlogextract(1),  pmlogger(1),
       pcp.conf(4) and pcp.env(4).

       All error conditions detected by pmlogreduce  are  reported  on	stderr
       with textual (if sometimes terse) explanation.

       Should  the input archive be corrupted (this can happen if the pmlogger
       instance writing the archive  suddenly  dies),  then  pmlogreduce  will
       detect  and  report the position of the corruption in the file, and any
       subsequent information from the input archive will not be processed.

       If any error is detected, pmlogreduce will exit with a non-zero status.

       The preamble metrics  (pmcd.pmlogger.archive,,  and
       pmcd.pmlogger.port),  which  are	 automatically recorded by pmlogger at
       the start of the archive, may not be present in the archive  output  by
       pmlogreduce.   These  metrics  are  only	 relevant while the archive is
       being created, and have no significance once recording has finished.

Performance Co-Pilot		      SGI			PMLOGREDUCE(1)

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