cmul man page on OSF1

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complex(3)							    complex(3)

       csin, ccos, cdiv, cexp, clog, cmul, cpow, csqrt - Complex functions

       #include <math.h>

       double_complex csin(
	       double x,
	       double y ); float_complex csinf(
	       float x,
	       float y ); double_complex ccos(
	       double x,
	       double y ); float_complex ccosf(
	       float x,
	       float y ); double_complex cdiv(
	       double a,
	       double b,
	       double c,
	       double d ); float_complex cdivf(
	       float a,
	       float b,
	       float c,
	       float d ); double_complex cexp(
	       double x,
	       double y ); float_complex cexpf(
	       float x,
	       float y ); double_complex clog(
	       double x,
	       double y ); float_complex clogf(
	       float x,
	       float y ); double_complex cmul(
	       double a,
	       double b,
	       double c,
	       double d ); float_complex cmulf(
	       float a,
	       float b,
	       float c,
	       float d ); double_complex cpow(
	       double a,
	       double b,
	       double c,
	       double d ); float_complex cpowf(
	       float a,
	       float b,
	       float c,
	       float d ); double_complex csqrt(
	       double x,
	       double y ); float_complex csqrtf(
	       float x,
	       float y );

       Math Library (libm)

       These functions can only be called from languages that support the dou‐
       ble_complex and float_complex data types.

       csin() and csinf() compute the sine of a complex number.

       ccos() and ccosf() return the cosine of a complex number.

       cdiv()  and  cdivf()  return  the  quotient  of	two  complex  numbers:

       cexp() and cexpf() return the exponential of a complex number.

       clog() and clogf() return the natural logarithm of a complex number.

       cmul()	and  cmulf()  return  the  product  of	two  complex  numbers.
       cmul(a,b,c,d) is equivalent to (a + ib) * (c + id).

       cpow() and cpowf() raise a complex base (a + ib) to a complex  exponent
       (c + id). cpow(a,b,c,d) is equivalent to e**((c + id) ln(a + ib)).

       csqrt()	and  csqrtf() compute the square root of a complex number, x +
       iy. The real part of csqrt is greater than or equal to zero.

       Function			 Exceptional Argument	   Routine Behavior
       csin(), csinf()		 |y| = infinity		   invalid argument
       csin(), csinf()		 (sinh	x   sin	  y)   >   overflow
       csin(), csinf()		 (cosh	 x   cos   y)  >   overflow
       ccos(), ccosf()		 |y| = infinity		   invalid argument
       ccos(), ccosf()		 (sin  x   sinh	  y)   >   overflow
       ccos(), ccosf()		 (cos	x   cosh   y)  >   overflow
       cdiv(), cdivf()		 c=0 and d=0		   divide by zero
       cdiv(), cdivf()		 a=b=c=d=0		   invalid argument
       cexp(), cexpf()		 |y| = infinity		   invalid argument
       cexp(), cexpf()		 |e**x	  cos	 y|    >   overflow
       cexp(), cexpf()		 |e**x	  sin	 y|    >   overflow
       cexp(), cexpf()		 |e**x	  cos	 y|    <   underflow
       cexp(), cexpf()		 |e**x	  sin	 y|    <   underflow
       clog(), clogf()		 y=0 and x=0		   invalid argument
       clog(), clogf()		 |x| = |y| = infinity	   invalid argument
       cpow(), cpowf()		 sqrt(a**2  +  b**2)   >   overflow
       cpow(), cpowf()		 c/2 * ln(a**2 + b**2) >   overflow
       cpow(), cpowf()		 c/2 * ln(a**2 + b**2) -   overflow
				 (d   *	  atan2(b,c))  >

       Value Name   Data Type	Hexadecimal Value   Decimal Value
       max_float    F_FLOAT	FFFF7FFF	    1.701411e38
		    G_FLOAT	FFFFFFFFFFFF7FFF    8.988465674311579e307
		    S_FLOAT	7F7FFFFF	    3.402823e38
		    T_FLOAT	7FEFFFFFFFFFFFFF    1.797693134862316e308
       min_float    F_FLOAT	00000080	    2.9387359e-39
		    G_FLOAT	0000000000000010    5.562684646268003e-309
		    S_FLOAT	00000001	    1.4012985e-45
		    T_FLOAT	0000000000000001    4.940656458412465e-324


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