info - diskless client configuration information file
The file is a POSIX shell sourceable file which contains parameter def‐
initions used at boot time. Typically, it will be an empty file and
default values will be used for all parameters. Following is the list
of parameters which can be defined in the file:
Specifies the IP address of the client's private root server. If
this is not
specified, the client's private root
server defaults to the boot server.
Specifies the pathname to the client's private root on the pri‐
vate root
server. If this is not specified, the
client's private root path defaults to
Specifies the NFS mount options to mount the client's private
root from
the private root server. If this is not
specified, the mount options default to
Specifies the NFS mount options to mount the client's
directory from the boot server. If this
is not specified, the mount options
default to
Specifies whether NFS should be configured as primary swap.
order to swap to NFS, a diskless kernel
must be configured with tunable parame‐
ter set to 1.) If a diskless machine
has a local swap disk and swap to NFS
is not desired, the parameter should be
set to the value of 1 and the diskless
kernel should be configured without
setting to 1. If this parameter is not
specified in the file and the kernel
tunable parameter is set to 1, then NFS
will be configured as primary swap.
If not set, this parameter defaults to a value of 1, and results
in the
removal of all swapfiles above the con‐
figured swap minimum (swap is specified
in the client's when a diskless client
boots. This ensures that extraneous
swapfiles at boot time are removed,
thus freeing disk space. If is set to
0 in the file, removal of extra swap‐
files is disabled. This may result in
faster boot times due to the time sav‐
ings in creating additional swap files.
The file resides in the same directory as the client's kernel () on the
boot server and is retrieved at boot time using command. By default,
when a diskless client is created, an empty file is placed in the
client's kernel directory. This ensures that all parameters revert to
their default values (see above). If the file is not present, this is
an error.
An example file is shown below: